

Timely Updates on Resources, Strategies, and Events

Western NC Update and Mission Partnership Opportunity
North Point Community Church Pastor Freddy Johnson shares a video message about an opportunity for CMBA churches to partner in[...]
Church Revived Conference Offers “Playbook” for Church Life
Concord Fellowship Baptist Church hosted the first annual Church Revived conference from Jan. 31-Feb. 1 to help churches in the[...]
Associations Can Create a Missional Onramp for Churches
When Associational Missions Strategist Jamie Rogers began dreaming about creating a way for churches of all sizes to participate in[...]
2025 Serve Tour Information Meeting Mar. 3
Every CMBA church is invited to attend a Serve Tour interest meeting on Monday, March 3, at 12 p.m. at[...]
Advisory Team Meeting Concludes in Prayer for Every CMBA Church
January 2025 Advisory Team ReportDownload The CMBA Advisory Team met January 21 at Temple Zion Baptist Church to share ministry[...]
“Marriage that Lasts a Lifetime” Conference for All CMBA Members
CMBA is hosting an association-wide “Marriage That Lasts a Lifetime” Conference on Friday evening, May 2, through Saturday, May 3,[...]
2025 Spain Partnership Team Trips
CMBA is excited to share 2025 Mission Team trip dates linked to our partnership with Central Spain. Some of these[...]
Church Revitalization Resources Offer Help and Hope
Common Themes Among Revitalized ChurchesDownload CMBA Church Health & Resources Team Leader David Waganer sees similarities between a 2024 news[...]
Advisory Team Celebrates Ministry at Final 2024 Meeting
November 2024 Advisory Team ReportDownload The CMBA Advisory Team met virtually on November 26 to share ministry updates and conduct[...]
63 Students Accept Christ at ONE Night Midlands
ONE Night Midlands ReportDownload ONE Night Midlands, an evangelistic student event, was held Sunday, Nov. 17, at Shandon Baptist Church.[...]
CMBA Churches Brainstorm School Partnership Opportunities
September CMBA School Partnership Training WEBDownload Members from six CMBA churches met September 24 at New Creation Baptist in Columbia[...]
Kingdom Celebrations Focus of CMBA Executive Team Meeting
September 2024 Executive Team ReportDownload The CMBA Executive Team gathered September 17 at St. Andrews Baptist for its biannual meeting[...]
“Doing Life Together in Christ” at Spears Creek
Joshua Blythe Spears Creek WEBDownload Since being called to Spears Creek Baptist in 2023, Pastor Joshua Blythe has grown to[...]
Ravenwood Holds Dissolution Service, Gifts Property to Midtown Fellowship Two Notch
Ravenwood's Last Sunday WEBDownload Ravenwood Baptist Church held its dissolution service on September 1. About 30 members, former members, family,[...]
First Columbia Internationals Ministry Accepts Furniture, Housewares Donations Year-Round
FBC Internationals Accepts Furniture Donations WEBDownload First Internationals is First Baptist Columbia’s multi-faceted ministry to the Midlands international community. One[...]
Fall Partnerships, Events Discussed at August Advisory Team Meeting
August 2024 ATeam Report WEBDownload The CMBA Advisory Team met virtually on August 6 to conduct business and share ministry[...]
CMBA Pastors Discuss, React to SBC Annual Meeting
SBC-Annual-Mtg-Reactions-ResponsesDownload More than a dozen CMBA pastors and church staff members attended the 2024 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Annual Meeting[...]
Five New Believers Participate in New Creation’s First Baptism
New-Creation-BaptismsDownload New Creation Baptist Church was launched less than six months ago, and Pastor Ed Stewart baptized five new believers[...]
EVENT UPDATE: CMBA Associational Marriage Conference – Rescheduled to May 2-3, 2025
CMBA is hosting an Associational Marriage Conference on May 2-3, 2025, in the North Trenholm Baptist Student Center, located at[...]
Full-Circle Madrid Experience for Pastor Samuel Hernandez
Samuel-Hernandez-Madrid-Preaching-WEBDownload Samuel Hernandez, pastor of Iglesia Hispana Dios es Amor, joined the most recent CMBA Central Spain missions team trip[...]
Call to Missions at May Advisory Team Meeting
May-2024-ATeam-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Advisory Team met May 21 at New Heights Baptist to conduct business and share ministry updates. In[...]
$50 Walmart Gift Card Collection for International Teachers – Happening Now!
The CMBA Family of Churches has been a regular supporter of ministries to international teachers living and serving throughout the[...]
Spotlight on Filipino Pastor and Church Planter Jake Bolotano
Jake-Bolotano-WEBDownload Jake Bolotano is a church planter and the pastor of Filipino-American Friendship Ministry of Christ Church in Columbia. He[...]
City of Refuge Hosts International Fair at Local Elementary
City-of-Refuge-International-FairDownload On April 25, John P. Thomas Elementary School students were issued passports, learned about cultures and animals living on[...]
Creating Space for Senior Pastors’ Wives
Senior-Pastors-WivesDownload A senior pastor’s wife fulfills so many important roles, including serving their congregation and supporting their family and spouse[...]
$50 Walmart Gift Card Collection for International Teachers
Every fall many teachers arrive from international countries to work in Richland School Districts One and Two – right here[...]
March Advisory and Executive Team Meeting Report
March-2024-ATeam-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Advisory Team met March 19 at GraceChurch of Columbia to conduct business and share ministry updates. At[...]
Forrester Called to FBC Ridgeway Following Church’s Revitalization Journey
FBC-Ridgeway-Stephen-ForresterDownload God is writing a new chapter in First Baptist Ridgeway’s story, and church members are ready for it. Following[...]
Central Spain Update from February 2024 Vision Trip
Central-Spain-February-2024-ReportDownload In early February, a CMBA vision team traveled to areas in Central Spain to explore more than 20 potential[...]
George Liele: America’s First Baptist Missionary
George-LieleDownload CMBA celebrates the life and legacy of the missionary, pastor, and church planter George Liele. Born into slavery in[...]
New CMBA Advisory Team Members Attend First 2024 Meeting
January-2024-ATeam-ReportDownload The CMBA Advisory Team met January 16 at New Creation Baptist to conduct business and share ministry updates. New[...]
Personal Evangelism Workshop – First in New 2024 Church Equipping Series
A CMBA Church Equipping Workshop on personal evangelism was held Monday, Jan. 8, at Spring Valley Baptist. Twenty people from[...]
New Creation Pastor Ed Stewart: “I Can’t Imagine Doing Anything Else.”
New-Creation-ChurchDownload New Creation Baptist Church will officially open its doors on Sunday, January 7, 2024, after years of prayer and[...]
Personal Evangelism: First in New CMBA Church Equipping Workshop Series, Held Jan. 8
You are invited to the first in a series of CMBA Church Equipping Workshops that are designed for the entire[...]
Invitation to Explore Central Spain Missions Opportunities
Informational-Mtg-Dec-2023Download An informational meeting for the CMBA Central Spain mission partnership was held Dec. 5 at Shandon Baptist in Columbia.[...]
Temple Zion Supports Community Through Time of Crisis
A tragedy took place in the Eau Claire community in September. An argument resulted in three teenagers being shot and[...]
Wednesday Morning Volunteers Welcomed at Concord Baptist
CMBA member Concord Baptist Church in Lugoff is an approved Harvest Hope and US Department of Agriculture food distribution provider.[...]
2023 Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer
CMBA Woman's Missionary Union and the Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Association Women's Auxiliary are hosting the 2023 Baptist Women's World Day[...]
Ronald Flynn to Provide Administrative Assistance to CMBA Churches
Ronald-FlynnDownload CMBA churches have regular access to a wealth of ministry knowledge and resources through a team of active and[...]
International Partnership Approved at CMBA Annual Meeting
2023-Annual-Mtg-ReportDownload The 2023 CMBA Annual Meeting was held Thursday, Oct. 5, at Shandon Baptist in Columbia. About 70 attendees met[...]
CMBA Adopts International Missions Partnership with Central Spain
Partnership-Announcement-RELEASEDownload COLUMBIA - Messengers to the 2023 CMBA Annual Meeting formally adopted a five-year missions partnership with International Mission Board[...]
“On Mission Together” Oct. 5 Annual Meeting Theme
CMBA-2023-Annual-Mtg-WEBDownload The 2023 CMBA Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, October 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the Shandon Baptist Church[...]
Administrative Update: Missions Partnership, ACP, Annual Meeting
September-2023-ATeam-ReportDownload A September CMBA Administrative Team meeting was held at North Trenholm to conduct business and share ministry updates. This[...]
A Partnership Story: Resource Sharing Among Churches
“When people who are following Jesus hear of a need, they’ll meet it. We’ve got churches experiencing crises on a[...]
How Your Church Can Support the 2023 State Fair Ministry
State-Fair-MinistryDownload The South Carolina State Fair is a fall tradition for many individuals and families who go to enjoy fun[...]
Partnership in Action: Crescent Hill Hosts Midtown Fellowship Baptism
CMBA celebrates stories of partnership in action! Midtown Fellowship Two Notch Pastor Ant Frederick says Crescent Hill Baptist Church generously[...]
Filipino Church Celebrates 16 Years of Ministry
Filipino-Church-AnniversaryDownload A vibrant church community has been ministering to Filipino-Americans living in the Midlands since 2007. On Sunday, August 20,[...]
Community Impact Through Trunk-or-Treat Ministry
Hope-Baptist-Trunk-Or-TreatDownload Hope Baptist Church held its first trunk-or-treat event in October 2022, and Pastor Tim Murr says it was a[...]
A Glimpse of Heaven on Any Given Sunday
SABC-Hosts-Three-CongregationsDownload A St. Andrews Baptist Church member recently took to social media to share his excitement that every Sunday the[...]
Greenlawn Members Begin Revitalization Process
Greenlawn-Starting-RevitalizationDownload God is writing a new chapter for Greenlawn Baptist Church that began with a pulpit supply guest preacher. Church[...]
CMBA Pastor Leads Uncle to Christ
Freddy-Johnson-Leads-Uncle-to-ChristDownload Pastor Freddy Johnson of North Point Community Church has prayed for 33 years that his Uncle Whitt would accept[...]
CMBA Churches Donate 113 Baskets for International Teachers
Eight CMBA churches donated 113 welcome baskets for international teachers arriving to the Midlands this fall. These teachers will be[...]
DeBrew Celebrates 30 Years at Beulah Baptist
Beulah Baptist Church celebrated Lead Pastor Cameron DeBrew's 30th staff anniversary on Sunday, June 4. The congregation thanked DeBrew for[...]
Missions Opportunity: International Teacher Welcome Baskets
International-Teacher-Welcome-BasketsDownload CMBA churches are invited to participate in a special ministry to international teachers through the South Carolina Baptist Convention[...]
CMBA Church Re-Defines Living Missionally
Beulah-MissionsDownload Beulah Baptist in Hopkins celebrated an incredible milestone several years ago when the church became debt-free. During that time,[...]
Administrative Team Spotlight – Phyllis Gutierrez
May-ATeam-Spotlight-Phyllis-GutierrezDownload First Baptist Ridgeway Member Phyllis Gutierrez is currently serving on her first term with the CMBA Administrative Team, which[...]
CMBA Looks to Provide Customized Revitalization Assistance to Churches
April-RevitalizationDownload Data from the North American Mission Board (NAMB) suggests that 90 percent of today’s churches need some aspect of[...]
CMBA Woman’s Missionary Union Spring Meeting Held April 17
CMBA WMU and Sisters Who Care groups will hold a Spring Meeting on Monday, April 17, starting at 6:30 p.m.,[...]
God is Doing a New Thing at Pine View Baptist
March-Pine-View-Baptist-DJ-KirklandDownload Pine View Baptist was established more than 80 years ago in the perfect spot for the growth and development[...]
CMBA Transitional Budget Approved During March 21 Meeting
March-2023-ATeam-ReportDownload The CMBA Administrative Team met Tuesday, March 21, at Shandon Baptist Church to conduct business and share ministry updates.[...]
Administrative Team Spotlight: Ed Stewart, Shandon Baptist
March-ATeam-Spotlight-Ed-StewartDownload Ed Stewart is the Adult Discipleship Pastor at Shandon Baptist in Columbia. He currently serves on the CMBA Administrative[...]
April 1 LoveCola Project: Changing the Community Neighborhood-by-Neighborhood
City-of-Refuge-HomeWorks-ProjectDownload City of Refuge Church is building relationships while serving its community through a special one-day project on Saturday, April[...]
CMBA Pastors, Representative Invited to Executive Board Meeting, March 21
March-2023-Executive-Board-MeetingDownload CMBA will hold an Executive Board meeting in conjunction with the Administrative Team meeting on Tuesday, March 21, at[...]
Mt. Elon Member on 40 Years of Assisted Living Ministry
Buck-Williams-Nursing-Home-MinistryDownload Buck Williams is not a reverend, nor does he pastor a church. He is not a music minister, but[...]
First Myanmar Baptist Church Dedication: A “Full Circle” Missions Story
First-Myanmar-Baptist-dedicationDownload The First Myanmar Baptist Church held a dedication service on Sunday, February 5. The CMBA-member church is sponsored by[...]
Administrative Team Tasked with Ministry Planning, Serving CMBA Churches
January-2023-ATeam-ReportDownload The CMBA Administrative Team met Tuesday, January 17, at Beulah Baptist Church to conduct business and share ministry updates.[...]
Administrative Team Spotlight: Cameron DeBrew, Beulah Baptist
Spotlight-Cameron-DeBrew, Beulah BaptistDownload Cameron DeBrew is the Lead Pastor of Beulah Baptist in Hopkins. He currently serves on the CMBA[...]
CMBA Celebrates Salvations, Baptisms
December-Salvations-BaptismsDownload Each time a lost person prays to accept Christ, there is cause for celebration. Salvations are occurring throughout the[...]
CMBA Administrative Team to See New Organization in 2023
November-2022-Admin Team ReportDownload The CMBA Administrative Team, formerly known as the Visionary Leadership Community (VLC), met Tuesday, November 29, at[...]
St. Andrews Shows Team Spirit with Creative Food Pantry Collection
On Sunday, Nov. 20, St. Andrews Baptist held a “Show Your Colors Day” ahead of the annual Clemson and Carolina[...]
Administrative Team Spotlight: Dan Griffin, Harmony Baptist
November Spotlight-Dan-Griffin-HarmonyDownload Dan Griffin is the pastor of Harmony Baptist in Elgin. He currently serves on the CMBA Administrative Team,[...]
November Newsletter Article from Jamie Rogers
One of the recent editions of The Baptist Courier was dedicated to reaching the newest generations in our American culture,[...]
Salvations, Discipleship at Midlands BCMs this Fall
USC-Benedict-BCM-2022 Fall-UpdateDownload Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) have been busy this fall engaging students through outreach events, worship nights, and building[...]
CMBA Pastor Appreciation Lunch Oct. 31
CMBA is thankful for pastors and all that they do to serve churches and communities across the Midlands! CMBA Pastors[...]
ACP, Prayer Focuses of October Administrative Team Meeting
October-2022-Administrative Team-ReportDownload The CMBA Administrative Team, formerly known as the Visionary Leadership Community (VLC), met Tuesday, October 18, at Rosewood[...]
Prisoner Packets
We have an opportunity to be a witness of Christ's love to one of the least of these (Matthew 25:40).[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Rhonda Failoni, Pastoral Counselor
Oct-1-VLC-Spotlight-Rhonda-Failoni-WEBDownload Rhonda Failoni is a pastoral counselor and member of Riverbend Community Church, a Church Network Connection member of CMBA.[...]
CMBA Messengers Approve Budget, Bylaws at Annual Meeting
2022-Annual-Meeting-Report-WEBDownload The 2022 CMBA Annual Meeting was held October 6 at Winnsboro First Baptist Church. Attendees met to conduct business[...]
CMBA Preteen Travels to Honduras to Share the Gospel
Preteen Travels to Honduras to Share the Gospel-1-Download Alyssa Kelley went on her first-ever mission trip to Honduras this summer.[...]
Annual Meeting – Message from CMBA Associational Missions Strategist
CMBA Family,I’m looking forward so much to gathering with you all at the Annual Meeting this Thursday, October 6, for[...]
Download CMBA Annual Meeting Flyer Today
All church members and staff are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the CMBA Family of Churches on Thursday,[...]
Final Bylaws Presentation and Discussion Sept. 29
A committee of CMBA members has created new bylaws for the association. A second and final presentation and question/answer time[...]
September VLC Held at NorthStar Center of Hope
September-2022-VLC-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, September 20, at NorthStar Center of Hope to conduct business and[...]
Worship, Prayer Emphasis During CMBA Annual Meeting
2022-Annual-Mtg-Promo-September-WEBDownload The CMBA Family of Churches will gather for its Annual Meeting on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 6:30 p.m. at[...]
Invitation to Missional Leadership Community Meeting & Lunch
CMBA Family,I would like to invite you all to attend the next meeting of the CMBA Missional Leadership Community (MLC),[...]
VLC Spotlight: Yvonne Murray, NorthStar Christian Center/Center of Hope
September-1-Yvonne-Murray-NorthStar-WEBDownload Yvonne Murray is a member of NorthStar Christian Center and serves as the director of the NorthStar Center of[...]
CMBA Family – Are you ready? Is your church ready? 
We are heading into a new season. No, I’m not talking about a season with a new CMBA director. I’m[...]
August VLC Held at Sawney’s Creek
August-2022-VLC-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, August 16, at Sawney’s Creek Baptist in Ridge Spring to conduct[...]
Three Churches Now Meeting on Belmont’s Church Campus
Belmont-Sharing-Worship-Space-WEBDownload Belmont Baptist is a smaller membership church with a big heart for missions and, as it has shown in[...]
A Letter to the CMBA Family of Churches from Rev. Jamie Rogers
Jamie Rogers LetterDownload Jamie Rogers Promo for Churches Download August 22, 2022 Dear CMBA Members, I’m writing to tell you[...]
Robbie McAlister: “God is Sovereignly Doing Something” Through Ukraine
Robbie McAlister-Ukraine-ReportDownload The war in Ukraine and subsequent refugee crises have been leading stories across news platforms for most of[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Dean Reynolds, Sawney’s Creek Baptist
VLC-Spotlight-Dean-Reynolds-Sawneys-Creek WEBDownload Dean Reynolds is the pastor of Sawney’s Creek Baptist Church, located in the town of Ridgeway in Fairfield[...]
Refugee Resettlement Ministry: Joining the Circle of Welcome
Circle-of-Welcome-August-2022Download “… I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35 The United Nations estimates that of the[...]
New CMBA Executive Director: “I Am Here to Serve”
Rogers-Download CMBA pastors and lay leaders elected Rev. Jamie Rogers as their new Executive Director during a special called meeting[...]
Jamie Rogers Selected as CMBA Executive Director
Rogers RELEASEDownload COLUMBIA – Rev. Jamie Rogers has been named the next Executive Director of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
CMBA Called Meeting Announcement
Called Meeting Letter 2022 June 30, 2022 Dear Ministry Partners, As you know, George Bullard, our Executive Director of the[...]
Bill Wright Retires After 33 Years in Full-Time Ministry
Bill-Wright-RetirementDownload Rev. Bill Wright will retire from full-time ministry effective June 30, 2022. Bill served on staff with CMBA for[...]
Rogers Announced as New Executive Director Candidate at June VLC
June-2022-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, June 21, at Mt. Elon Baptist in Hopkins to conduct business[...]
VLC Endorses CMBA Executive Director Search Team Report
VLC-Endorses-RogersDownload Executive Director Search Team members met with VLC members Tuesday, June 21, to present Rev. Jamie Rogers as candidate[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Buck Williams, Mt. Elon Baptist
Buck-Williams-Mt.-ElonDownload This month’s Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) Member Spotlight is on William “Buck” Williams, member of Mt. Elon Baptist in[...]
New IRS Mileage Reimbursement Rates July 1
The IRS amended the 2022 Standard Mileage rates effective July 1, 2022, as follows:Business mileage – 62.5 cents per mileMedical[...]
What is Your Congregation’s Future Story of Missional Ministry?
What is Your Congregation’s Future Story of Missional Ministry?DownloadDuring the past ten months, CMBA had engaged in two phases of[...]
George Bullard: Leaving a Mark at CMBA
George-Bullard: Leaving a Mark at CMBADownload As CMBA celebrates the retirement of Executive Director George Bullard on June 30, 2022,[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Wednesday, May 25, 2022
A Family of Baptist Congregations in theMidlands of South Carolina Mission Focus: Unleashing FutureStoriesUnleashing Future Missional Stories of Our Family[...]
Executive Director Search Committee Updates VLC at May Meeting
May-2022-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, May 17, at New Heights Church to conduct business and share[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Doug Barnett, New Heights Church
VLC-Spotlight: Doug-Barnett-New-HeightsDownload Doug Barnett, member of New Heights Church, is a new addition to the Visionary Leadership Community (VLC). This[...]
Woodfield Park Hosts Columbia Metro: Mission Local Concept Session
Mission-Local-Woodfield-Park-May-2022Download An informational Columbia Metro: Mission Local session was held May 5 at Woodfield Park Baptist Church. CMBA is raising[...]
Seven Facts About Congregational Multiplication in the Columbia Metro Baptist Association of 100 Congregations in Richland, Fairfield, and Kershaw Counties
Population: The population of the associational fellowship area is almost 500,000 – up from 300,000 in the early 1980s. Today[...]
Disciplemaking is About Moving Your Feet
Disciplemaking is About Moving Your FeetDownloadSt. Andrews Baptist Church – not unlike many churches in our association – is striving[...]
George Bullard: A Ministry Legacy
George-Bullard-A-Ministry-LegacyDownload As CMBA celebrates the retirement of CMBA Executive Director George Bullard on June 30, 2022, readers are invited to[...]
Columbia Metro: Mission Local — The Concept
Columbia-Metro-Mission-Local-Concept-05.02.22-EditionDownload CMBA desires to raise awareness of the need for missional deployment within our local context by our family of[...]
New Roof at GraceChurch of Columbia Evidence of “Kingdom Work”
Grace-Church-Gets-New-RoofDownload Early one recent April morning about 140 Midlands volunteers showed up to reroof GraceChurch of Columbia, located a few[...]
OPP 063: Impacting Collegiate Ministry
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Thursday, April 21, 2022
A Family of Baptist Congregations in theMidlands of South Carolina Mission Focus: Unleashing FutureStoriesUnleashing Future Missional Stories of Our Family[...]
April VLC Meeting Held at St. Andrews Baptist
April-2022-VLC-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, April 19, at St. Andrews Baptist Church to conduct business and[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Treasurer Brenda Sheets
VLC-Spotlight-Brenda-Sheets-SABCDownload Brenda Sheets, member of St. Andrews Baptist Church, serves CMBA as the 2022 Treasurer. In this role she is[...]
Seven Ways I Am Finishing Strong
Seven Ways I Am Finishing StrongDownloadAlthough my retirement is less than 100 days away and the association has already conducted[...]
Four Questions for Your Congregation about Unleashing FutureStories
Four Questions for Your Congregation about Unleashing FutureStories Download As a new CMBA strategy emerges, a core focus will be[...]
An Important Conversation on Race Relations
Racial Reconcilation Conversation WEBKey leaders with relationships to CMBA, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, the Southern Baptist Convention and Duke[...]
New BCM Groups Starting at Allen University, Benedict College
BCM-Allen-and-BenedictDownload CMBA churches have long-supported Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) at the University of South Carolina which has been reaching local[...]
VLC Approves Denominee Mission Focus, Statements
March-2022-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, March 15, at Kilbourne Park Baptist Church to conduct business and[...]
Biblical Encouragement for Congregational Revitalization
Biblical Encouragement for Congregational RevitalizationDownloadDoes the Bible support congregational revitalization? Yes. Various passages support the need for people, families, tribes,[...]
A Revolutionary Approach – Columbia Metro: Mission Local
A Revolutionary Approach Columbia Metro- Mission Local Download What if no incremental or discontinuous approach works for Columbia Metro: Mission[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Clerk Cookie Adams
Cookie-Adams-Kilbourne-ParkDownload Cookie Adams, member of Kilbourne Park Baptist Church, serves CMBA as the 2022 Clerk. In this role she also[...]
CMBA WMU Spring Meeting Mar. 14 at Belmont Baptist
Mar-1-WMU-Spring-Meeting-WEBDownload The CMBA WMU Spring Meeting will be held Monday, March 14, 6 p.m., at Belmont Baptist. According to CMBA[...]
Mission Field Alpha
Mission Field Alpha Download Mission Field AlphaColumbia Metro: Mission Local(This is a characterization of a real, currently existing mission field[...]
Columbia Metro: Mission Local – February 24th Dispatch
Columbia Metro- Mission Local – February 24 DispatchDownloadAn exceptional way to engage in Mission Local is to adopt a mission[...]
VLC Discusses CMBA Denominee Vision Casting
February-2022-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, February 15, at North Point Community Church to conduct business and[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Thursday, February 16, 2022
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South CarolinaOur One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as[...]
Columbia Metro: Mission Local – February 10th Dispatch
Columbia Metro- Mission Local – February 10th DispatchDownloadIn the January 26th dispatch (Read HERE), we introduced plans to focus on[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Vice Moderator Freddy Johnson
Feb-1-Freddy-JohnsonDownload Freddy Johnson, pastor of North Point Community Church, serves CMBA as the 2022 Vice Moderator. In this role he[...]
NorthStar Offers Free Community Tax Services
NorthStar-Tax-Filing-ServiceDownload NorthStar Christian Center is partnering with The Cooperative Ministry to provide free income tax services to Midlands individuals and[...]
CMBA Executive Director Search Process Update
Search-Committee-Update-Feb 2022Download The CMBA Executive Director Search Committee received 18 resumes during its open call for applicants. The committee, which[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Thursday, February 3, 2022
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
OPP 062: Kingdom-Minded Taxes
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
BCM: Church Partners Needed to Reach Students with the Gospel
BCM-MealsDownload CMBA churches looking to engage in local missions and ministry should consider The University of South Carolina Baptist Collegiate[...]
CMBA Churches Sponsor Single Adult Bible Study
Intentional-RelationshipsDownload North Point Community Church and Shandon Baptist are co-sponsoring a new 12-week Bible study for single adults living in[...]
Columbia Metro: Mission Local – January 26th Dispatch
Columbia Metro- Mission Local – January 26th DispatchDownloadDuring the first half of 2022, CMBA plans to focus on Columbia Metro:[...]
The Cloud and the Box: The Image for the Future of Our Association
The Cloud and the Box- The Image for the Future of Our AssociationDownload CMBA, several other associations in our state,[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Wednesday, January 26, 2022
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
First 2022 VLC Meeting Held at First Baptist Winnsboro
January-2022-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, January 18, at First Baptist Winnsboro to conduct business and share[...]
The Importance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The Importance of Martin Luther King Jr. DayDownloadOn the evening of April 4, 1968, my college dorm room door swung[...]
Longevity in Pastoral Ministry
Longevity in Pastoral MinistryDownload My pastor announced his retirement recently following 33 years of leading our congregation. That is a[...]
VLC Member Spotlight – Moderator Craig Bailey
Craig-Bailey-FBC-WinnsboroDownload Craig Bailey, pastor of First Baptist Winnsboro, serves CMBA as the Moderator of the association for 2022. In this[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Wednesday, January 12, 2022
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for January 12, 2022 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for January 12, 2022 about the pandemic response of congregations, the Martin Luther[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Wednesday, January 5, 2022
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
MLK Day Speaker Shares Thoughts, Challenges Ahead of Celebration
MLK Day Speaker Shares Thoughts, Challenges Ahead of Celebration Download **Due to Covid-19 pandemic factors, the MLK Day worship celebration[...]
Advance Leadership Podcast with George Bullard
Here is a podcast recorded earlier in 2021 that was just released at the end of 2021 that provides an[...]
Union Baptist Church Seeks a Youth Pastor
Seeking Candidates for the Following Position: Youth Pastor For Union Baptist Church Union Baptist Church is a small, but close-knit[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, December 6, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
CMBA Celebrates Three Outgoing VLC Members
Dec-1-Story-Outgoing-VLC-Members-WEBDownload The Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) is a collection of representatives from the CMBA Family of Churches, serving together to[...]
Reflecting on 2021 in Our Association
Reflecting on 2021 in Our AssociationDownloadWhen we entered the year 2021 great hope existed for mass vaccination that would halt[...]
Design Worship with Kingdom Impact In Mind
Design Worship with Kingdom Impact In MindDownloadRachel and Cody were new in town. They were visiting various congregations to find[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for December 1, 2021 Wednesday Word from George Bullard for December 1, 2021 on Refugee Resettlement, Future Church Collective, and Martin Luther King Day worship[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, November 29, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
VLC Completes 2021 Work, Looks to 2022
November-2021-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met for its final session of the year at GraceChurch Of Columbia to[...]
OPP 061: South Carolina Refugee Resettlement
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, November 15, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
For Whom Are You Praying?
For Whom Are You Praying? Download Modest Changes with the Potential for Big Impact for CongregationsPrayer patterns for small groups in[...]
CMBA Partnership with CIU Benefits Churches, Students
CMBA Partnership with CIU Benefits Churches, Students Download CMBA has entered into an official agreement with Columbia International University (CIU)[...]
Christmas Meals for Graham Correctional Institution
Our collective of churches regularly serve together to minister to the far reaches of our community and beyond. The pandemic has[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, November 8, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for November 3, 2021 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for November 3, 2021 about the SC Baptist Convention's 200th anniversary celebration, Refugee[...]
Refugee Resettlement Ministry: Joining the Circle of Welcome
Refugee Resettlement Download “… I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35The United Nations estimates that of[...]
The Christmas Season is Warming Up
As the Christmas season approaches and the spirit of generosity begins to flood your heart, please remember those who will[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, November 1, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
The Numerology of Critical Congregational Capacity
The Numerology of Critical Congregational Capacity DownloadI believe in smaller membership congregations. Those who have less than 100 in average[...]
Executive Director Search Committee Accepting Resumes
Search-Committee-Request-for-ResumesDownload The Search Committee for the next Executive Director of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) is now accepting resumes.[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for October 27, 2021 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for October 27, 2021 on CMBA Newsletter, Refugee Resettlement, Baptist Women's World Day[...]
November 1 is Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer
2021-Bapt-Womens-Day-of-PrayerDownload The 2021 Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer is Monday, November 1, and a prayer service will be held[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, October 25, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for October 20, 2021 Visionary Leadership Community report, Bishopville Campus, Bylaws Revision Team, Refugee Resettlement, CMBA Team Huddle
VLC Adopts Creation of Bylaws Revision Team
October-2021-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met at Spring Valley Baptist to conduct business and share ministry updates on[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet George Bullard
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
OPP 060: Be Bold. Start the Conversation
  SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, October 18, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Now Debt-Free, Beulah Looks to Future Ministry
Oct-Story-1-Beulah-Baptist-WEB Download God performed a miracle through Beulah Baptist. This month the church paid off debt it had carried for[...]
No Baptist Associational Family is Perfect. No Not One.
No Baptist Associational Family is Perfect. No Not One. DownloadAt its best a Baptist association is a family of congregations[...]
CMBA Holds Annual Meeting, Reception Honoring Locklear
2021-Annual-MtgDownload Representatives from CMBA member churches met for the annual meeting Thursday, October 7, at Cedar Creek Baptist in Blythewood.[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet David Waganer
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, October 11, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South CarolinaOur One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for October 6, 2021 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for October 6, 2021 about Cathy Murphy #CMBA_SC #CathyLocklear #CMBAAnnualMeeting #AnnualMeeting
A Special Word from George Bullard for October 5, 2021 A Special Word from George Bullard for Tuesday, October 5th on the CMBA Annual Meeting, The Denominee Journey, Loving[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet Chris Reinolds
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, October 4, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Columbia Metro Baptist Association 2022 Budget Proposal
Here is the budget proposal to be voted on at the annual meeting of the association on Thursday, October 7th:[...]
Churches Who Cannot Make Shifts May Be in Trouble
Churches Who Cannot Make Shifts May Be in TroubleDownloadThe very early Church faced many crises. A series of them revolved[...]
An Association is Congregations in Fellowship on Mission in Their Context and Beyond
An Association is Congregations in Fellowship on Mission in Their Context and BeyondDownloadThe annual session of the Columbia Metro Baptist[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for September 29, 2021
Executive Director Search Committee Update
Dupree-New-Search-Committee-ChairDownload The CMBA Executive Director Search Committee has announced that sitting Chair Jacob Helsley has resigned from his leadership position[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet Andre Rogers
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, September 27, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Love Cola Encourages Partnership, Community Ministry
Love Cola Encourages Partnership, Community Ministry Download Love Cola, an organized collaborative ministry across the Midlands, has named October 4-9[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for September 22, 2021
VLC Adopts Proposed 2022 CMBA Budget
September-2021-VLC-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) conducted business and shared ministry updates virtually on Tuesday, September 21. They also[...]
OPP 059: Stewardship in the Local Church
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet Robbie McAlister
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, September 20, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Thankful for Ministers!
Thankful for Ministers! DownloadOctober is Minister Appreciation month – what are you doing to show your senior pastor and ministerial[...]
When a Church Lacks Evangelism Efforts is it No Longer a Church?
When a Church Lacks Evangelism Efforts is it No Longer a Church?Download Acts 2:41 tells us that on the Day[...]
2021 South Carolina State Fair Ministry
It's almost time for the South Carolina State Fair! Each fall our CMBA Family of Churches join together to minister[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet Robert Grant
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, September 13, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
International Teachers Housewarming Party This Weekend
Shandon Baptist Church is serving international teachers who've recently arrived in Columbia by throwing a Housewarming Party to provide basic[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for September 8, 2021
2021 CMBA Annual Meeting to Include Locklear Retirement Celebration
2021 CMBA Annual Meeting to Include Locklear Retirement Celebration Download The 2021 CMBA Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, October[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet Ryan Dupree
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
Because Online Worship is a New Normal…
Because Online Worship is a New Normal Download. . . it is time to do a serious evaluation of our[...]
Is the Very Early Church Our Best Model for a Local Church?
Is the Very Early Church Our Best Model for a Local Church? Download In a recent strategy post we asked[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for September 1, 2021 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for September 1, 2021, on a Spotlight on our CMBA Team Huddle member[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet Kyndra Bremer
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, August 30, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
What Does the New Open Carry Law Mean for Churches?
Open Carry Download South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster signed the Open Carry with Training Act (formerly House Bill 3094) into[...]
It’s a Minefield Out There! — Church Pandemic Response
Church-Pandemic-Response-08.25.21Download A few days ago, CMBA sent out inquiries to a group of churches of all sizes and locations to[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for August 25, 2021 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for August 25, 2021, on a Spotlight on our CMBA Team Huddle member[...]
OPP 058: Local Ministry International Impact
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
Team Huddle Spotlight: Meet Julia Bell
Team Huddle Spotlights feature members of the CMBA ministry team and introduce their area of work and the ways they[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, August 23, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
The Annual Church Profile is Not a Report. It is a Planning Tool.
Several years ago before my doctor’s office went totally digital, I arrived for an appointment, and they handed me a[...]
What is the Missional Health of Your Congregation?
What is the Missional Health of Your Congregation?DownloadThis month our association began an 18-month journey along with 30 associations throughout[...]
When a Church Is Spiritless, It Is No Longer a Church
When a Church Is Spiritless, It Is No Longer a Church Download In a recent strategy post we asked the[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for August 18, 2021 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for August 18, 2021 on the Annual Church Profile, Executive Director Search Committee,[...]
Citing Covid Concerns, VLC Conducts Virtual Meeting
August-2021-VLC-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) conducted business and shared ministry updates virtually on Tuesday, August 17. This was[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, August 16, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
CMBA Executive Director Search Committee Forms, Begins Work
Executive Director Search DownloadThe search committee to replace retiring CMBA Executive Director George Bullard has been named and held its[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for August 11, 2021 A Wednesday Word for August 11, 2021 from George Bullard -- Addressing the Annual Church Profile, the Executive Director[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, August 9, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Defining Your Active Congregation in an Emerging Post-Pandemic Year
Defining Your Active Congregation in an Emerging Post-Pandemic Year DownloadUntil a few decades ago congregations could numerically define their active[...]
When is a Church No Longer a Church?
Is Merger or Adoption in the Future of These Four Congregations Download This past Monday night representatives of four congregations[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for August 4, 2021 A Wednesday Word for August 4, 2021 from George Bullard -- Addressing the new pandemic wave and our attitude[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, August 2, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Sprint to the Finish Line – Serving Until the Last Day!
A Sprint to the Finish Line – Serving Until the Last Day Download Watching the Olympics recently, I saw a[...]
Q&A with George Bullard
July Story 2 - Q&A with George Bullard WEB Download CMBA Executive Director George Bullard formally announced his intent to[...]
Q&A with Cathy Locklear
July Story 1 - Q&A with Cathy Locklear WEB Download CMBA Ministry Mobilizer Cathy Locklear has announced that she will[...]
Is Merger or Adoption in the Future of These Four Congregations
Is Merger or Adoption in the Future of These Four Congregations Download This past Monday night representatives of four congregations[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for June 30, 2021 A Wednesday Word for June 30, 2021 from George Bullard -- Addressing moving to a virtual office, the relaxed[...]
OPP 057: Long Obedience
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, June 28, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for June 23, 2021 A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for June 23, 2021 -- Subjects covered are contact information for our CMBA[...]
Belmont Baptist “Walking Faithfully” in Current Season
Story - Belmont Baptist WEB Download The CMBA family of churches has quite a history together. During a recent Visionary[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, June 21, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for June 16, 2021
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard for June 16, 2021Subjects covered are the ministry at Belmont Baptist Church, the move[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, June 14, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
CMBA Staff Retirements Announced at VLC Meeting
The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Thursday, June 10, at Belmont Baptist to conduct business and share ministry updates.[...]
What is Your Congregation’s Plan for the Care of Your Pastor and Staff?
What is Your Congregation’s Plan for the Care of Your Pastor and Staff? Download It has been almost 15 months[...]
SC Baptist Foundation Helps Churches Give Generously
June Story 1 - Generous Giving Churches WEB Download The topic of money can be difficult to discuss, including for[...]
OPP 056: Messianic Jewish Congregation
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, May 24, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
CMBA Goes Virtual to Serve Churches-in-Association
CMBA Goes Virtual to Serve Churches-in-Association Download This week CMBA’s Visionary Leadership Community voted to close its offices at North Trenholm[...]
CMBA Team Huddle Strives to Fulfill Our One Priority
CMBA Team Huddle Strives to Fulfill Our One Priority Download To best serve Our One Priority which is to Start[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, May 19, 2021 Columbia Metro Baptist Association Decides to Go With an All Virtual Office
Religious “Nothing in Particulars” on the Rise Statistically
May Story 2 - Ryan Burge WEB Download In his new book The Nones, Pastor and Social Scientist Ryan Burge[...]
Visionary Leadership Community Approves Move to Virtual CMBA Office
May-2021-VLC-Report-WEBDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tues., May 18, at North Trenholm Baptist to conduct business and share[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, May 17, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as[...]
Welcome Baskets for International Teachers in Richland County Schools
Women on Mission in our association are collecting welcome baskets for international teachers coming to teach in the Richland County[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, May 10, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Kingdom Growth Mindset in the Midlands of South Carolina – Fourth Dispatch
A Kingdom Growth Mindset, Fourth Dispatch Download (See, read, and downloaded this series of dispatches at tough issue for many[...]
Spring Valley to Host New Messianic Jewish Congregation
May-Story-1-Messianic-Jewish-CongregationDownload Spring Valley Baptist is moving forward with plans to host a new Messianic Jewish congregation slated to begin May[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, April 28, 2021 New Congregational Expressions, The Nones, and Teaching Generosity in the Church
OPP 055: The Nones — A Conversation with Author Ryan Burge
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, April 26, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Life Younique’s Individualized Plans Benefit Members, Churches
Apr-Story-2-YouniqueDownload Life Younique is a process by which Christ followers can identify an actionable plan to apply their individual giftedness[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, April 21, 2021 New Congregational Expressions, Roundtable Dialogues, The Nones, and Teaching Generosity in the Church
VLC Considers Additional Funding for Church Plants
Apr-2021-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tues., Apr. 20, at North Trenholm Baptist Church to conduct business and[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, April 19, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Kingdom Growth Mindset in the Midlands of South Carolina – Third Dispatch
Bullard-Kingdom Growth Mindset_Third Dispatch Download Factors surrounding church growth and church sustainability were addressed in the first two dispatches. (See the[...]
Send Me, O Lord, That Your Good News is Received
Send Me, O Lord, That Your Good News is Received Download A key strategic understanding for Christian ministry is whether[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, April 12, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Riverbend Joins the CMBA Family of Churches
Apr-Story-1-Riverbend-New-CMBA-MemberDownload Riverbend Community Church was formally welcomed into the CMBA family of churches as a full Church Member by the[...]
A Kingdom Growth Mindset in the Midlands of South Carolina – Second Dispatch
Bullard-Kingdom Growth Mindset - Second Dispatch DownloadServing as a Family of Baptist Congregations – Words of Challenge for CMBA Second Dispatch The[...]
CMBA Offers Mentoring and Coaching Capacity to the Sponsors of New Congregational Expressions
CMBA Offers Mentoring and Coaching Capacity DownloadYour associational leadership strongly believes that existing congregations plant new congregational expressions. It takes[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, March 31, 2021 Easter Sunday, Resurrection Sunday, New Congregational Expressions, Roundtable Dialogues, Big 5 Summit
OPP 054: The Past, Present, and Future Hope of Worship
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, March 29, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
CMBA Grants Support Two Church Hunger Ministries
Mar 2 Story - Grant Recipients WEB Download Two CMBA churches have applied for and received Our One Priority Congregational[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, March 22, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Kingdom Growth Mindset in the Midlands of South Carolina – First Dispatch
Bullard-Kingdom Growth Mindset DownloadServing as a Family of Baptist Congregations – Words of Challenge for CMBA First Dispatch A family of Baptist congregations[...]
A Dozen Essential Actions for Leading the Launch or Coming Alongside a New Congregational Expression
a New Congregational Expression A Dozen Essential Actions for Leading the Launch or Coming Alongside a New Congregational Expression A[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, March 17, 2021 Visionary Leadership Community, Riverbend Community Church, Primera Iglesia Bautista de Lykesland, Messianic Jewish congregation, Rabbi Andy Meyerson, Big 5[...]
VLC Approves New Member Church and Church Network Connection
Mar-2021-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, March 16, at North Trenholm Baptist Church to conduct business and[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, March 15, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Younique Coaching Process Cohort
CMBA-Younique-ProposalDownload The purpose of the Younique 4-day Experience is to help participants define their Life Call, design their life, and[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, March 10, 2021 One Priority Briefing Live!, Messianic Jewish Congregation, Block Party Trailer, Missional Leadership Community, New Congregational Expressions
How to Utilize Giving Data to Disciple Your Church
A Dialogue with Erik Ely, a Senior Generosity Strategist with on using giving data to disciple your church.
OPP 053: Making an Impact in the Midst of the Pandemic
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Fred DeFoor Retires After 34 Years at St. Andrews Baptist
Mar-1-Story Fred DeFoor WEB DownloadFred DeFoor has retired after serving 34 years as Minister of Music at St. Andrews Baptist[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, March 8, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, March 3, 2021 Pandemic Lessons, How to Utilized Giving Data to Disciple Your Church, Messianic Jewish Congregation, Missional Leadership Community, New Congregational[...]
Rejoice! God is at Work During the Pandemic
Rejoice! God is at Work During the Pandemic - 3.4.21  Download Pastors, staff, and lay leaders in CMBA were asked in[...]
One Priority Podcast Short Stories – Craig Tuck
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
A Messianic Jewish Congregation in Columbia?
Today Rabbi Andy Meyerson talked with us about the launching of a Messianic Jewish congregation in Columbia. We are praying[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, March 1, 2021
 A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South CarolinaOur One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as[...]
Engaging Generation Z: Raising the Bar for Youth Ministry
Watch the One Priority Briefing Live! with Tim McKnight who is director of the Global Center for Youth Ministry and[...]
Ministry Lessons Learned from the Pandemic
Members of CMBA and Church Network Connection churches are invited to click the following hyperlink to participate in the CMBA[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, February 22, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Roundtable Discussion on Revitalization, Missions
Feb-2-Story-LBC-Roundtable-CMBADownload Lexington Baptist Church (LBC), a CMBA Church Network Connection, recently held a roundtable discussion on church revitalization, replanting, missions[...]
Ministry Strategy Work Groups, Grant Updates Presented to VLC
CMBA’s Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met virtually on Tuesday, Feb. 16, to conduct business and share ministry updates. Comprised of[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, February 15, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, February 10, 2021 MissionInsite, Congregational Grants, Guest Services Checklist, IMPACT Conference, Ordination
MissionInsite Demographics and Lifestyle Segmentation Reports for Churches
George Bullard shares about the demographic and lifestyle Segmentation reports available from CMBA for financially contributing member and network connection[...]
OPP 052: CMBA Congregational Grants
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, February 8, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Guest Experience Checklist
Download this Guest Experience Checklist by Greg Atkinson -- who has given us permission to post it here. Check out[...]
One Ministry Plan Paused as Another Grows at FBC Winnsboro
February Story - FBC Winnsboro - Download First Baptist Winnsboro Pastor Craig Bailey says COVID was the “worst possible thing[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, February 3, 2021 MissionInsite, Winnsboro First Baptist Church, St. Mark Baptist Church, Riot in Ephesus, Congregational Grants
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, February 1, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
OPP 051: Columbia Coronavirus Vaccine Panel
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, January 27, 2021 COVID-19 Vaccine, Hispanic church planting, One Priority Briefing Live!, One Priority Family Photos
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, January 25, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, January 20, 2021 Congregational Grants, ML King Day Celebration, Congregational Resources, Riverbend Community Church
A Covenant Congregational Pilgrimage Journey: Woodfield Park
A Covenant Congregational Pilgrimage church could be described as one that has members who desire to remain faithful in ministry[...]
VLC Welcomes New Members, Riverbend Church as CNC
Jan 2021 VLC ReportDownload CMBA’s Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met virtually on Tuesday, Jan. 19, for its first session of[...]
OPP 050: Special MLK Day Celebration Conversation
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, January 18, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, January 13, 2021 Congregational Grants, ML King Day Celebration, Congregational Resources, Wes Church's Prophetic Statement
A Grant That Benefits Your Church and Ministry? YES!
CMBA churches are encouraged to investigate grant assistance through the association as they begin to compare ministry plans for a[...]
CMBA Moves Live MLK Day Observance to Recorded Podcast
2021-MLK-ReleaseDownload CMBA will hold its 2021 Martin Luther King (MLK) Day Celebration service virtually in response to the steady increase[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, January 11, 2021
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Wednesday Word from George Bullard, January 6, 2021 Ministering in the Twilight Zone During a Pandemic, Congregational Resources, ML King Jr Day Worship and Fellowship Service
Ministering in the Twilight Zone During a Pandemic
Pastoral-Message-01.05.21Download As we begin the year 2021, it is certainly the hope of many in Christian ministry that we can[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, January 4, 2021
 A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South CarolinaOur One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as[...]
Victories During the Pandemic
Victories. They are important to celebrate, perhaps even more so during a challenging year. As the CMBA approaches the end[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard Monday, December 7, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Worship Wars Are About Distance Not Style
Bullard-Worship-Wars-About-Distance-Not-Style-12.04.20Download I continue to hear of worship wars and rumors of worship wars. If you are still battling worship wars[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, December 2, 2020
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, November 30, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, November 25, 2020
OPP 049: Pandemic Progress
  SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, November 23, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
CMBA Annual Business Meeting Results, November 19, 2020 Action One: Elected officers for 2021: Moderator -- J Thompson (Cedar Creek), Vice Moderator -- Craig Bailey (Winnsboro First),[...]
VLC Affirms Racial Reconciliation Statement, Conducts Year-End Business
Nov-VLC-ReportDownload CMBA’s Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, Nov. 17, for its final session of the year at North Trenholm[...]
Midlands Leaders Introduced to Mancini’s Future Church
CMBA member and church connection leaders were introduced to former pastor, author and consultant Will Mancini’s latest book Future Church:[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, November 16, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Future Church Moments from Will Mancini and Cory Hartman
Future Church Moment Three "I believe that the COVID pandemic probably constitutes the greatest innovation opportunity that leaders will have[...]
New Grant Available to Participating CMBA Member Churches
New-GrantDownload The Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) has voted to approve the new Our One Priority Congregational Grants available to CMBA[...]
OPP 048: From South Carolina to New York City
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Minister’s Compensation Guidelines
Minister-Compensation-GuidelinesDownload Check out these guidelines any time you consider if you are adequately providing for your pastor, other ministers and[...]
CMBA Financial Gift Benefits NYC Association Ministry
Following the sale of the CMBA building in December 2019, the Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) approved gifting a portion of[...]
Missional MOBS — Missional Opportunities for Breakthrough Service
Missional-MobsDownload What are Missional MOBS? Missional MOBS are formal or informal groups of people from a missional community who choose[...]
2020 Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer Observed Nov. 2
CMBA Woman’s Missionary Union and Gethsemane Women’s Auxiliary observed Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer Nov. 2 through a virtual[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, November 2, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South CarolinaOur One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as[...]
November Devotions for the Sunday Morning Huddle for Guest Services
Mary Ann Sibley of MatterSpark has made available these free devotions for the Sunday morning huddle of your guest services[...]
Stories of ReGathering from Columbia Metro Baptist Association Congregations St. Andrews, Harmony, Concord Fellowship, Columbia First, and Winnsboro First tell their story of ReGathering. Gateway and[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, October 26, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
CMBA Officers Express Thanks for Our Ministry with Churches
The Southern Baptist Convention observes the third week of October as the Week of Prayer for Baptist Associations. Members of[...]
VLC Approves Vision Process, CMBA Business Session Date
Oct-VLC-ReportDownload CMBA’s Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, Oct. 20, for its monthly session at North Trenholm Baptist Church in[...]
OPP 047: Associational Appreciation
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, October 19, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Calling, Community, and Congregation During a Pandemic
Calling-During-a-PandemicDownload Something is missing in how churches and congregation participants are connecting during the pandemic. Do you feel it? Are[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, October 14, 2020
Minister Appreciation Month, Annual Church Profile, CMBA Team HuddleArticle = Thankful for Ministers! for Exponential Roundtable at Columbia Crossroads[...]
OPP 046: Spreading the Gospel Through Hunger Ministries
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, October 12, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, October 7, 2020 Minister Appreciation Month, Annual Church Profile, Thriving and UnThriving Congregations Article = Thankful for Ministers! Register for Exponential[...]
Thankful for Ministers!
Thankful for MinistersDownloadOctober is Minister Appreciation month – what are you doing to show your senior pastor and ministerial staff[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, October 5, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, September 30, 2020 Register for Exponential Roundtable at Columbia Crossroads Church on Wednesday, October 21t at
Meet Robbie McAlister, Our One Priority Mobilizer
The CMBA welcomes Robbie McAlister who begins his work as a new Our One Priority Mobilizer Oct.1. In this part-time[...]
OPP 045: The Journey Together
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, September 28, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Crafting Three Scenarios for the Future of Your Congregation Three Scenarios for the Future of Your Congregation TCongs-ReThriving-Scenarios-PPoint-09.25.20Download
CMBA Holds Virtual Guest Services Dialogue
Our One Priority is to “start and strengthen congregations to serve as vital and vibrant missional communities.” The CMBA offered[...]
CMBA Launches Monthly Virtual Guest Service Dialogue Mary Ann Sibley and Rebecca Carlisle Share About Igniting Fresh Fire Among Guest Services Volunteers
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, September 23, 2020 Get Stoked! Igniting a Fresh Fire in Guest Services Volunteers with Mary Ann Sibley and Rebecca Carlisle. Thursday, September[...]
Meet Kyndra Bremer, CMBA Virtual Administrative Assistant
Kyndra-Bremer-Profile-For-FBDownload The CMBA welcomes Kyndra Bremer, who began her new part-time and independent contract worker role as virtual administrative assistant[...]
Navigating a New Season – First Impressions Conference – November 4th-6th
You are invited to use the promo code ColumbiaMetro to register for the online First Impressions Conference, November 4th-6th at[...]
CMBA Churches Impacting Communities Despite Unusual Season
Community-Impact-Ministries-2020-WEBDownload COVID-19 may have disrupted weekly church schedules and operations for a time, but it has not dampened the spirit[...]
100 Days of Discernment Using Dialogue and Prayer Triplets
100 Days of Discernment Using Dialogue and Prayer Triplets -- A Video Presentation by George Bullard TCongs-ReThriving-100-Days-PPoint-09.22.20Download
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, September 21, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
A Prayer for Our CMBA Family of Congregations
Also view at O Lord, we pray this morning for every congregation connected with our association. Each one is unique[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, September 16, 2020 Get Stoked! Igniting a Fresh Fire in Guest Services Volunteers with Mary Ann Sibley and Rebecca Carlisle. Thursday, September[...]
VLC Adopts 2021 Budget, New CMBA Grant Guidelines
Sept-VLC-Report-WEBDownload CMBA’s Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, Sept. 15, for its monthly session at North Trenholm Baptist Church in[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, September 14, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Congregational Assessment and Learning Experience
Congregational Assessment and Learning Experience -- A Video Presentation by George Bullard Congregational Assessment and Learning Experience TCongs-ReThriving-CALE-PPoint-09.08.20Download
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, September 9, 2020 Register using the promo code ColumbiaMetro for the online First Impressions Conference November 4th-6th at Register for Exponential[...]
Covenant Congregational Pilgrimage
Covenant-Congregational-PilgrimageDownload Our One Priority is to start and strengthen congregational expressions to serve as vital and vibrant missional communities. As[...]
OPP 044: ReGathering the Church Pt. 2
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Listening for the Voice of God
Also view at No one wanted the pandemic to go on almost six months. No one wants the pandemic to[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, September 2, 2020 New Guidelines on Withholding Taxes, Annual Church Profile, First Impressions Conference, and Exponential Roundtable Register using the promo code[...]
ReThriving Congregations Process
ReThriving Congregations Spiritual Strategic Journey Process -- A Video Presentation by George Bullard Thriving-Congs-ReThriving-SSJ-PPoint-09.0120Download
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, August 31, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, August 26, 2020 First Impressions Conference, Guest Services, Annual Church Profile Register using the promo code ColumbiaMetro for the online First Impressions[...]
CMBA Is Looking for a Virtual Administrative Assistant
That is right. CMBA needs a Virtual Assistant! HERE ARE THE DETAILS:1. 10-12 hours per week.2. Primarily working from their[...]
ReThriving Congregations Seasons and Choices
Understanding ReThriving Congregations and the Choices They Have for a Vital and Vibrant Future -- A Video Presentation by George[...]
OPP 043: Pastoring in a Pandemic
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, August 24, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
UnThriving Congregations Process
Understanding UnThriving Congregations Process -- The Covenant Congregational Pilgrimage -- A Video Presentation by George Bullard The Covenant Congregational[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, August 19, 2020 George shares about the Thriving Congregations Soar with Faith Initiative, the forthcoming CMBA Congregational Grants Initiative, and the collecting[...]
20/20 Vision Beyond the Year 2020
20/20-Vision-Year-2021Download The American Academy of Ophthalmology defines “20/20 vision” as having normal visual acuity, or the clarity or sharpness of[...]
One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, August 17, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
When Stress and Ministry Collide
When Stress and Ministry CollideDownload Stress is a predictable experience in life, especially in the age of COVID. Members are[...]
UnThriving Congregations Seasons and Choices
Understanding UnThriving Congregations and the Choices They Have for a Vital and Vibrant Future -- A Video Presentation by George[...]
OPP 042: ReGathering the Church Pt. 1
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, August 10, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Beware of the Ides of March 2021
Also view at On the ancient Roman calendar the Ides of March – the 15th day of that month –[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, August 5, 2020
Boldly Go Where No Association Has Gone Before
George Bullard has spent a lifetime relating to Baptist associations and understanding their relationship with other dimensions of Baptist and[...]
The Challenges of Acceptability and Predictability
Also view at During the COVID-19 Pandemic I have been reading a lot of books. Many are about popular[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, August 3, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Julia Bell Begins August 1st as CMBA Communications Coordinator
Julia-Bell-Release-07.30.20Download July 30, 2020 Release from the Columbia Metro Baptist Association Since the fall of 2018, Julia Bell has been[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Wednesday, July 29, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
ReGathering and Future Forecasting
ReGathering and Future ForecastingDownload This is the final installment of a three-part series sharing how CMBA churches have planned for[...]
OPP 041: Andre Rogers & Brian Thomas on the Road to Racial Reconciliation
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
ReGathering Stories: Lessons Learned
ReGathering Stories: Lessons LearnedDownload Across the CMBA churches have implemented similar plans leading to ReGathering, using a phased approach with[...]
It’s Time to Assess Your Online Appeal
Also view at In dialogue with ministry colleagues, one person suggested that for many years we sought to impress[...]
Taking the Long View of the PPP Loans for Churches
Also view at When COVID-19 struck the USA – and the world – over the last six to eight[...]
ReGathering Stories: Opening Perspectives
ReGathering Stories: Opening PerspectivesDownload As COVID-19-related concerns forced the sudden stop of in-person worship services in March, churches began planning[...]
OPP 040: Robbie McAlister on Reaching the Unreached Locally
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, July 6, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve[...]
Insights for Congregations from the Writings of Jim Collins
Insights-from-Jim-CollinsDownload Insights for Congregations from the Writings of Jim Collins This is a list of 118 insights compiled by George[...]
OPP 039: Steve Perky on Steps for Planting a Church Online
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Insights about Baptist Associations
Insights-about-Baptist-AssociationsDownload Insights About Baptist Associations with an Emphasis on Those Which Developed within the Southern Baptist Denomination This is a[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, June 29, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-06.29.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
Blowing a Certain Trumpet During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Also view at During the COVID-19 Pandemic, one of the greatest stressors is uncertainty. No one knows for sure[...]
Vulnerable Churches
Also view at Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic we have heard dialogue about people who are more vulnerable to this[...]
Ant Frederick: “Serve and Build Trust” for Racial Reconciliation
Ant FrederickDownload Antony “Ant” Frederick is used to talking about race related issues. Growing up in Chester, he and his[...]
Thriving Congregations Soar with Faith
Resource: Seasons-of-TCSwF-2-PagesDownload Resource: Lexus-Sports-Utility-Vehicle-Chart-11.02.17Download Power Point Presentation: Thriving-Congs-UnThriving-CongsDownload Resource: Build-the-Bridge-Handout-06.23.20Download Resource: PowerPoint -- Thriving-Congregations-Part-OneDownload Resource: Characteristics-of-Thriving-Congregations-06.08.10Download
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, June 22, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-06.22.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
Pastors Share Redemptive Responses on Racial Reconciliation
Racial ReconciliationDownload On June 11, several Midlands pastors recorded a virtual dialogue on racial reconciliation that was immediately uploaded to[...]
I Am My Father (and, of course, my mother too)
Also view at This Father's Day is the 33rd one without my father. If you live long enough, then[...]
OPP 038: James Walden & JayWill Wilson on One Church with Pockets of Light
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, June 15, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-06.15.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
Keeping the Iron of Racial Redemption and Reconciliation Hot!
Also view at At some point in your life you have likely heard the idiomatic phrase "strike while the[...]
Everyone Seems to Be Worried About the Kids When We Return to Church. What About the Workers?
Also view at During the recent primary elections in the United States, the voting process was hampered by several[...]
Racial Redemption and Reconciliation
Check out this panel dialogue moderated by Andre Rogers and George Bullard on Thursday, June 11, 2020. The panelists were[...]
How Do You Say “Come at Your Own Risk” Without Frightening People?
Also view at Just as there are swimming pools, lakes, beaches, etc. where there is a sign that says,[...]
CMBA Partners Needed for Vietnamese Church Launch
Vietnamese Church PlantDownload CMBA churches have the unique opportunity to partner with a new Vietnamese church plant ready to launch[...]
The Minimalization of Print Communication in Congregations
Also view at The COVID-19 Pandemic is causing the minimalization of printing in congregations. The fear is that too[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, June 8, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-06.08.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
Moving From “Can’t” to “Can” During COVID-19 Pandemic
Also view at A pastor mused recently "I have spent so much time telling people what they cannot do,[...]
To Our African-American Sisters and Brothers
Our hearts are grieving with you. Our grief is in response to the brutal loss of human life, most recently[...]
Riverside Community Church’s Mission to Multiply
Riverside Community ChurchDownload Riverside Community Church, located on Divine Street in the Shandon area near Five Points, has joined the[...]
Blessed Assurances
Also view at "Some people in my congregation want assurances I cannot give them," was the frustration shared by[...]
Resources CMBA Offers Congregations Part Two of a Description of trhe Resources CMBA Offers Congregations Part One of a Description of the[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, May 25, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-05.25.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
ReLaunching Your Congregation — The What and How — Not the When
Videos and support material for how you ReLaunch your congregation as the COVID-19 Pandemic will allow. Resource: Interim CDC Guidelines[...]
OPP 037: Freddy Johnson and Kris Swiatocho on the Power of Single’s Ministry
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The One Priority Podcast is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, May 18, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-05.18.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
A Prayer for the Ninth Week of Virtual Church
A-Prayer-for-05.17.20Download A Prayer for the Ninth Week of Virtual Church A Prayer for the Ninth Week of Virtual Church O[...]
What’s an Online Campus, and Should Our Church Have One?
Online CampusesDownload Before COVID-19 it may have been hard for many churches to imagine a need for a dedicated online[...]
Our One Priority Briefing Live! for May 12, 2020
Beyond Video Streaming: An Introduction to an Online Campus A Presentation by Steve Perky at See resources Steve shared[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, May 11, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-05.11.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
A Prayer for the Eighth Week of Virtual Church
A-Prayer-for-05.10.20Download A Prayer for the Eighth Week of Virtual Church O Lord our God, when we began meeting virtually eight[...]
ReLaunching Your Congregation Insights
By George Bullard, Executive Director ReLaunching-Your-Congregation-InsightsDownload FIRST: Three Big Questions about ReLaunching/ReOpening for Churches to Consider . . . Criteria[...]
Thoughts on ReLaunching Congregations During COVID-19
Relaunching CongregationsDownload It is a burning question so many church members are asking these days – when can we all[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, May 4, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-05.04.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
A Prayer for the Seventh Week of Virtual Church
A-Prayer-for-05.03.20Download A Prayer for the Seventh Week of Virtual Church O Lord our God, the focus in many congregations has[...]
Churches “Flattening” the Technology Learning Curve
Church Technology Learning CurveDownload As the spread of COVID-19 and its related shutdowns began occurring in mid-March, churches were forced[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Ministers from George Bullard — Monday, April 27, 2020
A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our-One-Priority-Briefing-04.27.20Download Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
A Prayer for the Sixth Week of Virtual Church
A-Prayer-for-04.26.20Download A Prayer for the Sixth Week of Virtual Church O Lord our God, just as we were refining[...]
COVID-19 Financial Assistance Spotlight
COVID-19 Financial AssistanceDownload CMBA churches have access to several avenues for financial ministry assistance in the wake of the COVID-19[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Ministers from George Bullard — Monday, April 20, 2020
Our-One-Priority-Briefing-04.20.20Download A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to[...]
A Prayer for the Fifth Week of Virtual Church
A-Prayer-for-04.19.20Download O Lord our God, we bless Your holy name. We share that we were fine for a few[...]
Our Wednesday Word from George Bullard, April 15, 2020 Wednesday-Word-Transcription-04.15.20Download Good afternoon. This is George Bullard on Wednesday, April 15th. Normally this would be our day to be[...]
“Good Faith” and the CARES Act
CMBA - Cares Act Covid AssistanceDownload Several CMBA churches have applied for funds available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Ministers from George Bullard — Monday, April 13, 2020
CMBA Church Leaders Dialogue and Prayer Gathering When: Tuesday, April 14th at 1:00 p.m. Where: Join Zoom Video Conference (with[...]
CMBA’s COVID-19 Response Resources
Resources for CMBA Churches and Others Video Conference Presentation on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 on COVID-19 Response Funding >[...]
A Prayer for Easter 2020
A-Prayer-for-Easter-2020Download O Lord, our God, we are experiencing a radically different Easter. The warmth of personal fellowship with physical closeness[...]
In the Midst of Closures, Can a Welcome Ministry Still Operate?
Virtual First ImpressionsDownload Church life looks very different after just a few weeks of physical distancing and an uncertain timeframe[...]
Why a @120-Day Plan from March 15th?
With the extension of stay home/stay safe through at least April, how can a church plan for the next @120[...]
COVID-19 Interview with Maria Owens of Richland School District Two, March 31, 2020
George Bullard and Cathy Locklear had the opportunity to talk with Maria Owens of Richland Country School District Two about[...]
COVID-19 Interview with Erik Ely of Generis, March 30, 2020
George Bullard had the opportunity to talk with Erik Ely of about issues of generosity and how to respond[...]
A Great, Simple, Inexpensive Online Giving Choice
Our Baptist Foundation of South Carolina is offering a very inexpensive way for churches to receiving online tithes and offerings.[...]
Resources for Churches During the COVID-19 Crisis Here are some selected resources for churches that may be helpful during the COVID-19 Crisis: Online Giving: (Note:[...]
CMBA Prayer Network eNews — March 17, 2020
Tuesday March 17, 2020 Our One Priority CMBA Prayer Network Requests Please pray for the following requests. Also, share these[...]
A Pastoral Letter from George Bullard, March 16, 2020
Pastoral-Letter-03.16.20-2Download A Pastoral Letter from George Bullard, Executive Director to the Columbia Metro Baptist Association Family of Congregations, Monday, March[...]
Union Baptist Welcomes Luther Harmon as Pastor
Union BaptistDownload Union Baptist Church officially welcomed Luther Harmon as pastor in January and his installment service followed in early[...]
CMBA Prayer Network eNews — March 10, 2020
Tuesday March 10, 2020 Our One Priority CMBA Prayer Network Requests Please pray for the following requests. Also, share these[...]
CMC 036: Chris Hanley on Saturating Community with the Gospel
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost 100 family churches that[...]
Our One Priority Briefing for Ministers from George Bullard — March 9th Edition
Missional Leadership Community Gathers on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at North Trenholm Baptist Church Hear George Russ, executive director, Metropolitan[...]
Concise Coronavirus Guide for Churches
Our friends at have provided us with this helpful guide. Concise-Coronavirus-Church-GuideDownload
Village Church at Park Street Launched on February 23rd
Village Park StreetDownload In January 2019, Erik Estep, senior pastor of Village Church in Blythewood, was in downtown Columbia –[...]
CMC 035: Bill Crews on Focusing on the Deep and Trusting Jesus with the Wide
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost 100 family churches that[...]
Village Church at Park Street is Why I Do What I Do
Bullard-Village-Church-at-Park-Street-02.24.20-1Download Forty-five years ago during the summer of 1975, I visited four cities of the 15 where 100 churches were[...]
Hope Baptist Poised to Reach Growing Community
Hope Baptist ChurchDownload Tim Murr is excited to see God at work in his congregation. He began as pastor of[...]
CMC 034: Don Brock on Leading Gateway to be a Leading Edge Church.
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost 100 family churches that[...]
CMBA Prayer Network eNews — February 21, 2020
Friday, February 21, 2020 CMBA Prayer Network Requests Please pray for the following requests. Also, share these prayer requests with[...]
A New Chapter for the Columbia Metro Baptist Association: Building Sale Funds Future Ministries
CMBA New OfficeDownload Big changes and exciting opportunities are ahead for CMBA in 2020. The Gadsden Street building was sold[...]
For the Glory of God – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #033
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost 100 family churches that[...]
Want to Connect with an International Student?
Carolina BCM is partnering with ministries across Columbia to assist in pairing international students with believing American families for friendship[...]
Connect with the CMBA Prayer Network
Columbia Metro Baptist Association Announces the Launching of a Prayer Network Register for the CMBA Prayer Network at What?[...]
Thalia Deaver Retires After 25 Years as Associational Clerk
Thalia DeaverDownload Thalia Deaver has served the Columbia Metro Baptist Association as clerk for 25 years. In her role she[...]
In Fairfield County, Revitalization has an Entirely Different Meaning for Winnsboro First Baptist Church
Craig BaileyDownload In 2016, Craig Bailey was praying about where God might use him next. He had lived and served[...]
WMU Leader Draws from Experience, Passion to Impact Women
Valerie Carter SmithDownload Valerie Carter Smith grew up in a middle-class Long Island family. The day her father unexpectedly abandoned[...]
Families for All Children — Foster Care Pilot
Families for All ChildrenDownload On November 19th Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) conducted a Vision Day Lunch and Speaker where[...]
CMBA, Gethsemane Associations Celebrate Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer
Baptist Women's World Day of PrayerDownload Women from the Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) and the Gethsemane Association met together[...]
CMBA Office Move is Thursday, December 5th
The CMBA Office will be moving on Thursday, December 5th from 1929 Gadsden Street to our new location in the[...]
Church Tour Ideas from CMBA Churches and Others
Church Tour Idea 001: Gateway Baptist Church has in its worship folder a link to their Gateway Groups web page[...]
Making a Difference One Child at a Time – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #32
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play       The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
The National Study of Congregations’ Economic Practices
Congregations' Economic Practices 2-Page Summary 2019Download The Lake Institute on Faith & Giving has published a National Study of Congregations’[...]
Strategic Prayer and Two More Steps are Foundations for Sandy Level’s Evangelism Focus
Chris HanleyDownload About one year ago, Chris Hanley, pastor of Sandy Level Baptist Church in Blythewood, says he felt the[...]
Families for All Children at the November 19th Vision Day
CMCH-Foster-CareDownload On November 19th Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) will conduct a Vision Day Lunch and Speaker where churches will[...]
Connie Maxwell Offers Pilot on Foster Care to Three to Five CMBA Churches
On Tuesday, November 19th ( Noon to 1:30 p.m.) at North Trenholm Baptist Church in Columbia, Danny Nicholson, president of[...]
Sharing God’s Love “Behind the Fence”
Sharing God's Love Behind the FenceDownload Where does prison ministry fall on your church’s list of community outreach opportunities? Many[...]
A Heart for Discipleship Drives Pastor Bill Crews at GraceChurch in Columbia
GraceChurchDownload To fully understand Columbia’s GraceChurch, it’s important to look at the church’s softball team playing in a co-ed league[...]
Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer, November 4th
Navigating the Technology Issue
Technology has opened up a brave new world in human information sharing and communication. It has impacted education in tremendous[...]
The High Points in Congregational Ministry
What are some of the high points in congregational ministry for your pastor and other staff ministers? Baptism of a[...]
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is an annual event in many congregations. It is a time that typically the largest number of[...]
An Upside to Social Media
While social media is – at its best – a wonderful way to communicate with family, friends, and acquaintances, it[...]
What Type of Volunteer Are You?
Once upon a time in church life, when a general call was issued for volunteers for a certain event or[...]
A Call to Deeper Faith
On the way home from church one Sunday a little girl asks her parents what it means to “fast.” The[...]
Gifting Among Ministers
Earlier this month we shared the same “wordle” you see here. At that time we asked you about the number[...]
Circus and Monkeys
We would all hope that no pastor or other staff minister ever considers their church to be a “circus” and[...]
CMBA Ministers and Missionaries in Transition Grants
Ministers-and-Missionaries-in-Transition-GrantsDownload CMBA offers a grant program with funds from the sale of its missionary house. Small monthly grants for up[...]
Do You Peek?
Okay, admit it. Have you ever looked when the pastor says, “With every head bowed and every eye closed?” The[...]
Pray for Mike Seay, Pastor, Biker Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Mike Seay as he serves[...]
Pray for Edgardo Figueroa, Pastor, Bayview Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Edgardo Figueroa as he serves[...]
Pray for David Spears, Pastor, Eason Memorial Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of David Spears as he serves[...]
Pray for Jacob Helsley, Pastor, Blaney Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Jacob and Sarah Elizabeth Helsley[...]
Pray for John Roberts, Pastor, Fort Clark Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of John and Willette Roberts as[...]
Pray for Terry Smoak, Pastor, Kilbourne Park Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Terry Smoak as he serves[...]
Pray for Eric Bothur, Pastor, South Beltline Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Eric Bothur as he serves[...]
CMBA Hunger Ministry Grants
Does your congregation have an ongoing hunger ministry? If so, your family of congregations would like to encourage your ministry.[...]
Student Minister Appreciation
One of the most important ministry roles in a congregation is the leader of the youth or student ministry. In[...]
Empowering Congregations is the Key Service to Churches
Key-Service-to-ChurchesDownload Our One Priority in CMBA is Starting and Strengthening Congregations to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities. To[...]
God Is Always Speaking
God is always speaking. God is always speaking into the lives of each person. God is always speaking into your[...]
Pray for Steve Reynolds, Pastor, Concord Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Steve Reynolds as he serves[...]
Pray for Malcolm Taylor, Pastor, New Light Beulah Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Malcolm Taylor as he serves[...]
Pray for Charles Wilson, Pastor, Mount Elon Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Charles Wilson as he serves[...]
Pray for Reginald Byrden, Pastor, Grace Fellowship Church of Columbia
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Reginald Byrden as he serves[...]
Pray for Roger Gounaud, Pastor, Southeast Community Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Roger Gounaud as he serves[...]
When a Pastor Goes Long
There is an old joke that asks the question, what does it mean when the preacher/teaching pastor looks at their[...]
Remember the Team
George Bullard grew up in Baltimore, MD, and followed the then Baltimore Colts. Many years later in another part of[...]
Pray for Adam Gibson, Vision/Teaching Pastor, Midtown Fellowship- Downtown
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Adam Gibson as he serves[...]
Pray for Donnie Chambers, Pastor, Red Hill Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Donnie Chambers as he serves[...]
Pray for Lindsey Lyerly, Pastor, North Columbia Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Lindsey Lyerly as he serves[...]
Ministers Are Human Too
Whatever you do during the month to show appreciation to the ministers among you does not have to be formal,[...]
Pray for Dan Griffin, Pastor, Harmony Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Dan Griffin as he serves[...]
Pray for Ryan Perz, Pastor, Three Rivers Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Ryan Perz as he serves[...]
Pray for Samuel Hernandez, Pastor, Dios Es Amor
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Samuel Hernandez as he serves[...]
Pray for Wes Church, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church in Columbia
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Wes and Rachel Church as[...]
Pray for Jeff Benson, Pastor, Willow Lake Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Jeff Benson as he serves[...]
That Awkward Moment When…
A pastor once admitted that he was not musical. However, he would often catch himself humming to the music being[...]
Pray for Jeremy Rivers, Pastor, Body of Christ Outreach Ministries
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Jeremy Rivers as he ministers[...]
Pray for Jeff Shipman, Teaching Pastor, Columbia Crossroads Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Jeff Shipman as he serves[...]
CMBA Elects New Officers
CMBA elected officers for the coming year on Tuesday, October 15th during their annual business session. The Moderator will be[...]
Tangible Ways to Appreciate Your Ministers
We are now halfway through October. How is it going in your church or ministry setting? In what ways have[...]
Pray for DJ Kirkland, Pastor, Pineview Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of DJ and Joanie Kirkland. He[...]
Pray for Daniel Schrall, Pastor, Southside Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Daniel Schrall as he serves[...]
A Lifetime Campaign
Serving in Christian ministry is like engaging in a lifetime campaign for a political office. There is seldom a day[...]
Pray for Robert Winburn, Pastor, Spring Valley Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Robert Winburn as he serves[...]
Pray for Brenda Kneece, Pastor, Belmont Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Brenda Kneece as she serves[...]
Pray for Steven Bouknight, Pastor, Eau Claire Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Steven Bouknight as he serves[...]
Pray for Timothy Murr, Pastor, Hope Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Timothy and Denise Murr as[...]
There is a Sermon Illustration Somewhere…
People in Christian ministry often have decades of preaching, teaching, testifying, and dialogue with people either seeking spiritual guidance, attending[...]
Sacrifices and Service
All Christians are called to serve our Lord with their full heart, soul, mind, and strength. That is a foundational[...]
Pray for Ruben Navarrete, Pastor, Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Ruben Navarrete as he serves[...]
Pray for Ken Cole, Pastor, Rockton Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Kenny and Sonya Cole as[...]
Pray for Chris Hanley, Pastor, Sandy Level Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Chris Hanley as he serves[...]
Pray for Andrew Scott, Pastor, Second Union Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Andrew Scott as he serves[...]
Pray for Dean Reynolds, Pastor, Sawney’s Creek Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Dean and Carole Reynolds as[...]
Share Your Gratitude
The next time your family is gathered around a table for a meal, or you and your spouse, or you[...]
Volunteerism vs. Recruitment
Among the things that have changed over the decades about church life is how people volunteer. When church was the[...]
How Many Hats?
How many hats does your pastor and other ministers in your church wear? Probably a lot more than you think.[...]
“I Appreciate You”
Do you remember that time a minister from your church came to the hospital during a critical surgery of a[...]
Pray for Tommy Hutto, Pastor, Crooked Run Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Tommy Hutto as he serves[...]
Pray for Lee Butler, Pastor, Crescent Hill Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Lee and Leisa Butler as[...]
Pray for Zaw Naw, Pastor, First Berea Baptist Church (Burmese)
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Zaw Naw (in the center)[...]
Pray for Greg Sweet, Pastor, Spears Creek Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Greg and Lisa Sweet as[...]
Pray for Ethan Brown, Pastor, Stephen Greene Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Ethan and Charron Brown as[...]
Pray for David Sturgeon, Pastor, Temple Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of David Sturgeon as he serves[...]
Pray for Jeff Phillips, Pastor, Woodfield Park Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month, show your appreciation by praying for the ministry of Jeff and Ashley Phillips as[...]
Cutting Edge Ideas
If you are a youth group leader – volunteer or paid – or many other positions in a church, you[...]
What is an Awesome Minister?
“We serve an awesome God” is a phrase often heard around church worship services. Yes, we are in awe and[...]
Pray for George Wright, Senior Pastor, Shandon Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for George Wright as he serves as Senior Pastor of Shandon Baptist Church.
Pray for Erik Estep, Senior Pastor, Village Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Erik and Emily Estep as he serves as Senior Pastor of Village[...]
Pray for Don Brock, Senior Pastor, Gateway Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Don Brock as he serves as Senior Pastor of Gateway Baptist Church.
Pray for David Kizziah, Pastor, New Heights Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for David Kizziah as he serves as pastor of New Heights Church.
Pray for Casey Williams, Pastor, North Trenholm Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Casey Williams as he serves as pastor of North Trenholm Baptist Church.
Pray for Ben Johns, Pastor, Indian Christian Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Ben Johns as he serves as pastor of Indian Christian Church.
Pray for Brian Thomas, Pastor, NorthStar Christian Center
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Brian and Susan Thomas as he serves as pastor of NorthStar Christian[...]
Pray for Andre Rogers, Pastor, Concord Fellowship Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Andre Rogers as he serves as pastor of Concord Fellowship Baptist Church
Ministry and Family
Ministers have families too. Not every member of every minister’s family is excited about their parent serving in a ministry[...]
Pray for Bob Morgan, Pastor, Rosewood Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Bob Morgan as he serves as pastor of Rosewood Church
Pray for Jeffrey Scott, Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Jeffrey and Rita Scott as he serves as pastor of Calvary Baptist[...]
Pray for Terry Cagle, Pastor, Greenlawn Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Terry Cagle as he serves as Pastor of Greenlawn Baptist Church.
Pray for Craig Bailey, Pastor, First Baptist Church Winnsboro
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Craig and Sue Bailey as he serves as Pastor of First Baptist[...]
Those Who Diligently Labor
In spite of the fact that each of us is responsible for our own spiritual health, faithfulness to God, and[...]
Pray for Greg Dowey, Pastor, FRESH Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Greg and Missie Dowey as he serves as Pastor of FRESH Church.
Pray for Freddy Johnson, Pastor, North Point Community Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Freddy Johnson, his wife Helen and their children as he serves as[...]
Pray for Dee Vaughan, Pastor, St. Andrews Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Dee Vaughan and his wife Linda as he serves as Lead Pastor[...]
Pray for Michael McCoy, Pastor, St. Mark Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Michael McCoy as he serves as Lead Pastor of St. Mark Baptist[...]
Pray for Clay Smith, Lead Pastor, Alice Drive Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Clay Smith and his wife Gina as he serves as Lead Pastor[...]
Pray for Chris Reinolds, Pastor, Killian Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for Chris Reinolds, his wife Rosalind, and their children and as he serves[...]
Pray for J Thompson, Pastor, Cedar Creek Baptist Church
During this October Minister Appreciation Month pray for J Thompson and wife Donna and as he serves as Pastor of[...]
“My Pleasure!”
If you ever dine at a Chick-Fil-A you will hear the two-word phrase “My Pleasure” said to you when you[...]
Pray for Ant Frederick, Pastor, Midtown Fellowship — Two Notch
During the Minister Appreciation Month of October, pray for Ant and Hannah Fredrick and their children as he serves as[...]
Pray for Cameron DeBrew, Lead Pastor, Beulah Baptist Church
During the Minister Appreciation Month of October, pray for Cameron and Donna DeBrew as he serves as Lead Pastor at[...]
Ministers Must Be Confident
Okay so this t-shirt may be a little bit over the top. It does, however, remind us of the pastor[...]
Pray for Bill Wright, Associate Pastor, Temple Baptist Church
During the Minister Appreciation Month of October, pray for Bill and Stephanie Wright as he serves as Associate Pastor at[...]
Pray for Andre Melvin, Pastor, Temple Zion Baptist Church
During the Minister Appreciation Month of October, pray for Andre Melvin, his wife Sheresa and their children as he serves[...]
Pray for Brad Whitelaw, Pastor, Awaken Church
During the Minister Appreciation Month of October, pray for Brad Whitelaw and family as he serves as the Lead Pastor[...]
Ministers Should Be Bold!
While Jesus was known for flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip, that is probably not what you[...]
October is Minister Appreciation Month
Are you ready? October 1st - 31st is Minister Appreciation Month. Use this month to express appreciation for the ministers[...]
South Carolina State Fair Ministry — October 7th – 20th
SC State Fair MinistryDownload For more information contact Cathy Locklear at 803.622.0303 or  Each year the churches of the[...]
Awaken Church Celebrates 10 Years of Loving the Community
Awaken ChurchDownload When Awaken Church was planted ten years ago in northeast Richland County, its members were committed to engaging[...]
Questions Help Shape Killian Baptist’s Revitalization
Killian Baptist's Revitalization - Chris ReinoldsDownload (Editor’s Note: This is one of a series of articles about pastors who began[...]
God is Remolding North Point Community Church
North Point Community ChurchDownload Pastor Freddy Johnson was called to North Point Community Church five years ago. At its North[...]
WMU of Virginia Streetwalking Ministry Offers Light in Darkness of Richmond Prostitution Zone
SWC-Streetwalking-MinistryDownload A Sisters Who Care Article from Richmond, VA (By National WMU on May 24, 2019 – written by Trennis[...]
Sisters Who Care to be Introduced at the Black Church Leadership Conference September 6-7, 2019
SWC-Introduced-at-Black-Church-ConfDownload Sisters Who Care® (SWC) is part of a national organization of Baptist women, aged 18 and above, of all[...]
Beulah Baptist on Mission – Drilling Fresh Water in Remote Villages, Building Local Relationships
Beulah Baptist On MissionDownload Beulah Baptist Church members love their neighbors, near and far. The church is active in a[...]
Transforming Culture By Strengthening Community – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #31
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
Preparing a Church For the Unknown — Episode #30
 SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
Money, Conflict, and Pastor-less Churches – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #029
Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
After 27 Years and a Church Relocation, Don Brock Has Guided Gateway Into a Vibrant, Accepting Church
Leading Edge Pastor Don BrockDownload Located in an economically, upscale community near a resort lake and with great public education,[...]
Spring Valley Baptist Church Isn’t Robert Winburn’s Only Legacy — All Four Children in Vocational Ministry Families
Leading Edge Pastor -- Winburn FamilyDownload Also see Spring Valley Baptist Embraces Diverse Community, Works Hard to Be a Good[...]
Spring Valley Baptist Embraces Diverse Community, Works Hard to Be a Good Neighbor
Leading Edge Pastor Robert WinburnDownload Also see Spring Valley Baptist Church Isn’t Robert Winburn’s Only Legacy — All Four Children[...]
Koinonia Fosters Community in Eau Claire
Koinonia Fosters Community in Eau ClaireDownload This summer about 50 children from the Eau Claire community are experiencing a six-week[...]
How Churches Formally Connect with and/or Become Members of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association
CMBA, How to Connect Join, 01.01.19Download Church Network Connections and Church Members: The Columbia Metro Baptist Association desires to be[...]
Expectation One of Churches Who are Members or Connected with CMBA
The Visionary Leadership Community (formerly Administrative Team) of CMBA has been working on a set of expectations for member churches[...]
Expectation Two of Churches Who are Members or Connected with CMBA
Expectation Two: Every church is expected to be on mission to fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the[...]
Expectation Three of Churches Who are Members or Connected with CMBA
Since CMBA is a member-based family of churches, it is dependent on the financial support of family members. Every church[...]
Expectation Four of Churches Who are Members or Connected with CMBA
Historically – before there were entities such as state conventions and a national Baptist denomination –there were documents know as[...]
Expectation Five of Churches Who are Members or Connected with CMBA
Every member church is eligible for their pastor (or a designated person) plus at least one other person, to be[...]
The Value of Partnerships to Ethnic Church Plants
The Value of Partnerships to Ethnic Church PlantsDownload First Haitian Church of Columbia has welcomed new visitors each week since[...]
First Impressions Team Training on August 24th
Register HERE First Impressions Team Training is often needed for the people providing guest services for your congregation. It is[...]
First Haitian Baptist Church Connects with CMBA
A celebration from the CMBA Visionary Leadership Community gathering on Tuesday, June 18th Recognized the First Haitian Baptist Church –[...]
Alice Drive Baptist Ties Multi-Site with an Emphasis on Making a Good First Impression
Alice Drive - Clay SmithDownload This summer, Clay Smith will celebrate 25 years as the lead pastor at Alice Drive[...]
Robert Grant Provides Church Administration Assistance in New Role
Robert GrantDownload Robert Grant began his work as an Empowering Congregations Ministry Mobilizer with the Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA)[...]
David Waganer Seeks to Empower Congregations
David WaganerDownload The Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) welcomes David Waganer, an independent contract worker who began his responsibilities as[...]
The Bullard Journal for June 8, 2019
Saturday, June 8, 2019: “An Answered Prayer”: Celebrating a Future Story of Ministry. In January 2019 almost 400 members of[...]
The Bullard Journal for June 7, 2019
Friday, June 7, 2019: “A Call to Action”: The Rule of 21 Leaders. In an urban area in the southern[...]
The Columbia Metro Connection Podcast Are Posted Regularly. Sign Up to Automatically Receive Them.
The Columbia Metro Connection Podcast was launched in 2018. This is a regular podcast targeting ministers and laypersons of the[...]
The Bullard Journal for June 6, 2019
Thursday, June 6, 2019: “A Call to Action”: Conducting a Congregational Assessment and Learning Experience (CALE). Today is the first[...]
The Heart of First Impressions – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #028
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
Alice Drive’s Welcome Ministry Shifts from “What” to “Why”
First Impressions Alice DriveDownload Alice Drive Baptist Church members have welcomed visitors to Sunday worship and at key locations around[...]
BCM Highlight – Panel Discussion – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #027
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play     The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost 100 family churches that[...]
BCM Highlight – Jamie Rogers – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #026
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
The Kingdom Value of First Impressions
The Kingdom Value of First ImpressionsDownload Mary Ann Sibley wants you to feel welcomed and included. Drawing on corporate experience[...]
BCM Highlight – Penetrating Darkness with the Light – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #025
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
Wes Church Believes First Baptist Can Leverage Its Unique Historic, Downtown Distinctives
Download this article -- Wes Church           Since becoming senior pastor at First Baptist Church, Columbia,[...]
Medical Missions & The Local Church – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #024
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
Collegiate Ministry in Columbia — Six Next Steps
Carolina BCM Next StepsDownload On Tuesday, April 23rd Jamie Rogers--Baptist Collegiate Ministries Director in Columbia--spoke at a CMBA Vision Day,[...]
Giving Strength to Churches Through Relationships – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #023
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play    The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost 100 family churches that[...]
How to Transform the World Through Collegiate Ministry
Registration is required for the FREE lunch. Use this link to register: The April 23rd Vision Day Lunch and[...]
Your Church and The Baptist Collegiate Ministry – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #022
  SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
CMBA Moderator Ralphetta Davis Is Inspired by International Missions Experiences
Download this article -- Missional Partnerships -- Ralphetta Davis Columbia native Ralphetta Davis just returned from her second mission trip[...]
Gaining Traction in a Dying Church – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #021
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play       The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Mission House Sold. Minister and Missionary Grant Program Begun.
Mission House March 15th the CMBA Mission House was sold in favor of beginning a grant program for temporary housing[...]
Panel Discussion on Church Multiplication – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #020
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play       The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the[...]
Gaining Traction for a Radical Congregational Transformation, Part Three
Register to the Vision Day Lunch and Panel on March 19th to hear more about this subject from a panel[...]
Brenda Sheets of St. Andrews Church Takes Annual Medical Missions Trip
Missional Partnerships -- Brenda SheetsDownload Brenda Sheets took her first mission trip to Honduras with St. Andrews Baptist Church[...]
Gaining Traction for a Radical Congregational Transformation, Part Two
Register to the Vision Day Lunch and Panel on March 19th to hear more about this subject from a panel[...]
Gaining Traction for a Radical Congregational Transformation, Part One
Register to the Vision Day Lunch and Panel on March 19th to hear more about this subject from a panel[...]
A Church’s Commitment to Church Planting Sharpens an Evangelistic Focus
Download this article -- Multiplying Congregatons -- George Wright In 1907, the First Baptist Church of Columbia watched as the city’s[...]
Church Generosity Within Our Family of Congregations
Church Generosity Within Our Family of CongregationsDownload In a family of congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina known as[...]
Back to Basics at FRESH Church in Irmo
Dowload This Article --Multiplying Congregations -- Greg Dowey Karee Richardson says her church is like family. She and her husband[...]
Multiplying Congregations Monthly Breakfast Gatherings
The Columbia Metro Baptist Association is pulling together a monthly gathering (perhaps a Saturday breakfast) to dialogue about multiplying congregations[...]
Alice Drive Baptist Church in Sumter Connects with CMBA
Alice Drive Baptist Church (ADBC) has connected with CMBA under the newly updated category of Church Network Connections. ADBC's primary[...]
On 20th CMBA Anniversary Locklear Celebrates Relationships with Churches
Download Our Family Story -- Community Impact - Cathy Locklear In 1999, Cathy Locklear and her husband Eric had just welcomed[...]
Church Plants Must Serve in the Community, Connect with People, and Be Involved with Other Churches
In 2001, Erik Estep was serving Fellowship Baptist Church in Lexington, had never thought about church planting, and on this[...]
Church Adoption Within Our Family of Congregations
As your associational director of missions, I frequently use the metaphor of family to describe the best possible relationship we[...]
Midtown Fellowship: Two Notch—A Church Plant in the Inner City to Reach into Poverty
Midtown Fellowship’s downtown Columbia church plant began in 2007 with a Sunday worship gathering and intentional Life Groups to primarily[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 031 By George Bullard
Few followers get vision easily. Leaders must paint a picture of what the congregation could be like once captured by[...]
Register for the Vision Day Lunch and Speaker — Tuesday, February 19th
You are Invited to Register for Vision Day Lunch and Speaker on the Multiplication of Congregational Expressions on Tuesday, February[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 037
Insight 037: “Leaders running the OS (operating system) of church growth measure progress altogether differently than those drive by Gospel[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 030 By George Bullard
Vision casting is the responsibility of all leaders in a congregation with the pastor providing initiating leadership. Pastors would do[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 036
Insight 036: “Vision shapes your understanding of your current reality and your hope for what is to come. The same[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 035
Insight 035: Four principles are used to create the OS of Gospel Saturation. “They are the core beliefs that shape[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 034
Insight 034: Four principles are used to create the OS of Gospel Saturation. “They are the core beliefs that shape[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 029 By George Bullard
When pastors do not get vision easily, they may find some true visionaries among their congregation who do get it.[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 033
Insight 033: Four principles are used to create the OS of Gospel Saturation. “They are the core beliefs that shape[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 028 By George Bullard
Pastors and staff who feel entitled to their role with a particular congregation are not likely to empower vision. Entitlement[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 032
Insight 032: Four principles are used to create the OS of Gospel Saturation. “They are the core beliefs that shape[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 027 By George Bullard
Pastors not passionate about God’s empowering vision for their congregation are likely to become known as “former pastor.” If there[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 026 By George Bullard
Pastors not passionate about God’s empowering vision for their congregation are likely to gain a reputation as mediocre. Let’s admit[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 031
Insight 031: “We long for churches to embrace Gospel Saturation as their driving OS for everything the church does. We[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 025 By George Bullard
When congregations expect the pastor to provide vision, they often mean a vision with which they agree. Even if a[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 030
Insight 030: “We would define success by whether or not every man, woman, and child has repeated opportunities to see,[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 029
Insight 029: “From Addition to Multiplication – These practical changes culminate with a radically new definition of success. We would[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 028
Insight 028: “Christians and churches with this Gospel Saturation OS would work to collaborate with others to saturate a defined[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 024 By George Bullard
If vision is deeply felt throughout the congregation, it does not diminish when there is a transition in pastors. This[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 027
Insight 027: “There isn’t a city where any singular church can accomplish the mission of filling their community with image-bearing[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 023 By George Bullard
If congregations focus on the pastor’s vision, when the pastor leaves vision often leaves. Vision from God never leaves. Does[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 026
Insight 026: “From Competition to Collaboration – Transformed people living on mission for the sake of Gospel Saturation will soon[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 022 By George Bullard
Vision plus Intentionality is the core formula for an Enduring Visionary Leadership Community to follow. Congregations seeking to transform only[...]
Boldly Go Where No Association Has Gone Before — Overview
Boldly Go Where No Association Has Gone Before!  For some leaders and churches there are big misunderstandings about the truly[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 021 By George Bullard
Visionary Leadership is about who we are, what we believe, where we are headed, and how we are getting there.[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 025
Insight 025: “Transformation cannot be programmed by any leader, no matter how gifted. It occurs when God’s people are captivated[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 020 By George Bullard
God offers transformative vision. Too often our possessions, deference to other people, and pride blind us as we are only[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 024
Insight 024: “From Attendance to Transformation – The second priority shift between a church growth and a Gospel Saturation OS[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 023
Insight 023: “Our new operating system would necessitate God’s people own the lostness where they live, learn, work, and play,[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 022
Insight 022: “Since God’s Spirit indwells all His people, we know that every disciple of Jesus becomes the access point[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 019 By George Bullard
Earthly things, preferences, and tangible security blind us to the brilliance of God’s new vision. Humankind regularly confuses the leadership[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 021
Insight 021: “From Collection to Mobilization – A church growth OS aims at collection while a Gospel Saturation OS seeks[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 018 By George Bullard
Vision is not a passing fantasy or a fleeting passion. It is a long-term view of God’s calling on a[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 020
Insight 020: “A church can’t have a church growth OS (operating system) and effectively run Gospel Saturation Apps. The predetermined[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 017 By George Bullard
When congregations are in the best possible relationship with God and one another they can easily experience vision. Distance from[...]
New BCM Director Brings Relational Approach to Campus Ministry
Download Our Family Story -- Jamie Rogers, BCM Director Jamie Rogers is the new Columbia area Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) director,[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 016 By George Bullard
Vision is about pressing on towards the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus as shared in[...]
Gospel Saturation in a Multi-Ethnic Community – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #019
Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 019
Insight 019: “If our vision is to grow a large church, it will be quite small compared to filling the[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 015 By George Bullard
Even if only a small percentage of leaders in your congregation are visionaries, God still has a perfect vision for[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 018
Insight 018: “’How’ questions lead to answers based on apps. ‘Why’ questions lead to answers based on operating systems. Gospel[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 017
Insight 017: “We can define Gospel Saturation this way: The church owning the lostness of an identified people in a[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 016
Insight 016: “Our sermons are filled with words like ‘gospel’, ‘glory’, ‘discipleship’, and ‘mission’. But why? If our ‘why’ is[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 014 By George Bullard
Vision is specific to your congregation. Mission is transferable to many congregations in your denominational family. A key difference between[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 015
Insight 015: “Paul makes it clear that this mission isn’t simply the task of a faithful few. All those who[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 013 By George Bullard
Do not confuse our eternal mission, your everlasting purpose, and your enduring core values with God's empowering vision. These are[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 014
Insight 014: “The reason we must begin with the ‘why’ question is because the answer to this question fuels our[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 012 By George Bullard
The word vision contains neither the letter “m” nor the letter “e.” Vision is not about “me.” It is about[...]
Kingdom Work to Continue in Former Church’s Facility
Download Our Family Story -- Eastside Church, 12.14.18 There were tears at Eastside Baptist’s last service held on Dec. 2, but[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 013
Insight 013: “Why are your planting that church? Who do you want your church to grow? Why are you going[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 011 By George Bullard
One crucial test of vision is that it moves the congregation forward in God's image and not the image of[...]
Passing the Baton to Expand The Kingdom – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #018
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 012
“We wrestle with our inherited OS that we learned through our upbringing, our seminaries, our books, our traditions, and our[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 010 By George Bullard
Vision is more about the pulling of God into the future than the pushing of humankind to do better each[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 011
“Churches driven by this OS (church growth) would define success by how many members they have, how many people show[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 010
"At the risk of oversimplification, let’s assume that ‘church growth’ is the normative OS that is running these Apps in[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 009
"They [the Apps] can help the church accomplish all sorts of laudable goals, but they fail to achieve their maximum[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 009 By George Bullard
Vision is initiated by God to the body the church, cast by leadership, and owned by membership. Pastors, staff members,[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 008
[Continued from Insight 007] “In time, we often find that the App either doesn’t deliver the intended results or doesn’t[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 008 By George Bullard
The only vision that will work is God’s empowering vision. Neither the pastor’s vision nor the lay leadership’s vision is[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 007
“Whether you are starting a new church plant, re-missioning an older church, or attempting to keep the trend of growth[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 007 By George Bullard
Vision is the super high-octane fuel that drives the spiritual and strategic journey of a congregation. Vision is not about[...]
After 18 Years of Church Planting, Jeff Shipman Says the Future is Focusing on the “Why” Not “How”
Download Our Family Story -- Church Planting - Jeff Shipman, 01.09.19 Jeff Shipman’s goal is not church planting. His goal is[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 006 By George Bullard
Moses did not see vision in the burning bush. He experienced it with his whole being and was transformed by[...]
Born to Plant – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #017
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 006
“The rise of church planting fervor has prompted the start of more churches than we’ve seen in recent decades. Yet,[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 005 By George Bullard
Vision is about seeing with your full heart, soul, mind, and strength, rather than with only your eyes—even with corrective[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 005
(Consider the difference between a computer Operating System and an App.) “Evangelical culture represents the biggest App store imaginable—we have more[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 004
Missional theologian Leslie Newbigin “warned the church that the impending cultural changes would lead to an increasingly marginalized church—one that[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 003
“The question hasn’t changed: What does God want in the world? Our answer likely hasn’t changed either: To fill the[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 004 By George Bullard
Vision is not what leaders cast and followers catch. It is something by which leaders and followers are captured. Vision[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 002
“With all of our attention and investment into the craft of doing church, Christianity is fading across our country.” “It[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 003 By George Bullard
Vision is about walking by faith in God rather than by what is in plain sight, as we are admonished[...]
Gospel Saturation Insight 001
“God is not in a hurry. He is on mission and one of the key places that mission begins is[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 002 By George Bullard
Vision is the current understanding of God’s spiritual and strategic journey for a congregation. It is not yesterday’s understanding of[...]
Church Planting is at the Heart of George Bullard’s Ministry
Download Our Family Story -- Church Planting - George Bullard, 11.18 Church planting can work when church planters start churches. But[...]
Captured By Vision Insight 001 By George Bullard
Vision is a movement of God that is memorable rather than a statement of humankind that is memorized. Vision is[...]
Gospel Saturation and Multiplying Congregations in 2019
In the CMBA 2019 is a year of emphasis on multiplying congregations. As part of that we desire all congregations[...]
Let’s Be Bold About Multiplying Congregations in the CMBA
2019 is a year for launching a church planting movement within the Columbia Metro Baptist Association fellowship area. I have[...]
Church Planting is at the Heart of George Bullard’s Ministry
Church planting can work when church planters start churches. But the deep, rich, exponential Kingdom growth occurs when churches plant[...]
Is Your Congregation into Alleviating Poverty or Eliminating Poverty?
Every Sunday School class, missions group, women’s group, men’s group, and youth/student’s group in every congregation who does something to[...]
Let’s Take a Look at our Congregational Multiplication Opportunities
Insights on Congregational Multiplication from George Bullard 2019 is a year for launching a church planting movement within the Columbia[...]
The World in Our Backyard – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #016
Welcome back to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources[...]
A Lay Leader’s Hopeful Perspective on Local Church, Associational Work
Buck Williams is hopeful. He’s optimistic about the local church and its ability to share the gospel, and he’s hopeful[...]
The Nations Have Come To Us – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #015
Welcome back to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources[...]
Vision in a FaithSoaring Church Should be Covered in Prayer
George Bullard spoke at Samford University in Birmingham, AL on FaithSoaring Churches on October 9, 2018. Here is an article[...]
Gospel Saturated Communities – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #014
Welcome back to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources[...]
Know Your Church; Know Your Mission Field – The Columbia Metro Connection Podcast – Episode #013
 Welcome back to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources[...]
Mosaic® USA Consumer Lifestyle Segmentation
Check out this overview of the Demographic/Lifestyle People Groups in the USA.: 
Is Your Congregation Fishing in a Shallow Pond?
Find out at the CMBA Family Gathering Thursday, August 23rd at the SCBC Building. Register HERE for the lunch and[...]
As Your Church Prepares Its Budget for the Next Year . . .
. . . you are permitted to remember the association and to increase your gifts to the ministry of our[...]
Samuel Hernandez’s Winding Road, Listening to the Lord, Led to Bi-vocational Ministry in Columbia
Download this story:  Samuel Hernandez, 08.06.18 Samuel Hernandez has been pastor of Columbia’s Iglesia Hispana Dios es Amor for 18 years.[...]
Planning for Your Church’s Financial Future – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #012
Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
I Know a Place, a People Group, or a Congregation
One beginning point for the starting of a new congregational expression is to pull together a gathering of spiritually passionate[...]
Serving Urban and Multi-Cultural Churches — Resources from LifeWay
Black Church Life:  Check out the available resources at Andre Rogers and George Bullard Attended the Black Church Leadership and[...]
Bill Wright Sees Networking as Essential to 21st Century Kingdom Ministry
Download this story:  Bill Wright, 07.03.18 Bill Wright’s South Carolina Baptist roots go deep, serving in local churches and on staff[...]
Has the Multi-Site Movement Been Good for US Churches?
George Bullard’s Perspective on the Dave Travis National Church Intelligence Poll #1 -- July 16, 2018 Dave Travis--pictured here--who has been connected[...]
People of Passion vs. People of Position
Download: Top Ten People of Passion Some years ago, when consulting with various sizes and shapes of congregations, I realized[...]
Ten Mistakes That Churches Make When It Comes to First Time Guests
Wise counsel from Greg Atkinson of who was our February 2018 Vision Tuesday speaker. You may also check out[...]
First Time Guest Gift Ideas
Wise counsel from Greg Atkinson of who was our February 2018 Vision Tuesday speaker. You may also check out[...]
Essential Communication Pieces for First-Time Guest Success
Wise counsel from Greg Atkinson of who was our February 2018 Vision Tuesday speaker. You may also check out[...]
Four Ways to Welcome and Connect with Guests After a Big Event
Wise counsel from Greg Atkinson of who was our February 2018 Vision Tuesday speaker. You may also check out[...]
An Endorsement of Captured By Vision — a Book by George Bullard
Today I received an amazing unsolicited endorsement of my latest book today--I must share--from a pastor in Michigan who is[...]
The Columbia Metro Connection eNewsletter — June 6, 2018
A Message from George Bullard, Director This past Sunday I had a great opportunity to be with two churches meeting for[...]
Quarters for Jesus — A Compassion Revolution Story
September 22nd and 29th CMBA is sponsoring Inasmuch Days which help congregations to be involved in a compassion revolution. Inasmuch[...]
Urban Ministry – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #011
SUBSCRIBE:  iTunes| RSS | Stitcher | TuneIn Radio | Google Play      The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost[...]
ReBranding & ReLaunching Your Church – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #010
Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
Chart of Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course
Radical Transitions and Changes When Congregations Fully Surrender to God's Empowering Vision Download the chart: The Ten Rs Chart, 05.14.18 Tuesday,[...]
Resurrection — Replanting as a New Congregation
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Reinvention — Restarting as a New Congregation
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Redirection — Changing the Focus of Your Congregation
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Reconciliation — The Merger of Congregations
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Redemption — Joining with A Congregation of Potential
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Providing Food and Water to the Nations – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #009
Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
Moderator Dan Griffin Celebrates the Spirit of Cooperation as CMBA Family Week of Prayer Takes Place May 20-27
Columbia Metro Baptist Churches-in-Association will celebrate the CMBA Family Week of Prayer May 20-27. This annual emphasis is set aside[...]
Reception — Becoming a Location Partner
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Contrarian Strategies for Congregational Movements
By George Bullard It is dangerous to be away from a regular routine for too many days. (I am at[...]
Relocation — Moving to a More Promising Location
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Plotting A New Course for Your Congregation Gatherings on Tuesday, May 15th
Vision Tuesday on May 15th will have a Lunch Session and an Evening Session The regular Vision Tuesday Lunch and[...]
Reproduction — Planting New Congregational Expressions
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Replication — Launching Multiple Congregational Campuses
One of the Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
The Ten “R”s for Plotting a New Congregational Course Overview
Radical Transitions and Changes When Congregations Fully Surrender to God’s Empowering Vision Download this post and make copies for use in[...]
Safety & Security in the Church – Columbia Metro Connection – Episode #008
 Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
Spears Creek Baptist Church Looking for Student Pastor
Spears Creek Baptist Church, Elgin, SC, is seeking God’s direction for a Student Pastor. The Student Pastor will be called[...]
Temple Zion Baptist Pastor Andre Melvin Oversees Columbia International Prison Program
Listen to the podcast with Rev Andre Melvin, Temple Zion Baptist Church -- Andre Melvin, pastor of Temple Zion Baptist[...]
Multiplication of Worship and Music Leaders for Congregations
There exists a current need, and a growing future need, for high quality worship and music leaders for various types[...]
Seeing in the Dark – Columbia Metro Connection Episode #007
 Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
Revitalized Rosewood Church is ‘Evidence of God’s Plan for His Kingdom in Southeast Columbia’
On September 10, 2017 Rosewood Baptist Church in Columbia SC undertook a relaunch and rebranding of the 80-year-old institution. The[...]
Can You Help Prove Me Wrong? Let Me Know If You Want to Start a New Congregational Expression!
A Request from George Bullard! During a recent gathering of our Visionary Leadership Community (the group formerly known as the[...]
Apartment Life – The Columbia Metro Connection Podcast – #006
 Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
St. Andrews Pastor Publishes Devotions for Those Struggling with Depression as He Did
In 2008, things began to change for pastor Ronald “Dee” Vaughan. Ministry had become burdensome, and that was a change[...]
An Iron-Barred Mission Field – The Columbia Metro Connection Podcast – Episode #005
      Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality[...]
For Andre Rogers, Three Ministry Endeavors Work Together for Kingdom Effectiveness.
Andre Rogers serves as Columbia Metro Baptist Association’s Congregational Multiplication Ministry Mobilizer. He assists with church planting and sometimes with[...]
Crooked Run Baptist Church is a Smaller Membership Church with a Kingdom Sized Vision
Listen to the podcast with Rev. Tommy Hutto, pastor, Crooked Run Baptist Church -- Crooked Run Baptist Church, in Fairfield[...]
Multiplying Congregations Resource: 1,000 CHURCHES: How Past Movements Did It
Here is an important resource on Multiplying Congregations. Read it. Absorb it. Prayer about it. Act on it.
Developing High Quality Security Plans for Churches
Security in churches is a crucial issue for many, if not all, churches. So much so that our Vision Tuesday[...]
Secrets of a Secret Church Shopper – The Columbia Metro Connection Podcast #004
      Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality[...]
In Church Planting It Should Be Pull Not Push, and Receive Not Send—Part Two
Continuing from part one, I have certain convictions I want to test. In some I am a contrarian to the[...]
In Church Planting It Should Be Pull Not Push, and Receive Not Send—Part One
This is my 54th year to be involved in planting new congregations. I helped my parents plant a congregation when[...]
The Search for Best Practices for the Multiplication of Congregational Expressions
I am traveling Sunday, February 25th to Orlando, FL for the Exponential church planting and multiplication conference. They claim it[...]
A Smaller Membership Church with a Big Missional Vision – Columbia Metro Connection #003
  Welcome to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for[...]
Did You Know Your Church Owns the CMBA Churches-in-Association?
No one expects you as a busy and committed leader of your congregation to think every day about the fact[...]
Following Up on Christmas Season Guests in Your Congregation
Greg Atkinson will be the Vision Tuesday speaker for CMBA on February 20th. He leads the emphasis known as Worship[...]