Ronald Flynn to Provide Administrative Assistance to CMBA Churches

CMBA churches have regular access to a wealth of ministry knowledge and resources through a team of active and retired ministers and professionals on the CMBA Team Huddle. In addition to this resource base, CMBA is excited to announce that Ronald Flynn is available to assist with a broad variety of church administrative and leadership needs. The former executive pastor at Gateway Baptist recently retired after 18 years of full-time church staff ministry.

“I want to spend this next phase of my life more involved in missions and assisting churches, pastors, nonprofits, and missions organizations to become better stewards,” Ronald says. He includes staff, congregations, leadership, missions emphases, policies, procedures, and facilities in this realm of stewardship – “basically, I can be helpful in whatever goes on in a church from Sunday to Sunday.”

Ronald applies a lifetime of business management knowledge to his ministry assistance. In the years following his military service in finance and personnel assignments, he furthered his education by earning an associate degree in industrial management, an undergraduate degree in business management, a diploma in human resources, a variety of certifications, and a Master of Business Administration. Ronald says his 30-plus years serving in transportation industry upper management taught him valuable lessons that apply to church administration.

“Good team building starts at the top. Get to know people,” he says. Ronald can help pastors by asking good questions and then listen with discernment. “I try to factor in the church, its dynamic, leadership, and people, because I want to bring unity to a situation. I want to bring a positive experience, leading to positive direction that will bring God glory.”

According to Associational Missions Strategist Jamie Rogers, CMBA churches have an unparalleled opportunity to learn and grow from the years of experience Ronald brings to his work and ministry. “Ronald has garnered a proven track record through his secular and church work experience. He’s been a great asset in each of the places he’s served, and has utilized his gifting all over the world,” Rogers says, adding he encourages churches and leaders to “reach out to Ronald for help, he will be a great blessing to everyone who does.”

Ronald’s call from the corporate world to church work was crystal clear. The Flynn family joined Gateway Baptist in 1989 when Ronald worked at the Southeastern Freight Lines headquarters in Lexington, and Ronald became an active lay leader in the church. A new role led the family out of the area in 2000, then Gateway Senior Pastor Don Brock contacted Ronald in 2005 about an administrative need the church had. The conversation turned to Ronald filling the position and, after significant prayer, he accepted and began the role at Gateway in October 2005.

Ronald and Hattie Flynn

“Working at a union carrier provided experience that I needed in coming to Gateway. It was a big transition between what the marketplace values and what the church should value, but God’s Word shows the Church everything it needs to operate,” he says.

Ronald looks forward to pouring into CMBA churches and leaders as a resource, sharing life lessons, coaching, and encouragement. He’s also ready to apply business world lessons to churches, including how to instill good processes, growing trustworthy leadership, and even reducing costs and waste.

“On average, churches have a 35 percent waste rate with regard to how they manage leaders, volunteers, spend resources, and invest in a vision. I can help churches utilize what God has already given them,” Ronald says, because “attacking a problem with more people or money isn’t always a solution.”

Bylaws, crisis management, and conflict resolutions are also areas Ronald is passionate about. He recognizes the needs pastors have today, including having an outlet for honest feedback and someone to help them give clear direction on next steps.

“Leaders often wait too long to ask for help. I’m hoping to build a network that is safe to call on me. I’ll not judge, and will encourage and give biblical advice,” Ronald says. “The Bible is better than any leadership manual. And Jesus modeled leadership in a perfect way.”

CMBA churches and leaders are invited to contact Ronald directly with questions or needs. He can be reached by email at or at 803.461.4817.

About the author 

Julia Bell