One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Family of Baptist Congregations in the
Midlands of South Carolina

Mission Focus: Unleashing FutureStories
Unleashing Future Missional Stories of Our Family of Congregations

What is Your Congregation’s Future Story of Missional Ministry?

CMBA is now eight months into The Denominee Journey with the Future Church Co, along with our SC Baptist Convention and several associations around our state. We have now developed our new mission focus and statement which is stated above. Currently, we are working on our measurements and strategies for Unleashing FutureStories. The key question we should continually ask one another as congregations is – “What is your Future Story of Missional Ministry?” The ultimate question for each congregation is – “What is your sustainable movement toward your Full Kingdom Potential?

Look for more information as this new strategy unfolds. Ultimately the new executive director will lead the association in finalizing this strategy and helping congregations unlock strategies and celebrate progress.

Wednesday Word from George Bullard
for April 20, 2022

Check out the Wednesday Word video from George Bullard by clicking here. This week George covers the Denominee Journey, the Racial Reconciliation Conversation, the new collegiate ministry at Benedict College and Allen University, and the Executive Director search.

NAMB Pastors and Church Planters Luncheon – Columbia – Tuesday, May 3rd

The North American Mission Board invites Pastors and Pastoral Staff to take part in a free Pastors Luncheon as we give a mission update, celebrate wins, and emphasize the priority of prayer helping fulfill Jesus’ strategy to “pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

Time: Noon to 1:30 p.m. Place: Midtown Fellowship – Downtown at 1800 Blanding Street

Registration is Required: 

Columbia Metro – Mission: Local –
Thursday, May 5th

CMBA is sponsoring a lunch and dialogue about what it means to engage in Mission: Local, where churches adopt an underreached community. This gathering – 11:30 a.m. at Woodfield Park Baptist Church, 1834 Morninglo Lane, Columbia, SC 29223 – will discuss what it means to go deeper than adopting a church, but to adopt a community. The Woodfield Park community has a population of 7000 people in 2800 households. It has a diverse population of Black, White, Hispanic, and Asian residents. It is alongside the Decker Road international corridor. The opportunity exists for meaningful missional services by multiple churches.

To find out more, and to receive an invitation to take part send a request to


Our One Priority Briefing and the Our One Priority Briefing Online Gathering are made possible by the financial gifts of the member and network connection congregations of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association at,, or 803.619.7110. To donate to CMBA go to Congregations can make their general contributions through this link. Congregations, missions groups and individuals can designate gifts to the Congregational Grant Fund, hunger ministry, disaster response, and Baptist Collegiate Ministry.

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer