A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
Thriving Congregations Soar with Faith
WHEN? Tuesday, June 23rd at 2:00 p.m. (An Online Video Conference)
WHAT? Building the Bridge (See the flyer at https://columbiametro.org/thriving-congregations-soar-with-faith/)
WHERE? Our One Priority Briefing Live! Here is the link to join the online video conference – no registration is required: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/93968624961?pwd=akNqcm52b1gxRUg0VTNTcHF3UnRCUT09
(This Live! briefing will also be recorded and posted on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CMBAssociation/ and our website at www.ColumbiaMetro.org.)
DETAILS? What if the Primary Limiting Factor in Our Leadership is We’ve Never Built a Bridge? During this video conference we’ll discover that beginning with the end in mind . . . the Preferred Future . . . is step one followed by Defining Current Reality, Strategy and Tactics and then we Assess and Measure. Led by John Miller, Chris Curtis, and Matt Snider of www.WeAreCatapult.org. (Go to their website to download.)
CMBA Emphasis—Thriving Congregations Soar with Faith: A new emphasis has been created for congregations in three of the five stages of development in the congregational life cycle. These are Potential Thriving Congregations, Thriving Congregations, and Potential ReThriving Congregations. Check out previous video conferences and resource material on Thriving Congregations Soar with Faith at https://columbiametro.org/thriving-congregations-soar-with-faith/. Already a Facebook group has been developed for dialogue about this approach and you can connect with it at https://www.facebook.com/groups/thrivingcongregationssoar/. Soon we will be updating our website at www.ColumbiaMetro.org to have a clear section that focuses on this emphasis.
Deadline to Apply for Church Technology Grant is June 30th
In April the CMBA Visionary Leadership Community approved a technology grant for smaller membership churches with less than 100 in attendance. The grants are to provide up to $500 for CMBA member churches who did not have the technology capacity to become a virtual or online church as of March 14th, and had to spend money they were not budgeted for or could not afford to develop this capacity. Or, if they borrowed the technology to allow them to purchase needed technology for their ongoing use.
To apply, contact George Bullard at GeorgeBullard@ColumbiaMetro.org or 803.622.0923.
Our One Priority Briefing and the Our One Priority Briefing Online Gathering are made possible by the financial gifts of the member and network congregations of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association at www.ColumbiaMetro.org, CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org, or 803.619.7110. To donate go to https://columbiametro.org/donate/. Gifts can be made to the general fund, to hunger ministry, or to disaster response.