Our One Priority in CMBA is Starting and Strengthening Congregations to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities. To fulfill Our One Priority a team of mobilizers is available to our family of congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina.
The overarching strategy is called Empowering Congregations. It includes strategies for Starting Congregations, Strengthening Congregations, Leading Congregations, Impacting Communities, and Enhancing Baptist Collegiate Ministries.
The team of people are,
- George Bullard, Executive Director, has 45 years of experience in consulting with and coaching congregations in all the areas of service. He serves as the leader of the team of Our One Priority Mobilizers who are available to our member congregations. He can assist with a triage process to help congregations know which team member can best assist them, or what other resource people are available to them.
- Cathy Locklear is Our One Priority Mobilizer in the area of Impacting Communities.
- Andre Rogers is Our One Priority Mobilizer in addressing the opportunities for Africa-American congregations and communities.
- David Waganer is Our One Priority Mobilizer in interim ministry, pastor and staff search processes, ministerial ordination, stewardship education, and conflict mediation.
- Robert Grant is Our One Priority Mobilizer in legal issues, constitution and bylaws, legacy planning, and staff compensation issues.
- Jamie Rogers is Director of Carolina Baptist Collegiate Ministries. He can help you connect to collegiate ministry throughout the Midlands. Contact him at bcmrev@gmail.com.
Each team member – other than George Bullard – is part-time and has some limits to their availability. CMBA can also connect congregations to other available resource people. CMBA anticipates adding more service providers to the team during 2020 with additional specialties to serve congregations. To request services from this team, send an e-mail to CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org or call George at 803.622.0923.