One of the recent editions of The Baptist Courier was dedicated to reaching the newest generations in our American culture, Generation Z. This generation was born roughly between the years 1997-2012 and it now comprises the largest generation in our country.
I think it’s probably become tradition for older generations to complain about the younger generations. Hasn’t that been happening since the beginning of time? There are certainly aspects having to do with Gen Z-ers that would be causes for concern and consternation. That’s not what this article is about, nor is it how we should be relating to them today. Instead, we should be seeking to reach them!
Over the last decade of my life, I’ve been privileged to get to know and work amongst this largest generation. Let me tell you, in my experience they are eager to find life. In fact, they’re no different than any other generation in that regard. Everyone LONGS for life. Real life. Every generation looks for it in their own ways and places.
One of the ways I feel Gen Z-ers seek to find life is through looking for validation in social media circles. Actually, this may be cross-generational now. Like everyone they’re longing to find real life, but no one else in the culture is able to provide it for them which leads to most of the depression we see exhibited by many Gen Z-ers. That brings me hope for the Church in our world, even here in the CMBA. Let me explain.
The Church knows the place – or Person – where real life can be found. It’s in Jesus! In fact, we have THE answer everyone is looking for. Deep down we all want to know where real life can be found. Jesus has already told us, “I AM the life.”
Rather than complain about some of the characteristics we see displayed by Gen Z-ers, let’s get out and love these young people. Welcome them into your life. They’re longing for real connection and, as we connect, let’s share with them the One who’s given us life. That is, if you have come to know and trust in Him for yourself…but that is an article for another day. So I’ll end here with the message that there is a hope for all the world to hear and that hope has a name…Jesus. Rather than complaining about our concerns with the younger generations, let’s share Jesus with them!