CMBA Prayer Network eNews — March 10, 2020

Tuesday March 10, 2020

Our One Priority CMBA Prayer Network Requests

Please pray for the following requests. Also, share these prayer requests with others in your personal network that these situations might experience the power of many Baptist Christians praying for the opportunities and challenges they face.

1. Pray for Mt. Elon Baptist Church in our association whose pastor – Charles Wilson – has just retired. Pray for their interim – Roger Clark – who begins his ministry there on March 22nd. Pray for the pastor search team as they seek God’s guidance regarding their next pastor. Pray for our associational staff and mobilizers as we come alongside Mt. Elon during this interim.

2. The coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis is a call to prayer for all of us. May we pray for those who are sick along with those who minister to them. May we pray for the people who are scared in the midst of this crisis. Pray for leaders everywhere who are seeking wisdom – and may they seek God’s wisdom – to know how to address this crisis. Give them courage. Pray for your church that your leaders will know the best and most loving way to respond.

3. Jamie Rogers – our Baptist Collegiate Ministries Director – and a group of students are on a missions trip to Long Island in New York this week. Pray that they might have a fruitful ministry, and that their trip might inspire these students to go deeper in their faith, and stronger in their commitment to act missionally. May they also be safe from harm and illness.

Share the Opportunity to be Part of the CMBA Prayer Network

The CMBA Prayer Network is open to members of CMBA congregations, and people interested in praying for the life and ministry of the almost 100 churches of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and their missional engagements.

To connect with the CMBA Prayer Network use this link– Or, send you name, e-mail address, telephone number, church, and primary role you have in your church to

Submit a Prayer Request

Perhaps there is an opportunity or challenge in your CMBA church you would like to submit to be prayed for by this network. If so, simply send it in an e-mail to

CMBA reserves the right to review each prayer request and share only those prayer requests which are appropriate for public sharing with the CMBA Prayer Network.

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer