A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
Join George Bullard for a Roundtable Gathering for a Meal and Dialogue
In 2020 before the beginning of the pandemic, George Bullard began holding Roundtable Gatherings – typically at lunch – with CMBA congregational pastors and staff. These came to a halt in the middle of last March due to the pandemic. The third week of April these will start up again and will be held in various places throughout the association. Typically these will be lunches, but later a couple of evening meals will be added to the schedule.
CMBA will buy the lunch and provide a book or other resource for each person who attends. The goal is to have no more than six or seven people at each gathering so we can have in-depth conversations around a table to build fellowship and to dialogue about the opportunities and challenges of our congregations.
You can click here to see the schedule and register for a Roundtable Gathering. I look forward to sharing a meal and conversation with you!
Praying for the Launching and ReLaunching of New Congregations in our CMBA Family
It is a good thing for our family of congregations to be praying for one another. Would you personally pray for these congregations? Would you encourage others – even your entire congregation – to pray for these congregations?
- Jarrian (JayWill) Wilson led the first Sunday afternoon worship service of City of Refuge on April 11th. They are currently meeting at Columbia Presbyterian Church. We are still praying and looking for a meeting place farther north along North Main Street in Columbia.
- We anticipate the restart of the Haitian Church in Columbia this coming Sunday, April 18th at 1:30 p.m. at St. Andrews Baptist Church. They stopped meeting during the pandemic, were still seeking traction as they developed their congregation, so with the leadership of Adony Seizeme, it will be like a restart.
- A Messianic Jewish congregation with the leadership of Rabbi Andy Meyerson is anticipated to launch on May 15th at Spring Valley Baptist Church. Final details are now being worked out. Rabbi Meyerson delivered the message in the worship service at Spring Valley is past Sunday.
- North Trenholm (lead congregation), Columbia First, Spring Valley, Awaken, and Blaney are partnering to launch a Vietnamese congregation at some point this year. They are anticipating bringing a Vietnamese pastor and wife to Columbia from Washington state.
CMBA staff and mobilizers are engaged with each of these congregations as part of our focus on new congregational expressions. Lead and assisting congregations in our family are encouraged to pray for and support the ministry of these congregations.