Welcome back to the Columbia Metro Connection, a podcast where you can go to get valuable, relevant, and quality resources for you and your congregation.
The Columbia Metro Connection is sponsored and supported by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and the almost 100 family churches that support the ministry of the CMBA.
Hosts for this week’s episode are George Bullard, the Director of Missions, Strategic Leadership Coach and Lead Missiologist at Columbia Metro Baptist Association. JayWill Wilson, Teaching Pastor at Generation Church and I’m Chris Reinolds, Lead Pastor a Killian Baptist Church.
Joining us this week is Will Plitt, Executive Director at Christ Together, a ministry that is passionate about connecting faithful leaders with passionate churches so that the whole world might come to hear the good news of the gospel message. Christ Together pursues its mission by unleashing decentralized groups of Christians unified in their pursuit of the mission of God within their circle of influence.
- What would it take for us (the church) to reach every man, woman, and child in the United States?
- We have to rethink the way we engage the culture with the gospel. Sometimes I think we’ve turned the living waters of the gospel into the frozen waters
- The church in North America has been largely focused on “just give me the app.”
- The church isn’t so much a revalancy issue as it is an accessibility issue.
- Four Powerful Questions: What does God want? What would that look like? What is the cost? How does your church measure success?
- Does our score card for success match up with God’s?
CT Vision Video from Christ Together on Vimeo.