VLC Completes 2021 Work, Looks to 2022


The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met for its final session of the year at GraceChurch Of Columbia to conduct business and share ministry updates on Tuesday, November 16.

VLC members heard Team Huddle reports from its subgroups regarding ongoing work with CMBA churches through Our One Priority to “start and strengthen congregations to serve as vital and vibrant missional communities.” Members shared updates about connections made during the South Carolina Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting Nov. 8-9 at First Columbia and a new podcast on the opportunity for CMBA churches to engage families moving to the Midlands with the Afghan resettlement project. Other reports included the Denominee Journey process, new church plants and the work of the Thriving Congregations team, which is making promising progress with four churches and seeing potential for valuable church models to emerge.

VLC members heard from Executive Director George Bullard about the upcoming emphasis in 2022 on “Columbia Metro: Mission Local,” the subject of the November 15 Our One Priority Briefing which addresses missional concern in the local context. Bullard suggests the true question is that “if we cannot be faithful, effective, and dedicated to carry out the Great Commission in our own context, what makes us think we can do so in a national or global context?”

In other news, VLC members voted to move the balance of the Good Hope Baptist dissolution fund to the Congregational Grant Fund. Jacob Helsley, member of the executive director search committee, reported that the group is continuing to receive resumes from applicants for the position Bullard will officially vacate upon his retirement effective June 30, 2022.

Treasurer Brenda Sheets reported that CMBA continues to be financially stable. During a discussion about church giving, VLC members learned that 59 of the almost 100 CMBA churches are active contributors to the association. Members further discussed that giving for the “common mission” of the CMBA Family of Churches can accomplish more collectively for the Kingdom and the services that Team Huddle members provide to churches and staff. Bullard reminded VLC about the donate button on the website.

VLC will reconvene January 18, 2022.

About the author 

Julia Bell