A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
CMBA Welcomes Two New Congregations
to Our Association
Riverbend Community Church, a church affiliated with the SC Baptist Convention, but who had no previous association membership, was approved as a full Church Member during the most recent Visionary Leadership Community gathering. They were accepted as Church Network Connection in January, and after further dialogue, were recommended as a full member. Over the past several years they have participated in learning experiences with CMBA and with an international student project in cooperation with Carolina BCM. Jason Williams is their pastor and was present for One Priority Briefing Live! lunch and speaker last week as the people present affirmed their membership request.
The Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) also approved Primera Iglesia Bautista de Lykesland as a Church Network Connection. Jerry Zapata of the South Carolina Baptist Convention connected CMBA with Pastor German Vargas, who leads this new congregation meeting in lower Richland County. Primera Iglesia has made a financial contribution to the association and will begin fellowshipping with the CMBA family of churches. The next meeting to entertain full membership for this church will be in September.
We also heard from Rabbi Andy Meyerson last Tuesday about the launching of a new Messianic Jewish congregation in the CMBA fellowship area. This new congregation is expected to begin meeting during May. At that point, they will also be considered for membership in our association.
Big 5 Summit, Saturday, April 24th at
Northside Baptist Church
This is sponsored by the SCBC and the associations in the Midlands. To register, go to https://www.scbaptist.org/big5summit. Breakout sessions are on Age-Graded Discipleship (Preschool, Children, Students, and Adults), Financial Ministry in the Church, and 10 Times Your Church Needs Help. There is no registration fee. The staff and consultants from CMBA will be leading the breakout track on 10 Times Your Church Needs Help.
Participate in a Forum with Ed Litton on March 23rd at 11:30 a.m. at Shandon
Ed Litton, Southern Baptist Convention Presential candidate, will swing through Columbia on Tuesday, March 23. He’s planning to stop by Shandon Baptist Church at 11:30 AM that morning before leaving for Charleston.
Note – This is a Public Service Announcement. It does not represent an endorsement by Shandon Baptist Church, Pastor George Wright, George Bullard, or CMBA. It is a courtesy to the candidate who is passing through town. To see information on all four candidates for SBC president this year, go to https://www.baptistpress.com/ where there is an interview posted for all four candidates. These candidates in alphabetical order by their first name are – Al Mohler, Ed Litton, Mike Stone, and Randy Adams.