Okay so this t-shirt may be a little bit over the top. It does, however, remind us of the pastor who was leaving home to preach a revival in a nearby city. He turned to his wife and said, “Look for a great turn down in sin in Gotham City.”
Was he being arrogant or humorous? Was he expressing hubris or respect? Was he expressing assurance or uncertainty? Was he expressing overconfidence or doubt?
Certainly, we want our pastors and others who minister among us to be confident in the Lord and the Good News of Jesus. At the same time the gospel message is not a cocky macho statement. It is a genuine offer of eternal life through Jesus Christ that destroys any allegiance to the ways of Satan that may generate hate rather than cultivate love.
We want our ministers to have assurance about their own salvation and the authenticity of the unconditional love of God through Jesus Christ of which they speak when they preach, teach, lead, and persuade us about the gospel.
Thank those who minister to you today for the confidence and assurance of eternal life they represent.