A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
Teaching Generosity in Your Congregation
Tuesday, May 18th is the next Our One Priority Briefing Live! lunch and speakers in the Student Building at North Trenholm Baptist Church. The speakers are Nathan McCarthy, President/CEO, and Jacque Wenger, Director of Ministry Advancement for the Baptist Foundation of SC. The lunch is at noon and is free. The speakers begin at 12:30 p.m. and the program is over by 1:30 p.m.
Lunch reservations are required and may be made HERE.
As we emerge out of the pandemic, this is a great time for congregations to look at how we are encouraging generosity of our members and active attendees. During this session, you will learn methods for using God’s blessings for His purposes and how generosity at its core is a matter of the heart.
New Congregational Expressions
City of Refuge: During April, the City of Refuge with pastor Jarrian (JayWill) Wilson began holding Sunday afternoon worship services. This congregation is seeking to reach the North Main Street area from Elmwood to Interstate 20. The lead sponsoring congregation is Temple Zion Baptist Church with Andre Melvin as pastor. Riverside Community Church with James Walden as pastor provided the training and organizational foundation for JayWill to prepare him for planting this congregation. Pray without ceasing for JayWill, his core team, but especially for the people in the North Main Street area they are seeking to reach with the Good News of Jesus.
Beth Shiloh Columbia: This Saturday, May 15th, a Messianic Jewish congregation will begin regular Sabbath worship at Spring Valley Baptist Church. Rabbi Andy Meyerson leads the Beth Shiloh congregation. They have locations in Asheville, Morganton (NC) Spartanburg, Charleston, and now Columbia. Even before their first congregational gathering, a Jewish person saw they sign outside Spring Valley Baptist Church, contacted Rabbi Andy, received Jesus as his Savior and Lord, and testified to his new faith through baptism. We pray this is just a beginning. You can pray that Jewish people will inquire, attend the services, and receive Jesus Christ in response to the Good News.
Welcome Baskets for International Teachers in Richland County Schools
Women on Mission in our association are collecting welcome baskets for international teachers coming to teach in the Richland County School Districts One and Two. They are calling on congregational missions groups and other small groups to fill a 1.5-bushel rectangular laundry basket with items needed by these new arrivals. Completed baskets are due by July 15th. Contact Cathy Locklear about details such as the items to place in the baskets at CathyLocklear@ColumbiaMetro.org or 803.622.0303.
CMBA staff and mobilizers are engaged with each of these congregations as part of our focus on new congregational expressions. Lead and assisting congregations in our family are encouraged to pray for and support the ministry of these congregations.