Annual Meeting – Message from CMBA Associational Missions Strategist

CMBA Family,

I’m looking forward so much to gathering with you all at the Annual Meeting this Thursday, October 6, for the first time as your Associational Missions Strategist (that’s what former Directors of Missions/Executive Directors are being called now). We have put together a great night for us to be encouraged and challenged in our efforts to more faithfully fulfill the Great Commission. The CMBA is comprised of almost 100 local congregations that have been tasked by Jesus to make disciples of ALL people. What a privilege to gather our family together in order to be encouraged to do what He’s called all of us to do.

This year’s Annual Meeting theme “Unleashed.” It has been said that “the church doesn’t have a mission, but rather that the mission has a church.” When I think about the CMBA footprint area, I recognize there is a mission field that God has planted churches here to reach. We long to see a missional movement of churches that are set free – or Unleashed – to reach those around us with the gospel and then to see them mature to join us in Jesus’ mission to others as well. It’s my belief that every lost person in the CMBA footprint knows at least one believer that can share with them the Good News that Jesus loves them and will bring them life. What an opportunity we have.

Throughout history Baptist associational gatherings have changed the world. It was in a Baptist associational meeting in which William Carey uttered those famous words, “expect great things; attempt great things.” It was with those words of faith, little money, and not many volunteers that the modern missions movement was born. Imagine what God can and wants to do with CMBA’s resources of people and gifts.

At our Annual Meeting we’ll be doing some important things. We will vote on new bylaws that will help us be better organized as we head into the future. We will vote to approve the 2023 budget that will help us fund the mission God has called us to. But the most important thing we’ll do is worship King Jesus and hear from Him concerning this mission He’s called us to.

I hope you’ll make plans to gather with our Family of Churches this Thursday, October 6, at 6:30 p.m. at Winnsboro First Baptist Church to join the celebration. The Annual Meeting is for all congregations too, not just for pastors and staff. It would be so good to see the wonderful diversity that God has put together in our association represented that night. And don’t forget, there will be a time of fellowship with cupcakes and ice cream after the meeting. I do hope to see you there!

For His glory,

Associational Missions Strategist

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer