While Jesus was known for flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip, that is probably not what you think about when you consider the characteristics you appreciate in the ministers who serve you.
At the same time you want them to be bold and not cowardly in the ways they carry out Christian ministry with unconditional love and compassion. It is fine to use meek methods as you may have heard — the meek will inherit the earth.
However, what you probably want are bold actions that make a significant difference in your life, and the life and ministry of your congregation. Just remember when they act with boldness you asked them to do this, and you ought to support them to boldly carry out God’s mission.
Today, as every day, pray for those who minister among you. Give them a call or write them a note and urge them to be a bold witness for Christ. Encourage them to be bold because they are servants of our God who brings us all eternal life.