A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
Important CMBA Contact Updates
As of July 1st, CMBA is moving to an all-virtual office. Staff members and independent contractors will be officing in their homes or at another ministry workplace. We discovered during the pandemic that we did not need a physical office. We will be giving up our office space that is currently at North Trenholm Baptist Church. A key question is, “How can you get in contact with us?” We believe we will be even more available as a virtual office than we are with a physical location. Here are the ways to contact us. Many of them remain the same.
General Mailing Address: CMBA, PO Box 23192, Columbia, SC 29224 This stays the same. No other mailing address will work for CMBA. If you need to ship something to us, contact us and we will supply the correct address to use.
General Telephone Number and E-mail Address: 803.691.7110 or CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org
Specific Telephone Numbers and E-mail Addresses for Our CMBA Team Huddle:
- George Bullard, Executive Director, 803.622.0923 or GeorgeBullard@ColumbiaMetro.org
- Cathy Locklear, Impacting Communities Mobilizer, 803.622.0303 or CathyLocklear@ColumbiaMetro.org (Until she retires August 31, 2021.)
- Kyndra Bremer, Administrative Assistant, 803.931.2035 or KyndraBremer@ColumbiaMetro.org or Office@ColumbiaMetro.org
- Julia Bell, Communications Coordinator, 803.260.3924 or JuliaBell@ColumbiaMetro.org
- Robbie McAlister, New Congregational Expressions, 803.315.2741 or robertmcalister57@gmail.com
- Andre Rogers, Ministry Mobilizer, 803.609.1832 or 3arogers@gmail.com
- David Waganer, Ministry Mobilizer, 803.931.6302 or waganerd@gmail.com
- Robert Grant, Ministry Mobilizer, 803.260.0188 or rfgchurchadm@gmail.com
- Chris Reinolds, Ministry Mobilizer, 803.546.6524 or creinolds@icloud.com
- Ryan Dupree, International Ministry Volunteer, 803.467.0122 or ryandupree@fbccola.com
The CMBA Team Huddle will hold its regular gatherings at Concord Fellowship Baptist Church, 7831 Wilson Boulevard, Columbia, SC 29203.
The Hunger Ministry Food Pantry will continue to be located at Belmont Baptist Church, 901 Mason Road, Columbia, SC 29203. It is only open by request from a CMBA church for them to deliver or pick up hunger ministry items, or to drop off items such as health kits and other ministry items. Contact Cathy Locklear for an appointment until August 31, 2021. (A new contact person will be provided later.)
CMBA staff and mobilizers are engaged with each of these congregations as part of our focus on new congregational expressions. Lead and assisting congregations in our family are encouraged to pray for and support the ministry of these congregations.