A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
The Annual Church Profile (ACP) is Not a Report – It Is a Planning Tool
Several years ago, before my doctor’s office went totally digital, I arrived for an appointment, and they handed me a clipboard with four pages of forms to complete. I asked why I had to do these again. I filled them out last year. They told me to fill them out every year because the information could change, and they want to be sure they do not prescribe a medicine for me that might kill me. That got my attention because I almost died 12 years ago when given the wrong medicine.
Soon we will send the ACP report request to your church. It is a great habit to fill this out every year. Not because inaccurate information might kill your church, but correct information might help your church.
Submitting the ACP is a voluntary process of autonomous churches like yours. Filling it in as completely as possible every year allows several things to happen. First, it keeps a history of statistics and patterns of ministry for your church for your annual and strategic planning.
Second, it allows your church to see how churches of a same or similar size, or a same or similar location are doing so you can benchmark your efforts. Third, it supplies contact information for key staff and laypeople in your church who wish to receive information about the programs or ministries they lead.
Fourth, it helps us as an association to measure the progress we are making through the ministry of our churches-in-association to share the unconditional love of Jesus throughout our associational fellowship area and the world. None of these reasons may bring any great excitement to mind unless one of the following things happens in your life and ministry. (Continue reading at https://columbiametro.org/annual-church-profile-is-a-planning-tool/.)
CMBA Annual Meeting and Reception for Cathy Locklear
The annual meeting of our association will be on Thursday, October 7th at 6:00 p.m. at Cedar Creek Baptist Church, 1920 Cedar Creek Rd in Blythewood. This is the church where our associational leader – known as the Moderator – Rev. James Thompson is pastor. It is also the church where retiring Impacting Communities Mobilizer – Cathy Locklear – attends.
The highlight of the evening will be a recognition and reception for Cathy Locklear to honor her 22 years of service to CMBA. We have set up the Cathy Locklear Love Offering to allow people and churches to express their appreciation to Cathy. Donate to this love offering by using the “Donate” button on the upper right-hand corner of our website at www.ColumbiaMetro.org and choosing the designation Cathy Locklear Love Offering.
Or send a check to CMBA, PO Box 23192, Columbia, SC 29224 designated for this offering.
CMBA staff and mobilizers are engaged with each of these congregations as part of our focus on new congregational expressions. Lead and assisting congregations in our family are encouraged to pray for and support the ministry of these congregations.