North Point Community Church and Shandon Baptist are co-sponsoring a new 12-week Bible study for single adults living in the Midlands. “Intentional Relationships” will help participants recognize and explore their unique identity in Christ and learn how to navigate all types of relationships including dating, marriage, family, friends, coworkers, neighbors and their role in the church. The study begins Thursday, Feb. 10, at 7 p.m. at North Point Community Church.
The study is based on the book Intentional Relationships for Singles, co-authored by Kris Swiatocho who will speak during the Bible study kick off. Swiatocho and North Point Pastor Freddy Johnson have led a Labor Day singles’ weekend event together for many years, and Johnson is passionate about ministry to this important group of church members.
“Single adults are often folded into existing small groups or classes at church because there isn’t something specifically for them,” Johnson explains. “This study is for people never married, for those divorced and for widows/widowers. It is about helping prepare people to be ready if God does lead you to a spouse at some point, while also giving tools for other relationships in their lives. I’ve found that many churches have ministries that help people navigate the pain and hurt that often result from relationships, but this study is designed to help equip people before they enter into relationship.”
The study is open to the public, regardless of church membership. For more information visit Visit sponsoring churches online at and North Point Community Church is located at 132 Beckett Lane in Northeast Columbia.