CMBA member Concord Baptist Church in Lugoff is an approved Harvest Hope and US Department of Agriculture food distribution provider. The distribution operates on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 10am-12pm, and serves families coming from Richland, Kershaw, Sumter, Lee, and Fairfield Counties. Concord Pastor Steve Reynolds invites all CMBA churches, ministry groups, and individual volunteers to join in this opportunity to serve Midlands neighbors in need.
“We average about 125 families, which is about 400 to 500 individuals, at each distribution. Some folks drive 30-40 miles to receive one week of food,” Reynolds says, adding that Harvest Hope says Concord Baptist operates the “largest faith-based food distribution ministry of its kind in the Midlands, and one of the largest in the state.”
In order to meet that volume of need, Concord Baptist is always looking for more Wednesday volunteers and has a place for anyone looking to serve. Reynolds says senior adults work to double-line the food bags, preschoolers help to push carts, and homeschool groups often come to earn credit hours. Thirty is an ideal number of volunteers to keep the process moving by helping to sort canned and dry foods, pull fruits and vegetables, prepare meats, assemble bags, and deliver the food out and into awaiting cars.
The experience is streamlined for members of the community that show up to receive the food. After completing a computerized check in, the driver parks, and then waits to have food delivered to them. Reynolds says the entire process takes 10 minutes or less, and that “God has blessed this ministry, because we’ve never had to turn anyone away.”
It’s not necessary to let Reynolds know if you’d like to serve, just make sure you arrive at Concord Baptist at 2211 Porters Cross Road in Lugoff, no later than 9:45am on distribution days. If you’d like more information, Reynolds is happy to share the process and can be reached by cell at 803.729.6615.
“If you’re looking for a chance to make a difference in the lives of people need, there’s no other way to help more people in less time than through this food ministry at Concord Baptist,” Reynolds says.