Vacation Bible School is an annual event in many congregations. It is a time that typically the largest number of children are present in a church activity as any time during the year. It is an extremely important time to touch the lives of children with the unconditional love of Jesus, and to educate and inspire them about the Bible and the truths its teaches.
Therefore, VBS should never be just good enough. It should not have a secondary commitment from you. It should not be something a congregation chooses to do as cheaply as possible. Congregations should give VBS their very best.
A great VBS may do more than just touch the lives of children. It is an opportunity to open the door of many homes to share with the entire family the unconditional love of Jesus. So, when the pastor, a staff minister, a program leader, or some other volunteers leader in your congregation asks you next year to serve in VBS, do your best to make your full heart, soul, mind, and strength available for this effort.
It is a great way, also, to show appreciation for the tireless work of those who minister among you.