One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard – Monday, January 25, 2021


A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina

Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.

Video Podcast Encourages People to Seek the COVID-19 Vaccine

People are hesitant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. This is particularly true in the African-American community and perhaps throughout various demographics. CMBA decided to address this hesitancy. At the end of last week, we recorded a video podcast with a group of African-American leaders that will be released tomorrow, Tuesday, January 26th.

To view and share this video podcast, beginning Tuesday go HERE or to our Facebook page at Participants in the podcast included three pastors, the former police chief for the City of Columbia, a state senator, and a doctor of psychiatry with the SC Department of Mental Health.

When we recorded this podcast last week, we began to hear about the scarcity of the vaccine. We pray more vaccine will be available soon. We are now hearing that places where a person could walk-in without an appointment are now requiring an appointment due to the lack of sufficient vaccine supply.

May we all pray that the diminishing of the pandemic is not too far away. Pray especially for those infected, and those dealing with lingering symptoms and new health issues that may remain with them the rest of their lives. Especially pray and comfort those experiencing grief due to the death of a family member or friend.

Congregational Resource – 100 Days of Discernment with Prayer Triplets

A great exercise to create a deeper sense of community within a congregation, and to dialogue and pray about major decisions in the life and ministry of a congregation is a process known as 100 Days of Discernment. It uses a method of dividing all willing congregational participants into triplets for dialogue and prayer. It also has large group gatherings that enhance the congregation’s ability to develop consensus on various issues.

  • It is particularly used as a follow-up to a Congregational Assessment and Learning Experience, for the launching of a Spiritual Strategic Journey, during the interim between pastors, when facing a significant opportunity, challenge or even conflict, and at other times in the life of the congregation.
  • CMBA has materials that support this effort and offers coaching and even on-site leadership to help a congregation master this process, make contextual adjustments for their unique situation, and otherwise help this process to be both successful and significant for the congregation.
  • Executive Director George Bullard is the point person for the 100 Days of Discernment. Connect with George at or 803.622.0923.

See the CMBA congregational resources posted to this point HERE. More are added regularly.

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer