Our One Priority Briefing for Congregational Leaders from George Bullard — Monday, September 14, 2020

A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina

Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.

Potential ReThriving Congregations

The Our One Priority Briefing Live! online session this week on Tuesday, September 15th at 2:00 p.m.is the fourth presentation on Potential ReThriving Congregations. This week’s session is Three Scenarios for the Future of Your Congregation. This will talk about the journey to once again function as a Thriving Congregation.

Here is the Zoom link to join this online session on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. —   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89370578316

Here are the recording and the PowerPoint from last week on Potential ReThriving Congregations: Congregational Assessment and Learning Experience — https://columbiametro.org/cong-assess-learning-experience/

Here are upcoming online sessions in this series:

Tuesday, September 22nd at 2:00 p.m.: 100 Days of Discernment – Dialogue and Prayer Triplets

Tuesday, September 29th at 2:00 p.m.: Crafting a Future Story of Missional Ministry

NOTE: Our One Priority Briefing Live! Held most every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. To receive the weekly link to this online gathering, please register at https://forms.gle/vdE7eTwvzm1gDkDj7.

Get Stoked! — Igniting a Fresh Fire in Guest Service Volunteers

Beginning at 4:00 p.m. Thursday, September 24th a monthly Zoom video conference is being launched with Mary Ann Sibley and Rebecca Carlisle for congregational guest services volunteers. It is free and open to all congregations in the Midlands and is sponsored by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association. Mary Ann and Rebecca have been in the Midlands several times in the past few years to share their expertise in congregational guest services during training meetings and consultations with congregations.

Registration is required! Use the following link. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpcOioqTMpEtNyQTkyPO9zBmN_6bQ21CXL.Igniting a Fresh Fire in Guest Service Volunteers is a coaching session with Mary Ann Sibley and Rebecca Carlisle sponsored by the Columbia Metro Baptist Association. When you register, in the Questions & Comments section tell us issues you want the session to address or questions you would like Mary Ann and Rebecca to answer. Check out their website at https://www.stokeworkshops.com/. They can also be seen on Facebook at Church Guest Experience.

Navigating a New Season — First Impressions Conference — November 4th-6th

Use the promo code “ColumbiaMetro” to register for the online First Impressions Conference at www.FirstImpressionsConference.com/ and received a $10 discount. Also, once you have registered forward your confirmation e-mail to CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org. We will send you a free copy of Will Mancini’s new book — Future Church: Seven Laws of Real Church Growth – when it is released on December 1st.

Check out the video about this digital conference at https://vimeo.com/443194047. During the three days you will hear from Rick Warren, Nona Jones, Will Mancini, Carey Nieuwhof, Efrem Smith, Mark Batterson, Jeanne Stevens, Thom Rainer, and many more. Plus, you get digital access to the archives after the live event for use in your congregation. Just think about it. You may not be able to watch the whole thing, but you will have digital access to pick and choose later, and to share with your leaders.


Our One Priority Briefing and the Our One Priority Briefing Online Gathering are made possible by the financial gifts of the member and network congregations of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association at www.ColumbiaMetro.org, CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org, or 803.619.7110. To donate go to https://columbiametro.org/donate/. Gifts can be made to the general fund, to hunger ministry, or to disaster response.

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer