A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
Racial Reconciliation Conversation
on March 18, 2022
A Racial Reconciliation Conversation is scheduled for Friday, March 18, 2022, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Spring Valley Baptist Church, 91 Polo Road, Columbia, SC 29223. The purpose is to have a serious, in-depth conversation about what racial reconciliation should look like in our association.
The panel, led by Andre Rogers, pastor, Concord Fellowship Baptist Church and a One Priority Mobilizer in CMBA will include as our special guest Dr. David Emmanuel Goatley. Goatley, a Baptist leader for all his adult life, is Associate Dean for Academic and Vocational Formation and Director of the Office of Black Church Studies at Duke Divinity School. Previously Dr. Goatley was Executive Secretary-Treasurer, CEO of the Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention. Lott Carey is the missions organization for the four historically Black Baptist denominations in the USA.
David will be joined by a couple of other people on this panel. We have a special national guest who has been invited. We are awaiting his confirmation as of this announcement. George Bullard, CMBA Executive Director will also be on the panel.
The gathering will begin with a time of fellowship, move to the panel discussion, and then to open conversation by participants. All pastors and staff of CMBA are welcome to attend. As we get closer to the event we will share the full panel participants, and ask you to indicate if you will be present so we can plan accordingly.
(This conversation was previously scheduled for Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend. Read the article HERE written about Dr. Goatley for that event. )
Wednesday Word from George Bullard
for February 16, 2022
Check out the Wednesday Word video from George Bullard by clicking here. This week George covers the Racial Reconciliation Conversation, the Church Planters Network, Hunger Ministry Grants, Unleashing Future Stories, and the Executive Director search.
What is Your Congregation’s Future Story
of Missional Ministry?
In the coming weeks and months, you will hear a new question posed to our family of congregations. It is — What is Your Congregation’s future story of missional ministry? In other words, when we think about our God who goes before us, where is He leading your congregation to journey in terms of your missional ministry?
Our One Priority Briefing and the Our One Priority Briefing Online Gathering are made possible by the financial gifts of the member and network connection congregations of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association at www.ColumbiaMetro.org, CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org, or 803.619.7110. To donate to CMBA go to https://www.columbiametro.org/donate/. Congregations can make their general contributions through this link. Congregations, missions groups and individuals can designate gifts to the Congregational Grant Fund, hunger ministry, disaster response, and Baptist Collegiate Ministry.