A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
Our One Priority Briefing Online Gathering
When: Tuesday, May 5th at 2:00 p.m.
Where: Our One Priority Briefing Online Gathering. As an extra security and for us to connect with you, please register for this dialogue at https://forms.gle/LVsK9JH4xbZW5K6U7. (Note: If you have previously registered, you do not need to do so again if you chose to be on the “permanent list”. You will automatically receive the connection link by e-mail on Monday.)
Three Benefits: 1. When you register you will receive by return e-mail the link for the online dialogue. 2. Within a few hours after the dialogue you will receive the video recording for review and sharing with others. 3. You will also receive following the dialogue a handout of the notes used to lead this dialogue.
What: ReLaunching/ReOpening Your Congregation — The What and How, Version 3.0 –This third dialogue on ReLaunching/ReOpening will focus on two areas:
First, Congregational Plans for Reopening. A review of plans among some CMBA member congregations as to what and how they plan to reopen – plus some thoughts about when.
Second, Disciplined, Disruptive, and Destructive Innovation and the New Normal: George Bullard will suggest there are three types of innovation in which congregations can participate as they craft under God’s leadership a new normal. How will your congregation choose which ones characterize your ReLaunching/ReOpening?
These Congregational Leaders Online Gatherings are a regular weekly ministry of CMBA during the current season.
A Prayer for the Seventh Week of Virtual Church
O Lord our God, the focus in many congregations has now shifted to why, how, what, where, and when the move from virtual church to live church should take place.
With wisdom some congregations are figuring out innovations for how they can gather people yet maintain a safe physical and social distance. They are less focused on the when than they are on the innovations that will empower a significant presence as both the gathered and scattered church. They have learned to do church in different ways, and some of these are adding value to the church.
(Read/download the remainder of the prayer at https://columbiametro.org/prayer-for-05-03-20/.)
Our One Priority Briefing and the Our One Priority Briefing Online Gathering are made possible by the financial gifts of the member and network congregations of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association at www.ColumbiaMetro.org, CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org, or 803.619.7110. To donate go to www.baptistfoundationsc.org/give. Designate your contribution to the Columbia Metro Baptist Association / #cmba.