First 2022 VLC Meeting Held at First Baptist Winnsboro


The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, January 18, at First Baptist Winnsboro to conduct business and share ministry updates. The group’s first meeting of the New Year was held at the church of Moderator Craig Bailey, as previewed last week in CMBA’s VLC Member Spotlight.

Bill Crews, 2022 VLC leader and pastor of GraceChurch of Columbia, welcomed the group which included several new members – April Adams, Doug Barnett, Cameron DeBrew, Jim Ellis, Dan Griffin and Bill Wright. VLC members heard Team Huddle reports from its subgroups regarding ongoing work with CMBA churches through Our One Priority to “start and strengthen congregations to serve as vital and vibrant missional communities.” These targeted ministry area reports included engaging leading-edge missional churches, Impacting Communities ministries, CMBA’s Church Planting Fellowship, Our Family Stories and celebrating the roughly 30 percent of CMBA churches that have participated in the Annual Church Profile.  

VLC members heard a ministry update from Baptist Collegiate Minister Jamie Rogers who serves students from Midlands schools including the University of South Carolina, Columbia College, Benedict College, Allen University, Columbia International University and Midlands Technical College. BCM is looking for church partners to provide Spring semester meals for their Tuesday night worship events and Thursday international student luncheons. For more information email

In his report on CMBA’s Denominee Journey, Executive Director George Bullard introduced VLC members to its concepts in preparation for recommendations that will come from that team’s work. The goal of the Denominee Journey is to provide a CMBA succession plan following Bullard’s retirement effective June 30, 2022. CMBA is working simultaneously with the South Carolina Baptist Convention, which is also going through the Denominee Journey with the Future Church Company, about how to better cooperate and collaborate moving forward with increasing value to churches.

In other news, former VLC member and Pastor of Concord Fellowship Church Andre Rogers addressed the group concerning decisions regarding Bullard’s retirement celebration on Friday, March 18, at Spring Valley Baptist. The VLC asked CMBA’s Team Huddle to propose event details for approval, and Rogers brought those recommendations back to the group. VLC voted to approve the plans, which will be communicated in the coming weeks.

A representative from the Executive Director search committee shared that they intend to meet around the time of the group’s deadline for application submissions which is January 21. Rev. J Thompson is working to finalize the members of the CBMA Bylaws Revision Team, chaired by David Waganer, which is completing preliminary work at this time. As a reminder this team is tasked with reviewing CMBA’s current constitution and turning it into a bylaws document that is in keeping with the South Carolina Non-Profit Act.

Treasurer Brenda Sheets reported on CMBA’s continued financial stability during the meeting.

VLC will reconvene February 15.

About the author 

Julia Bell