As a new CMBA strategy emerges, a core focus will be to ask four strategic questions of our congregations. These questions assume God is calling every congregation to reach their full Kingdom potential and not to just serve in culturally comfortable ways. This strategy is not yet set. It will emerge over the next several months. Here is where we are today for your review and response.
These questions are the focus of the theme Unleashing FutureStories. Our new mission as CMBA is Unleashing Future Missional Stories for Our Family of Congregations. Applying this mission to your congregation will involve regularly asking these four questions now and every year going forward.
Would you be willing to ask these questions, ask God to challenge you to answer these questions, and seek to reach your full Kingdom potential? The association offers ways to help congregations answer these questions. At the same time, many processes are available. Our desire is that eventually every congregation will have found God’s answer for these questions.
The first question is, Do You Want to Learn About Unleashing FutureStories? This question is about awareness and motivation. Does your congregation desire to lead everyone connected with it to understand God’s call on their lives as Christian disciples? Does your congregation want empowerment by the Holy Spirit to leap forward and soar with faith toward God’s full Kingdom potential?
Second is Do You Have Readiness for Unleashing Your Future Story of Missional Ministry? This question speaking into the existence of a critical mass of leaders in your congregation. Do you have enough leaders who have spiritual and strategic readiness to go on a journey into God’s future for your congregation?
Third is What is Your Future Story of Missional Ministry? Multiple processes work to answer this question. Some congregations have an internal process led by staff and key lay leaders that works if the perspective of someone from the outside is not needed. Many do not. Various denominational, parachurch organizations, consultants, coaches, and books provide a process.
The process CMBA currently uses helps congregations develop their Future Story of Missional Ministry and then employ action plans to live into it. Whatever process best fits for each congregation to inspire, motivate, stretch, and challenge them is that one that ought to be used.
The fourth question is the crucial one. What is Your Sustainable Movement Toward Your Full Kingdom Potential? This last question is the more important. The idea is not to develop a plan, but to transform the discipleship service of your congregation as you seek to fulfill the Great Commission. New and innovative action must be sustainable and giving evidence of Kingdom progress.
Are you ready to ask these questions? Let us know. We are glad to come alongside you.