One beginning point for the starting of a new congregational expression is to pull together a gathering of spiritually passionate people in your church. Get them to talk about, engage in research, and pray about a geographic place such as a neighborhood, community, or town, or a specific demographic or lifestyle group of people among whom new congregational expressions need to be started.
God is at work in many CMBA churches-in-association seeking to inspire you to think about planting a new congregation, starting a new campus, coming alongside an existing congregation to enhance their ministry, launching a dinner or micro church in a neighborhood or apartment complex, and various other ways of extending Christ-centered congregational ministry deeper into clusters of preChristians, unchurched, underchurched, and dechurched people rather than just skimming the surface.
However, action is not likely to take place without giving some focused talking, planning, and praying about where and how God might be leading your congregation. The size of your congregation is not the issue. The magnitude and majesty of God’s calling is the issue.