CMBA offers a grant program with funds from the sale of its missionary house. Small monthly grants for up to six months are available for church staff transitioning into a CMBA church and needing temporary housing, and for furloughing or missionaries otherwise in transition.
Periodically CMBA churches need to assist pastors and staff ministers who are moving from outside the CMBA area to serve in a CMBA church with temporary housing. Also, CMBA churches may choose to host a missionary family during their furlough or other times of transition.
During these times CMBA has available a grant program that uses the income received from the sale of its mission house in the Spring of 2019 to supplement the costs incurred by CMBA contributing member churches and network connection churches who are contributing a minimum of $300 per year to the general undesignated budget of CMBA.
Ministry Goal: To assist CMBA contributing member churches and network connection churches by supplementing the costs they incur while hosting ministers and missionaries in transition.
Services Supported:
- The cost of renting housing.
- The cost of utilities for housing.
- The cost of providing or replacing appliances for housing.
- The cost of minor repairs for housing.
- The cost of providing furnishings for housing.
- Other costs on a case-by-case basis.
Application Process:
- Applications are to be submitted to the Columbia Metro Baptist Association Executive Director. George Bullard at
- These documents will then be reviewed by the Executive Director.
- Applicants must be a member church or network connection church who is contributing at least $300 annually to the general undesignated budget of CMBA.
- A decision will be made within 10 days or less.
- Funds will be distributed monthly.
- Use of these funds will be reported to the Visionary Leadership Community at their next meeting
Limits: Grants will be reviewed and awarded based on projected need up to $500 per month for up to six months. The funds will be dispersed to the contributing member church or network connection church on a monthly basis. Contributing member churches or network connection churches can receive only one grant for one situation for up to six months during any 12-month period.