Columbia Metro Baptist Association Announces the Launching of a Prayer Network
Register for the CMBA Prayer Network at
What? The Columbia Metro Baptist Association is launching a Prayer Network of people who agree to pray for the opportunities and challenges facing our churches, pastors, and staff leaders. Additionally, the Network will pray about the missional engagement efforts of churches in our association and support with their prayers Our One Priority which is Starting and Strengthening Congregations to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
What? A movement to unleash the power of prayer to anticipate the miraculous as CMBA Baptists seek to fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment. A movement that believes greater Kingdom process can be made when more people pray with deep spiritual passion, and follow-up their prayers with action.
Why? We are convinced that prayer is the most powerful tool in our Christian ministry toolbox. Without prayer we are often just striving to complete objectives, goals, and actions like any other organization. Our churches and ministries are spiritual communities where God’s empowering vision makes the crucial difference. We believe in the power of prayer to make a Kingdom difference in the life and ministry of our congregations.
Why? CMBA is a family of congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina. As a family we care for one another, yearn for the missional effectiveness of one another, and are encouraged and supported by one another. One of the best ways to express this encouragement and support is through prayer.
Why? George Bullard, our executive director, indicates that every week he has situations among our congregations and in our mission field that he says to himself, “we really need a group of people praying for this situation.” This Prayer Network is one answer to that need.
Who? Any pastor, staff person, or layperson who is a member of a CMBA church may be a part of the Prayer Network. Also, members of the Prayer Network are encouraged to invite others in their church to connect with the Prayer Network.
How? To be part of the Prayer Network it is necessary to complete a request form. To complete this form go to Before the first of February you will receive a covenant document to sign that outlines the expectations of members for the Prayer Network.
How? You will typically receive prayer requests by e-mail. They may also come by text if they are of an urgent nature.
When? This Prayer Network will begin as soon as possible, but certainly no later than February 15th.
How Often? Prayer requests will typically be shared every week or two, but at times more often when an urgent situation arises.
How Long? How long am I signing up to do this? There is no length of time. If you reach a point where you no longer desire to do this, you may leave the Network at any time by notifying us at or calling 803.619.7100 and leaving us a message that you would like to unsubscribe from the Prayer Network. We know that life situations change. We would want to honor your life availability.