Collegiate Ministry in Columbia — Six Next Steps

On Tuesday, April 23rd Jamie Rogers–Baptist Collegiate Ministries Director in Columbia–spoke at a CMBA Vision Day, led a panel of speakers, and had a wrap-up from Geroge Wright, pastor, Shandon. Jamie shared six next steps for congregations to take to partner with Baptist Collegiate Ministries to reach students in Columbia. Here they are . . .

  1. Prayerwalking the campuses (USC, Benedict, Allen, Columbia, etc.).
  2. International Student Luncheon (Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. at the BCM building, 819 Main Street in Columbia).
  3. Host/befriend an international student. Sign up at
  4. Mentoring of students — partnering students and pastors/ministers together.
  5. Tuesday Night Meal (Arrange for your congregation to provide a meal before BCM’s weekly worship service — Community Night at the BCM building.)
  6. IMPACT Team (Arrange for Columbia BCM student to come to your congregation to lead worship, youth group events, perform skits, etc.)

Here is the contact information you need:

  1. Jamie Rogers: 803.235.0049.
  2. Kelsey Phillips: 803.799.3854.
  3. Website:

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer