By George Bullard
It is dangerous to be away from a regular routine for too many days. (I am at day three right now.) One’s mind begins to wander. Where my mind has moved to this afternoon–while watching NBA basketball–is that I would like to compile some things I have already written and write new material on things screaming in my ears on the subject of “Contrarian Strategies for Congregational Movements.”
One of the key mentors in my life–Lyle Schaller–wrote one of his 55 books on “Reflections of a Contrarian: Second Thoughts on The Parish Ministry.” It was published in 1989.
My ponderings this afternoon has caused me to begin compiling a list of the ways my thoughts about congregational movements–churches and denominations and other forms of the Church–are in a contrarian place to many popular, conforming viewpoints.
That does not mean my insights are correct or accurate, but they are based on a lifetime of helping congregations, denominations, and parachurch groups strategize about their future and find that many are enslaved by conforming approaches.
What is your perspective? Have you ever had contrarian views that seemed right to you and few others? I would be glad to hear from you.