Technology has opened up a brave new world in human information sharing and communication. It has impacted education in tremendous ways. Students can go to the Internet and get volumes of information their parents and grandparents only dreamed of having available to them.
Telephones are not far away from being a chip that is permanently implanted behind the ear of all of us – or other types of connectivity that integrates information access with our brains.
So, when students come to church, they do not bring a Bible or other study guides if everything they need is on their telephone. The trouble is they are holding their communication device in their hands and you never know what they are reading or seeing.
Your pastor and staff ministers must address this issue with not only students, but also many adults every week. The idea is whether to refuse to allow communication devices in church or go the opposite direction and encourage them, have open wireless, and say, “Please turn to your Bible app on your phone.”
Please support those who minister among you as they navigate this issue.