A Family of Baptist Congregations in the Midlands of South Carolina
Our One Priority: Starting and Strengthening Churches to Serve as Vital and Vibrant Missional Communities.
CMBA Church Leaders Dialogue and Prayer Gathering
When: Tuesday, April 21st at 2:00 p.m.
What: Relaunching Your Congregation — The What and How –The CMBA Church Leaders Dialogue and Prayer Gathering will focus on what and how it will be like to relaunch your congregation when the COVID-19 Pandemic allows. We will begin a dialogue about what needs to happen before you relaunch.
Where: A Zoom Video Dialogue (with embedded password and a waiting room for security). As an extra security and for us to connect with you, everyone must register for this dialogue at https://forms.gle/LVsK9JH4xbZW5K6U7.
- When you register you will receive by return e-mail the link for the online dialogue.
- Within a few hours after the dialogue you will receive the video recording for review and sharing with others.
- You will also receive following the dialogue a handout of the notes used to lead this dialogue.
Why: We are hearing and seeing information and knowledge sharing about the what and how congregations can return to full face-to-face ministry. We have studied several approaches and ideas being shared and want to offer a presentation and dialogue for CMBA-related congregations.
Who: Pastors, church staff, and lay leaders are welcome to attend.
Questions: Contact George Bullard at GeorgeBullard@ColumbiaMetro.org or 803.622.0923
These Dialogue and Prayer Gatherings are a regular weekly ministry of CMBA during the current season.
A Prayer for the Fifth Week of Virtual Church
O Lord our God, we bless Your holy name. We share that we were fine for a few weeks. We admit there are actually some things we like about virtual worship. But it is beginning to feel like a long time of staying home and staying safe.
I miss people. I miss the high touch experience of worship with my sisters and brothers in Christ. My congregation was engaged in some new ministries for 2020 and now they are sidelined. I had people I was cultivating for a relationship with Christ and for connecting with our congregation, and I have not yet found the way that seems to work best to continue this cultivation beyond prayer and some virtual contact with them.
(Read/download the remainder of the prayer at https://columbiametro.org/prayer-for-04-19-20/.)
Our One Priority Briefing is made possible by the financial gifts of the member and network congregations of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association at www.ColumbiaMetro.org, CMBA@ColumbiaMetro.org, or 803.619.7110.