Inspiring stories from our family of congregations
“Doing Life Together in Christ” at Spears Creek
Joshua Blythe Spears Creek WEBDownload Since being called to Spears Creek Baptist in 2023, Pastor Joshua Blythe has grown to[...]
Ravenwood Holds Dissolution Service, Gifts Property to Midtown Fellowship Two Notch
Ravenwood's Last Sunday WEBDownload Ravenwood Baptist Church held its dissolution service on September 1. About 30 members, former members, family,[...]
City of Refuge Hosts International Fair at Local Elementary
City-of-Refuge-International-FairDownload On April 25, John P. Thomas Elementary School students were issued passports, learned about cultures and animals living on[...]
Wednesday Morning Volunteers Welcomed at Concord Baptist
CMBA member Concord Baptist Church in Lugoff is an approved Harvest Hope and US Department of Agriculture food distribution provider.[...]
A Partnership Story: Resource Sharing Among Churches
“When people who are following Jesus hear of a need, they’ll meet it. We’ve got churches experiencing crises on a[...]
Partnership in Action: Crescent Hill Hosts Midtown Fellowship Baptism
CMBA celebrates stories of partnership in action! Midtown Fellowship Two Notch Pastor Ant Frederick says Crescent Hill Baptist Church generously[...]
Community Impact Through Trunk-or-Treat Ministry
Hope-Baptist-Trunk-Or-TreatDownload Hope Baptist Church held its first trunk-or-treat event in October 2022, and Pastor Tim Murr says it was a[...]
CMBA Pastor Leads Uncle to Christ
Freddy-Johnson-Leads-Uncle-to-ChristDownload Pastor Freddy Johnson of North Point Community Church has prayed for 33 years that his Uncle Whitt would accept[...]
CMBA Church Re-Defines Living Missionally
Beulah-MissionsDownload Beulah Baptist in Hopkins celebrated an incredible milestone several years ago when the church became debt-free. During that time,[...]
God is Doing a New Thing at Pine View Baptist
March-Pine-View-Baptist-DJ-KirklandDownload Pine View Baptist was established more than 80 years ago in the perfect spot for the growth and development[...]
April 1 LoveCola Project: Changing the Community Neighborhood-by-Neighborhood
City-of-Refuge-HomeWorks-ProjectDownload City of Refuge Church is building relationships while serving its community through a special one-day project on Saturday, April[...]
Mt. Elon Member on 40 Years of Assisted Living Ministry
Buck-Williams-Nursing-Home-MinistryDownload Buck Williams is not a reverend, nor does he pastor a church. He is not a music minister, but[...]
CMBA Celebrates Salvations, Baptisms
December-Salvations-BaptismsDownload Each time a lost person prays to accept Christ, there is cause for celebration. Salvations are occurring throughout the[...]
Salvations, Discipleship at Midlands BCMs this Fall
USC-Benedict-BCM-2022 Fall-UpdateDownload Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) have been busy this fall engaging students through outreach events, worship nights, and building[...]
Annual Meeting – Message from CMBA Associational Missions Strategist
CMBA Family,I’m looking forward so much to gathering with you all at the Annual Meeting this Thursday, October 6, for[...]
Invitation to Missional Leadership Community Meeting & Lunch
CMBA Family,I would like to invite you all to attend the next meeting of the CMBA Missional Leadership Community (MLC),[...]
VLC Spotlight: Yvonne Murray, NorthStar Christian Center/Center of Hope
September-1-Yvonne-Murray-NorthStar-WEBDownload Yvonne Murray is a member of NorthStar Christian Center and serves as the director of the NorthStar Center of[...]
CMBA Family – Are you ready? Is your church ready?
We are heading into a new season. No, I’m not talking about a season with a new CMBA director. I’m[...]
Three Churches Now Meeting on Belmont’s Church Campus
Belmont-Sharing-Worship-Space-WEBDownload Belmont Baptist is a smaller membership church with a big heart for missions and, as it has shown in[...]
A Letter to the CMBA Family of Churches from Rev. Jamie Rogers
Jamie Rogers LetterDownload Jamie Rogers Promo for Churches Download August 22, 2022 Dear CMBA Members, I’m writing to tell you[...]
Robbie McAlister: “God is Sovereignly Doing Something” Through Ukraine
Robbie McAlister-Ukraine-ReportDownload The war in Ukraine and subsequent refugee crises have been leading stories across news platforms for most of[...]
Refugee Resettlement Ministry: Joining the Circle of Welcome
Circle-of-Welcome-August-2022Download “… I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35 The United Nations estimates that of the[...]
New CMBA Executive Director: “I Am Here to Serve”
Rogers-Download CMBA pastors and lay leaders elected Rev. Jamie Rogers as their new Executive Director during a special called meeting[...]
Jamie Rogers Selected as CMBA Executive Director
Rogers RELEASEDownload COLUMBIA – Rev. Jamie Rogers has been named the next Executive Director of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association[...]
Bill Wright Retires After 33 Years in Full-Time Ministry
Bill-Wright-RetirementDownload Rev. Bill Wright will retire from full-time ministry effective June 30, 2022. Bill served on staff with CMBA for[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Buck Williams, Mt. Elon Baptist
Buck-Williams-Mt.-ElonDownload This month’s Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) Member Spotlight is on William “Buck” Williams, member of Mt. Elon Baptist in[...]
George Bullard: Leaving a Mark at CMBA
George-Bullard: Leaving a Mark at CMBADownload As CMBA celebrates the retirement of Executive Director George Bullard on June 30, 2022,[...]
George Bullard: A Ministry Legacy
George-Bullard-A-Ministry-LegacyDownload As CMBA celebrates the retirement of CMBA Executive Director George Bullard on June 30, 2022, readers are invited to[...]
New Roof at GraceChurch of Columbia Evidence of “Kingdom Work”
Grace-Church-Gets-New-RoofDownload Early one recent April morning about 140 Midlands volunteers showed up to reroof GraceChurch of Columbia, located a few[...]
VLC Member Spotlight: Treasurer Brenda Sheets
VLC-Spotlight-Brenda-Sheets-SABCDownload Brenda Sheets, member of St. Andrews Baptist Church, serves CMBA as the 2022 Treasurer. In this role she is[...]
An Important Conversation on Race Relations
Racial Reconcilation Conversation WEBKey leaders with relationships to CMBA, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, the Southern Baptist Convention and Duke[...]
BCM: Church Partners Needed to Reach Students with the Gospel
BCM-MealsDownload CMBA churches looking to engage in local missions and ministry should consider The University of South Carolina Baptist Collegiate[...]
First 2022 VLC Meeting Held at First Baptist Winnsboro
January-2022-VLC-ReportDownload The CMBA Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) met Tuesday, January 18, at First Baptist Winnsboro to conduct business and share[...]
VLC Member Spotlight – Moderator Craig Bailey
Craig-Bailey-FBC-WinnsboroDownload Craig Bailey, pastor of First Baptist Winnsboro, serves CMBA as the Moderator of the association for 2022. In this[...]
MLK Day Speaker Shares Thoughts, Challenges Ahead of Celebration
MLK Day Speaker Shares Thoughts, Challenges Ahead of Celebration Download **Due to Covid-19 pandemic factors, the MLK Day worship celebration[...]
CMBA Partnership with CIU Benefits Churches, Students
CMBA Partnership with CIU Benefits Churches, Students Download CMBA has entered into an official agreement with Columbia International University (CIU)[...]
Refugee Resettlement Ministry: Joining the Circle of Welcome
Refugee Resettlement Download “… I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matthew 25:35The United Nations estimates that of[...]
Now Debt-Free, Beulah Looks to Future Ministry
Oct-Story-1-Beulah-Baptist-WEB Download God performed a miracle through Beulah Baptist. This month the church paid off debt it had carried for[...]
Love Cola Encourages Partnership, Community Ministry
Love Cola Encourages Partnership, Community Ministry Download Love Cola, an organized collaborative ministry across the Midlands, has named October 4-9[...]
2021 CMBA Annual Meeting to Include Locklear Retirement Celebration
2021 CMBA Annual Meeting to Include Locklear Retirement Celebration Download The 2021 CMBA Annual Meeting will be held Thursday, October[...]
What Does the New Open Carry Law Mean for Churches?
Open Carry Download South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster signed the Open Carry with Training Act (formerly House Bill 3094) into[...]
CMBA Executive Director Search Committee Forms, Begins Work
Executive Director Search DownloadThe search committee to replace retiring CMBA Executive Director George Bullard has been named and held its[...]
Q&A with George Bullard
July Story 2 - Q&A with George Bullard WEB Download CMBA Executive Director George Bullard formally announced his intent to[...]
Q&A with Cathy Locklear
July Story 1 - Q&A with Cathy Locklear WEB Download CMBA Ministry Mobilizer Cathy Locklear has announced that she will[...]
Belmont Baptist “Walking Faithfully” in Current Season
Story - Belmont Baptist WEB Download The CMBA family of churches has quite a history together. During a recent Visionary[...]
SC Baptist Foundation Helps Churches Give Generously
June Story 1 - Generous Giving Churches WEB Download The topic of money can be difficult to discuss, including for[...]
Religious “Nothing in Particulars” on the Rise Statistically
May Story 2 - Ryan Burge WEB Download In his new book The Nones, Pastor and Social Scientist Ryan Burge[...]
CMBA Grants Support Two Church Hunger Ministries
Mar 2 Story - Grant Recipients WEB Download Two CMBA churches have applied for and received Our One Priority Congregational[...]
Fred DeFoor Retires After 34 Years at St. Andrews Baptist
Mar-1-Story Fred DeFoor WEB DownloadFred DeFoor has retired after serving 34 years as Minister of Music at St. Andrews Baptist[...]
Roundtable Discussion on Revitalization, Missions
Feb-2-Story-LBC-Roundtable-CMBADownload Lexington Baptist Church (LBC), a CMBA Church Network Connection, recently held a roundtable discussion on church revitalization, replanting, missions[...]
One Ministry Plan Paused as Another Grows at FBC Winnsboro
February Story - FBC Winnsboro - Download First Baptist Winnsboro Pastor Craig Bailey says COVID was the “worst possible thing[...]
A Covenant Congregational Pilgrimage Journey: Woodfield Park
A Covenant Congregational Pilgrimage church could be described as one that has members who desire to remain faithful in ministry[...]
A Grant That Benefits Your Church and Ministry? YES!
CMBA churches are encouraged to investigate grant assistance through the association as they begin to compare ministry plans for a[...]
Victories During the Pandemic
Victories. They are important to celebrate, perhaps even more so during a challenging year. As the CMBA approaches the end[...]
Midlands Leaders Introduced to Mancini’s Future Church
CMBA member and church connection leaders were introduced to former pastor, author and consultant Will Mancini’s latest book Future Church:[...]
CMBA Financial Gift Benefits NYC Association Ministry
Following the sale of the CMBA building in December 2019, the Visionary Leadership Community (VLC) approved gifting a portion of[...]
2020 Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer Observed Nov. 2
CMBA Woman’s Missionary Union and Gethsemane Women’s Auxiliary observed Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer Nov. 2 through a virtual[...]
CMBA Officers Express Thanks for Our Ministry with Churches
The Southern Baptist Convention observes the third week of October as the Week of Prayer for Baptist Associations. Members of[...]
Thankful for Ministers!
Thankful for MinistersDownloadOctober is Minister Appreciation month – what are you doing to show your senior pastor and ministerial staff[...]
CMBA Churches Impacting Communities Despite Unusual Season
Community-Impact-Ministries-2020-WEBDownload COVID-19 may have disrupted weekly church schedules and operations for a time, but it has not dampened the spirit[...]
Covenant Congregational Pilgrimage
Covenant-Congregational-PilgrimageDownload Our One Priority is to start and strengthen congregational expressions to serve as vital and vibrant missional communities. As[...]
20/20 Vision Beyond the Year 2020
20/20-Vision-Year-2021Download The American Academy of Ophthalmology defines “20/20 vision” as having normal visual acuity, or the clarity or sharpness of[...]
When Stress and Ministry Collide
When Stress and Ministry CollideDownload Stress is a predictable experience in life, especially in the age of COVID. Members are[...]
ReGathering and Future Forecasting
ReGathering and Future ForecastingDownload This is the final installment of a three-part series sharing how CMBA churches have planned for[...]
ReGathering Stories: Lessons Learned
ReGathering Stories: Lessons LearnedDownload Across the CMBA churches have implemented similar plans leading to ReGathering, using a phased approach with[...]
ReGathering Stories: Opening Perspectives
ReGathering Stories: Opening PerspectivesDownload As COVID-19-related concerns forced the sudden stop of in-person worship services in March, churches began planning[...]
Ant Frederick: “Serve and Build Trust” for Racial Reconciliation
Ant FrederickDownload Antony “Ant” Frederick is used to talking about race related issues. Growing up in Chester, he and his[...]
Pastors Share Redemptive Responses on Racial Reconciliation
Racial ReconciliationDownload On June 11, several Midlands pastors recorded a virtual dialogue on racial reconciliation that was immediately uploaded to[...]
CMBA Partners Needed for Vietnamese Church Launch
Vietnamese Church PlantDownload CMBA churches have the unique opportunity to partner with a new Vietnamese church plant ready to launch[...]
Riverside Community Church’s Mission to Multiply
Riverside Community ChurchDownload Riverside Community Church, located on Divine Street in the Shandon area near Five Points, has joined the[...]
What’s an Online Campus, and Should Our Church Have One?
Online CampusesDownload Before COVID-19 it may have been hard for many churches to imagine a need for a dedicated online[...]
Thoughts on ReLaunching Congregations During COVID-19
Relaunching CongregationsDownload It is a burning question so many church members are asking these days – when can we all[...]
Churches “Flattening” the Technology Learning Curve
Church Technology Learning CurveDownload As the spread of COVID-19 and its related shutdowns began occurring in mid-March, churches were forced[...]
COVID-19 Financial Assistance Spotlight
COVID-19 Financial AssistanceDownload CMBA churches have access to several avenues for financial ministry assistance in the wake of the COVID-19[...]
“Good Faith” and the CARES Act
CMBA - Cares Act Covid AssistanceDownload Several CMBA churches have applied for funds available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and[...]
In the Midst of Closures, Can a Welcome Ministry Still Operate?
Virtual First ImpressionsDownload Church life looks very different after just a few weeks of physical distancing and an uncertain timeframe[...]
Union Baptist Welcomes Luther Harmon as Pastor
Union BaptistDownload Union Baptist Church officially welcomed Luther Harmon as pastor in January and his installment service followed in early[...]
Village Church at Park Street Launched on February 23rd
Village Park StreetDownload In January 2019, Erik Estep, senior pastor of Village Church in Blythewood, was in downtown Columbia –[...]
Hope Baptist Poised to Reach Growing Community
Hope Baptist ChurchDownload Tim Murr is excited to see God at work in his congregation. He began as pastor of[...]
A New Chapter for the Columbia Metro Baptist Association: Building Sale Funds Future Ministries
CMBA New OfficeDownload Big changes and exciting opportunities are ahead for CMBA in 2020. The Gadsden Street building was sold[...]
Thalia Deaver Retires After 25 Years as Associational Clerk
Thalia DeaverDownload Thalia Deaver has served the Columbia Metro Baptist Association as clerk for 25 years. In her role she[...]
In Fairfield County, Revitalization has an Entirely Different Meaning for Winnsboro First Baptist Church
Craig BaileyDownload In 2016, Craig Bailey was praying about where God might use him next. He had lived and served[...]
WMU Leader Draws from Experience, Passion to Impact Women
Valerie Carter SmithDownload Valerie Carter Smith grew up in a middle-class Long Island family. The day her father unexpectedly abandoned[...]
Families for All Children — Foster Care Pilot
Families for All ChildrenDownload On November 19th Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) conducted a Vision Day Lunch and Speaker where[...]
CMBA, Gethsemane Associations Celebrate Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer
Baptist Women's World Day of PrayerDownload Women from the Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) and the Gethsemane Association met together[...]
Strategic Prayer and Two More Steps are Foundations for Sandy Level’s Evangelism Focus
Chris HanleyDownload About one year ago, Chris Hanley, pastor of Sandy Level Baptist Church in Blythewood, says he felt the[...]
Sharing God’s Love “Behind the Fence”
Sharing God's Love Behind the FenceDownload Where does prison ministry fall on your church’s list of community outreach opportunities? Many[...]
A Heart for Discipleship Drives Pastor Bill Crews at GraceChurch in Columbia
GraceChurchDownload To fully understand Columbia’s GraceChurch, it’s important to look at the church’s softball team playing in a co-ed league[...]
Awaken Church Celebrates 10 Years of Loving the Community
Awaken ChurchDownload When Awaken Church was planted ten years ago in northeast Richland County, its members were committed to engaging[...]
Questions Help Shape Killian Baptist’s Revitalization
Killian Baptist's Revitalization - Chris ReinoldsDownload (Editor’s Note: This is one of a series of articles about pastors who began[...]
God is Remolding North Point Community Church
North Point Community ChurchDownload Pastor Freddy Johnson was called to North Point Community Church five years ago. At its North[...]
Beulah Baptist on Mission – Drilling Fresh Water in Remote Villages, Building Local Relationships
Beulah Baptist On MissionDownload Beulah Baptist Church members love their neighbors, near and far. The church is active in a[...]
After 27 Years and a Church Relocation, Don Brock Has Guided Gateway Into a Vibrant, Accepting Church
Leading Edge Pastor Don BrockDownload Located in an economically, upscale community near a resort lake and with great public education,[...]
Spring Valley Baptist Church Isn’t Robert Winburn’s Only Legacy — All Four Children in Vocational Ministry Families
Leading Edge Pastor -- Winburn FamilyDownload Also see Spring Valley Baptist Embraces Diverse Community, Works Hard to Be a Good[...]
Spring Valley Baptist Embraces Diverse Community, Works Hard to Be a Good Neighbor
Leading Edge Pastor Robert WinburnDownload Also see Spring Valley Baptist Church Isn’t Robert Winburn’s Only Legacy — All Four Children[...]
Koinonia Fosters Community in Eau Claire
Koinonia Fosters Community in Eau ClaireDownload This summer about 50 children from the Eau Claire community are experiencing a six-week[...]
The Value of Partnerships to Ethnic Church Plants
The Value of Partnerships to Ethnic Church PlantsDownload First Haitian Church of Columbia has welcomed new visitors each week since[...]
Alice Drive Baptist Ties Multi-Site with an Emphasis on Making a Good First Impression
Alice Drive - Clay SmithDownload This summer, Clay Smith will celebrate 25 years as the lead pastor at Alice Drive[...]
Robert Grant Provides Church Administration Assistance in New Role
Robert GrantDownload Robert Grant began his work as an Empowering Congregations Ministry Mobilizer with the Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA)[...]
David Waganer Seeks to Empower Congregations
David WaganerDownload The Columbia Metro Baptist Association (CMBA) welcomes David Waganer, an independent contract worker who began his responsibilities as[...]
Alice Drive’s Welcome Ministry Shifts from “What” to “Why”
First Impressions Alice DriveDownload Alice Drive Baptist Church members have welcomed visitors to Sunday worship and at key locations around[...]
The Kingdom Value of First Impressions
The Kingdom Value of First ImpressionsDownload Mary Ann Sibley wants you to feel welcomed and included. Drawing on corporate experience[...]
Wes Church Believes First Baptist Can Leverage Its Unique Historic, Downtown Distinctives
Download this article -- Wes Church Since becoming senior pastor at First Baptist Church, Columbia,[...]
CMBA Moderator Ralphetta Davis Is Inspired by International Missions Experiences
Download this article -- Missional Partnerships -- Ralphetta Davis Columbia native Ralphetta Davis just returned from her second mission trip[...]
Brenda Sheets of St. Andrews Church Takes Annual Medical Missions Trip
Missional Partnerships -- Brenda SheetsDownload https://youtu.be/BjijybF6_Ro Brenda Sheets took her first mission trip to Honduras with St. Andrews Baptist Church[...]
A Church’s Commitment to Church Planting Sharpens an Evangelistic Focus
Download this article -- Multiplying Congregatons -- George Wright In 1907, the First Baptist Church of Columbia watched as the city’s[...]
Back to Basics at FRESH Church in Irmo
Dowload This Article --Multiplying Congregations -- Greg Dowey Karee Richardson says her church is like family. She and her husband[...]
On 20th CMBA Anniversary Locklear Celebrates Relationships with Churches
Download Our Family Story -- Community Impact - Cathy Locklear In 1999, Cathy Locklear and her husband Eric had just welcomed[...]
Church Plants Must Serve in the Community, Connect with People, and Be Involved with Other Churches
In 2001, Erik Estep was serving Fellowship Baptist Church in Lexington, had never thought about church planting, and on this[...]
Midtown Fellowship: Two Notch—A Church Plant in the Inner City to Reach into Poverty
Midtown Fellowship’s downtown Columbia church plant began in 2007 with a Sunday worship gathering and intentional Life Groups to primarily[...]
New BCM Director Brings Relational Approach to Campus Ministry
Download Our Family Story -- Jamie Rogers, BCM Director Jamie Rogers is the new Columbia area Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) director,[...]
Kingdom Work to Continue in Former Church’s Facility
Download Our Family Story -- Eastside Church, 12.14.18 There were tears at Eastside Baptist’s last service held on Dec. 2, but[...]
After 18 Years of Church Planting, Jeff Shipman Says the Future is Focusing on the “Why” Not “How”
Download Our Family Story -- Church Planting - Jeff Shipman, 01.09.19 Jeff Shipman’s goal is not church planting. His goal is[...]
Church Planting is at the Heart of George Bullard’s Ministry
Download Our Family Story -- Church Planting - George Bullard, 11.18 Church planting can work when church planters start churches. But[...]
A Lay Leader’s Hopeful Perspective on Local Church, Associational Work
Buck Williams is hopeful. He’s optimistic about the local church and its ability to share the gospel, and he’s hopeful[...]
Samuel Hernandez’s Winding Road, Listening to the Lord, Led to Bi-vocational Ministry in Columbia
Download this story: Samuel Hernandez, 08.06.18 Samuel Hernandez has been pastor of Columbia’s Iglesia Hispana Dios es Amor for 18 years.[...]
Bill Wright Sees Networking as Essential to 21st Century Kingdom Ministry
Download this story: Bill Wright, 07.03.18 Bill Wright’s South Carolina Baptist roots go deep, serving in local churches and on staff[...]
Moderator Dan Griffin Celebrates the Spirit of Cooperation as CMBA Family Week of Prayer Takes Place May 20-27
Columbia Metro Baptist Churches-in-Association will celebrate the CMBA Family Week of Prayer May 20-27. This annual emphasis is set aside[...]
Temple Zion Baptist Pastor Andre Melvin Oversees Columbia International Prison Program
Listen to the podcast with Rev Andre Melvin, Temple Zion Baptist Church -- https://columbiametro.org/podcast-005/ Andre Melvin, pastor of Temple Zion Baptist[...]
Revitalized Rosewood Church is ‘Evidence of God’s Plan for His Kingdom in Southeast Columbia’
On September 10, 2017 Rosewood Baptist Church in Columbia SC undertook a relaunch and rebranding of the 80-year-old institution. The[...]
St. Andrews Pastor Publishes Devotions for Those Struggling with Depression as He Did
In 2008, things began to change for pastor Ronald “Dee” Vaughan. Ministry had become burdensome, and that was a change[...]
For Andre Rogers, Three Ministry Endeavors Work Together for Kingdom Effectiveness.
Andre Rogers serves as Columbia Metro Baptist Association’s Congregational Multiplication Ministry Mobilizer. He assists with church planting and sometimes with[...]
Crooked Run Baptist Church is a Smaller Membership Church with a Kingdom Sized Vision
Listen to the podcast with Rev. Tommy Hutto, pastor, Crooked Run Baptist Church -- https://columbiametro.org/podcast-003/ Crooked Run Baptist Church, in Fairfield[...]
Concord Baptist Church Serves More Than 500 Monthly with Food, the Gospel, and Encouragement
On the first and third Wednesday of each month, they start arriving about 6:30 a.m., rain or shine, waiting until[...]
Four Smaller Membership Churches Cooperate for One Day Community Impact Event
With a welcome sign at each end, the City of Columbia has formally dedicated Decker Boulevard, a two-mile stretch of[...]