Sunday, June 9, 2019: “A Family Story”: Time for VBS? School is out. Many churches are holding their Vacation Bible School. My unscientific research says that many churches are holding their VBS within two to three weeks after school is out for the summer. Very few wait until July – much less August.
A have heard of a church or two who intentionally wait until the last half of July or the first week of August. Their reasoning is that this is a way to connect with new families who have moved to their area during the summer, and are seeking to make community, school, and even church relationships before the new school year starts. That is not a bad idea if you can get the workers for VBS during those weeks.
Who should VBS reach? The parent or the children? The short answer is “yes.” Or, try this question, “What do you remember about VBS from when you were a kid?”
I remember all the traditional things like the worship services, the flags, saying the pledges – I can still recite them – and memorizing Bible verses. Beyond those traditional things, I most remember the crafts from my growing up years in Baltimore, MD. We had retired men who helped the boys make cool things. Here is the shoeshine kit we made 60 years ago when I was age nine. (I pulled it out of my closet today.) It is almost as good as new except for the stains.
What memories will your VBS create for children and their parents this year? What will they remember and cherish, if anything, 50-60 years from now?