The Bullard Journal for June 26, 2019

Wednesday, June 26, 2019: “A Strategic Insight” Seventh Day Baptists Worship on Saturday. When I was 15 years old my family moved from Baltimore, MD to Philadelphia, PA for my father to serve as the director of the Delaware Valley Baptist Association. His primary focus was to start new Southern Baptist congregations in southeast Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey.

Finding places to meet that were suited for a church and reasonable to rent could be challenging. Occasionally an opportunity arose to start a congregation within the facilities of a Seventh Day Baptist congregation. Seventh Day Baptists — — are a small denomination of Baptists headquartered out of Janesville WI. Their early churches rival the age of many early Baptist churches in New England and the Atlantic provinces of Canada.

Because they worship on the Sabbath – Saturday – their facilities were available on Sundays. Often these relationships where very helpful to both congregations. I even remember one time that we eventually bought a Seventh Day Baptist church building as they were relocating and building a new, larger facility.

All of this to say that there is a Seventh Day Baptist Church in the Columbia metropolitan area. It is meeting in a Baptist church facility and has been for several years. I met the pastor during the past year. He is a graduate of Columbia International University. While he was in seminary, he was an intern at one of our CMBA churches. I was reminded of this relationship today when I had a conversation with the pastor.

Wouldn’t it be great to see this type of sharing of buildings on a different day for worship or even the same day for worship? What a great innovation, and the double and triple use of facilities paid for by tithes and offerings to our Lord.

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer