Does your congregation have an ongoing hunger ministry? If so, your family of congregations would like to encourage your ministry. Your brother and sister congregations would like to provide you with a financial grant to support your ministry.
For information on applying and receiving a grant for your church contact Cathy Locklear at 803.622.0303 or CathyLocklear@ColumbiaMetro.org. Hunger ministry grants are a support service for contributing member churches and church network connections with CMBA.
The funding for these grants comes from the generous contributions by individuals and churches to the Hunger Ministry Fund of CMBA. Typically grants can be made for up to $500. The ideal is for these funds to match funds provided by the church, or clear in-kind services provided by church-sponsored hunger ministry efforts.
Ministry Goal: Support contributing church members and network connection churches in their effort to make a difference in their communities through hunger ministry based on the biblical mandate to demonstrate the love of Christ by helping those in need
Services supported include the following:
- Purchase of food for distribution: This distribution should
intake and interview processes.an include - Education services and materials: These services should focus on and encourage leading individuals to self-sufficiency.
- Establish community gardens: This project will need a plan to ensure ongoing sustainability.
- Church mission project: This could be a one time or ongoing work that relates to hunger and directly benefits the community.
- Approved meal packing event participation: Meal packing organizations set up high energy meal packing events at churches and businesses. Funds will be matched to offset th
e cost of participating in a meal packing project with a host church. - Other
hunger-related projects and services: Submit in writing other services proposed for consideration.