Vision is not about doing the same old things the same old ways and giving them a new name and motto.
Vision is not window dressing. It is not just style. It is substantive, real, new, and innovative content, focus, and direction. It is not dressing up what you have been doing for many years and calling it a new vision from God. That focuses on the past. Vision always focuses on the future towards which God is pulling the congregation.
It is not that the same old things done in the same old ways were wrong or bad. They just highlight the past over the future. While the core substance and spiritual foundation of the gospel proclaimed from the first century forward never changes, the strategies and structures for nurturing and proclaiming the gospel message modulate over time. The style with which the gospel message is proclaimed is in constant flux.
I once heard legendary Christian speaker and writer Len Sweet say he had changed his style of preaching five times during his ministry in response to the changing patterns of succeeding generations of followers of Jesus. Read carefully. These were changes in style, not in the substance of the gospel proclaimed.
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