Advisory Team Celebrates Ministry at Final 2024 Meeting

The CMBA Advisory Team met virtually on November 26 to share ministry updates and conduct business. In addition to actionable items, team members celebrated how God is at work throughout the CMBA Family of Churches in its final meeting of the calendar year.

As of the Advisory Team meeting date, CMBA reports that 33 churches have completed the Annual Church Profile. Team members were reminded of the importance of this data collection as it relates to CMBA missions funding and important larger denominational work. CMBA churches are asked to complete the ACP before the end of the year. Email Kyndra Bremer with ACP questions or login assistance at

Noting the knowledge he’s gaining during his tenure as Associational Missions Strategist, Jamie Rogers said he is identifying the needs of CMBA churches and ways that Huddle members can best serve them. In his report to Advisory Team, Rogers said the CMBA Huddle is also “making connections through some difficult things several of our churches are experiencing.” He reports that, among other recent ministry events and fellowships since the team’s last meeting, he has also coordinated local Disaster Relief assistance following Hurricane Helene.

Team members heard reports from CMBA’s ongoing work with churches that included updates from Church Health and Resources Team Leader David Waganer. Four new pastors have been called by churches in the association, and Waganer is seeing stronger churches walking with struggling churches in CMBA’s revitalization work. An upcoming article and related video recording of a panel discussion on church revitalization was announced as valuable resources to churches, and may be found soon through the CMBA website. Following a report from the quarterly bivocational pastors and wives’ fellowship, Rogers shared that he will have a “more consistent ministry plan to bivocational pastors in 2025.

In other news, CMBA’s partnership with Central Spain continues to move forward with several trips planned in 2025 and Advisory Team members heard an update from Acts 1:8 Team Leader Robbie McAlister about work on the leadership pipeline. Morgan Allen, BCM Director to Benedict College and Allen University, shared about progress in that ministry this year including that it has obtained contact information for 223 students, up from 40 the previous year, and that Allen is seeing students interested in discipleship and plugging in to local churches.

Advisory team members approved a request for Disaster Relief funding from North Trenholm’s chainsaw team to add steps to its trailer. Rogers made a motion that these funds come from a Disaster Relief gift CMBA received from a church partner in Arkansas. Team members approved the motion.

Rogers promoted several upcoming events and opportunities for CMBA leaders and church members, all of which may be viewed on the CMBA website. CMBA pastors are encouraged to attend monthly Forged Together fellowships, and Advisory Team members heard about the January fellowship’s guest speaker Lee Clamp who will share his study findings on pastors who build relationships with lost people. Rogers shared about 2025 CMBA church wide events, including Disciple SC held January 13-14 and the NAMB Serve Tour happening August 22-23.

The next Advisory Team meeting will be held January 21.

About the author 

Julia Bell