Saturday, June 29, 2019: “A Call to Action” An Uncommon Church. Acts 2:41-47 talks about the very early church where the followers of Jesus were not yet known as Christians. These verses present a view of an uncommon church full of people with an extraordinary life. Since the focus of my entire ministry has been on the local congregation, I have always greatly appreciated this passage and drawn much inspiration from it.
A luxury I have as minister serving as a denominational staff person is that I do not have to prepare a weekly sermon as I would if serving as the lead pastor of a congregation. One of the advantages of my situation is that I can continue working on a sermon week-after-week for a season.
During my current season I am working on a sermon about an uncommon church from the foundation of Acts 2:41-47. This Sunday will be the third time I have preached this sermon in the past five weeks. Each time I have added something to it that was not present the first time I preached it.
Over the next seven days I will write about the seven characteristics of the very early church which are the seven points of my message. These are (1) An Uncommon Experience with God’s Word, (2) An Uncommon Life of Fellowship, (3) An Uncommon Prayer Life, (4) An Uncommon Worship, (5) An Uncommon Expectation of the Miraculous, (6) An Uncommon Generosity, and (7) An Uncommon Witness.
Verse 41 talks about the evangelism report from Pentecost when 3,000 souls were added. How many of these were involved in the activities of verses 42-47 we do not know. If it was like the typical mass evangelism event we see today, it was likely not a large percent of these 3,000 souls. And, no one had a house—much less multiple houses—where the people could gather each day. So, who was this congregation of verses 42-47?