Saturday, July 6, 2019: “A Call to Action” An Uncommon Witness. The seventh of at least seven uncommon characteristics of the very early church was an uncommon witness.
The very early church was both a gathered and a scattered church. They were active and faithful witnesses of that which they had experienced. The fruit of their ministry were those the Lord was adding to their number daily as people experienced spiritual salvation.
The modern day church must be intentional about its role as both a gathered and a scattered church. The tendency is to focus more on the gathering than the scattering. It is hard to be a witness without reaching out to non-Christian people. Your witness gets stale if all you do is hang around with Christian people.
It is hard to be a witness if you do not go to places where your encounter non-Christian people and you willingly interact with them. It is hard to be a witness if you do not invite non-Christian people into your home. It is hard to be a witness if you do not invite non-Christian people into your church.
The very early church engaged in scattering activities. Later in the book of Acts — chapter six and verse seven – we read “And the word of God kept on spreading, and the number of the disciples continued to increase greatly.” (Acts 6:7 NASB) I call you to a lifestyle as uncommon witnesses who gather with other Christians for the worship of God, discipleship development, and a renewal of passion for people to come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Further, I call you to a lifestyle as uncommon witnesses who scatter throughout God’s world to tell your story of Jesus to those who need to know and experience Jesus in their lives.