CMBA Prayer Network eNews — February 21, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

CMBA Prayer Network Requests

Please pray for the following requests. Also, share these prayer requests with others in your personal network that these situations might experience the power of many Baptist Christians praying for the opportunities and challenges they face.

1. Pray and rejoice about the launch this Sunday, February 23rd of Village Church at Park Street. Village adopted the Park Street Baptist Church and is launching a new campus. Pray for Jonathan Ruth who will serve as the campus pastor. Pray for Erik Estep who is senior pastor of Village. To provide more information and images to enhance your praying, check out their Facebook Page at, or their website at

2. Pray and rejoice with Belmont Baptist Church who has decided to become a congregation of congregations, also known as a location partnership, where they are offering to share their facilities with other congregations. A fresh spirit is filling Belmont as they prepare for the one or more congregations who might share their facilities. The leadership of one congregation toured their facilities within the past week. Pray that God’s leadership might be clear to both congregations. To provide more information and images to enhance your praying, check out their Facebook Page at

3. Pray for the open door God is providing for a Vietnamese congregation to be started in the CMBA fellowship area among the 6,000+ Vietnamese. Recently a potential pastor and his wife visited Columbia at our invitation to consider moving here to start the congregation. Among the things we are praying for is sponsoring and supporting congregations to step forward who will provide the spiritual, strategic, administrative, and financial support for this new congregation. If your congregation is interested in knowing more about this missional opportunity, please contact George Bullard at or 803.622.0923.

Share the Opportunity to be Part of the CMBA Prayer Network

The CMBA Prayer Network is open to members of CMBA congregations, and people interested in praying for the life and ministry of the almost 100 churches of the Columbia Metro Baptist Association and their missional engagements.

To connect with the CMBA Prayer Network use this link– Or, send you name, e-mail address, telephone number, church, and primary role you have in your church to

Submit a Prayer Request

Perhaps there is an opportunity or challenge in your CMBA church you would like to submit to be prayed for by this network. If so, simply send it in an e-mail to

CMBA reserves the right to review each prayer request and share only those prayer requests which are appropriate for public sharing with the CMBA Prayer Network.

About the author 

Kyndra Bremer