Living into vision involves an intentional disciplemaking process that seeks to help people grow spiritually.
I do not know of any vision from God that does not also invite, urge, and pull disciples forward to a more mature and spiritually deep lifestyle. Disciplemaking, becoming a more fully devoted follower of Christ, goes along with vision and its fulfillment. It must be intentional. It must involve spiritual formation, leadership development, and missional engagement.
By being involved in a disciplemaking process, not only will existing Christian disciples grow in their discipleship, but they will be a natural lifestyle witness to people they encounter in life, and some of these people will be drawn to a meaningful life as Christian disciples. Call this evangelism if you like. Or, call this attraction rather than missional. Or, call it church growth. In any case, it is an authentic overflow of a life committed to being a follower of Jesus.
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