Buck-Williams-Nursing-Home-MinistryDownload Buck Williams is not a reverend, nor does he pastor a church. He is not a music

First-Myanmar-Baptist-dedicationDownload The First Myanmar Baptist Church held a dedication service on Sunday, February 5. The CMBA-member church is

January-2023-ATeam-ReportDownload The CMBA Administrative Team met Tuesday, January 17, at Beulah Baptist Church to conduct business and share

Spotlight-Cameron-DeBrew, Beulah BaptistDownload Cameron DeBrew is the Lead Pastor of Beulah Baptist in Hopkins. He currently serves on

December-Salvations-BaptismsDownload Each time a lost person prays to accept Christ, there is cause for celebration. Salvations are occurring

November-2022-Admin Team ReportDownload The CMBA Administrative Team, formerly known as the Visionary Leadership Community (VLC), met Tuesday, November